Spain: Rising United Left tackles new challenges

In June 2013, the United Left trailed ju

Open letter to President Dilma Rousseff from Brazil’s social movements; A succinct report from the MST

In the midst of the largest street demonstrations Brazil has seen in decades, some of the country’s most important social movements – including the Movem

First reflections on the mass movement that has shaken Brazil

 More than 1 million people protested across Brazil – in at least 80 cities – on June 20.

Luke Cooper: Reply to Paul Le Blanc

This is a response to Paul Le Blanc's reply to Luke Cooper's "Debating

Debating 'Leninism': a reply to Paul Le Blanc

Paul Le Blanc. Photo by Alex Bainbridge.

Evo y Maduro cierran filas en defensa de la unión regional: Respuesta del Alba

Nicolás Maduro y Evo Morales encabezaron un acto organizado por movimientos sociales, sindicales y obreros en apoyo a Venezuela y la Revolución Bolivariana en Cochabamba. Foto: AVN.

[Haga clic aquí para más artículos en español.]

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Australia: History, strategy and revolutionary unity

Photo by Alex Bainbridge.

The following talk by Socialist Alternative member Jorge Jorquera was presented on June 9, 2013, part of the panel on “Socialism in practice: Bridging socialist theory and social movement struggles” with Socialist Alliance’s Dave Holmes. It was a session of the “Organising for 21st century socialism” seminar organised by Socialist Alliance and held in Sydney on June 8-9. The seminar also featured US socialist Paul Le Blanc. See also Dave Holme's contribution, "How should a united socialist party work?"

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By Jorge Jorquera

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Invariably some comment on the current period is a good place to start any conversation on the left. Both Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance generally concur on the basic contours of the Australian political situation.