South African womens protest

South Africa: Prospects for a new Left

Amandla! Collective — Where is the Left? The Left exists. It is present in many of today’s struggles. But over time it has become quite marginal and isolated. A rebirth of the Left needs to start with coming to terms with this reality.

Jeyakumar Devaraj (PSM): A new political culture for Malaysia

Jeyakumar Devaraj — With state elections just around the corner, this is a good time to delineate the main features of the new political culture that the Socialist Party of Malaysia is trying to promote.
ILO’s Global Wage Report

Wages, productivity and the rate of exploitation: Some concrete examples

Michael Pröbsting — The latest edition of the ILO’s Global Wage Report contains a number of interesting figures which demonstrate how the bosses are offloading the consequences of the capitalist crisis on the shoulders of the working class.
Donald Trump

Law and bonapartism in US politics

Sam Williams — The economic contradictions of the capitalist system are coming to a head.
Boris Kagarlitsky

(Statements) Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky! Freedom for all Russian political prisoners!

A continuously updated collection of statements from Russia and around the world in solidarity with Russian Marxist and anti-war activist Boris Kagarlitsky, currently being held in a Russian pre-trial detention centre and facing the possibility of up to seven years’ jail if found guilty of the trumped-up charge of “justifying terrorism”.
Phillipines between China and US

Sonny Melencio (Party of the Labouring Masses, Philippines): ‘We oppose the US and China’s preparations for war’

Sonny Melencio discusses the current state of global imperialism, the looming threat of a US-China war and what approach the left should take to regional peace, security and anti-imperialist solidarity.
False narrative

India: Debunk the false narrative of Modi's 'foreign policy success'

Dipankar Bhattacharya — Far developing India into a stronger democracy and powerful voice for global justice, peace and planetary survival, the Modi government is pushing India into a state of strategic dependence on the US and its western allies.
Joey Ayoub

Joey Ayoub: 'The fall of Putin's regime could lead to the collapse of Assad and the Iranian regime'

Joey Ayoub shares his optics on how anti-imperialist international solidarity is possible, explains the context of struggles of people from his region why it is important to support Ukraine, despite the contradictory civilisational approach of Ukrainian leaders.
Demonstration in London in April. Photo from Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

Governments are reinforcing fossil fuels’ power. We need to build alliances against it

Simon Pirani — Although the disruption to oil and gas markets is real enough, this “energy crisis” is also in some respects a mirage that serves corporate power.
Chavez socialism

Is socialism still on Venezuela's horizon?

In a hypothetical therapy session, Andreína Chávez looks at how the Venezuelan government could deal with traumatic events and focus on the path forward.
Plan Pueblo a Pueblo food distribution activity at Mateo Liscano School, Quibor, Venezuela. Photo by Gerardo Rojas.

‘Where danger lies…’: The communal alternative in Venezuela

Chris Gilbert — To frame the ecological promise of Venezuela’s communal project, it is useful to consider some of its main features, and contrast them with the capital system.
Jorge Costa

Portugal’s Left Bloc: ‘We provide a solid political reference point to the workers and social movements’

In this wide-ranging interview, Jorge Costa of Portugal's Left Bloc covers developments in Portuguese politics under the Socialist Party government, the rise of the far right Chega!, relations with the Portuguese Communist Party, and challenges facing the party as it returns to growth with an influx of a generation of younger activists.