VI Ecosocialist Meeting

Towards the VI International Ecosocialist Meeting

Maria Elena Saludas — On 9, 10 and 11 May 2024, the VI International Ecosocialist Meeting and the I Latin American and Caribbean Ecosocialist Meeting will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Russian Socialist Movement foreign agent

Socialism outlawed? On the declaration of the Russian Socialist Movement as a ‘foreign agent’

On April 5, 2024, the Russian Socialist Movement was declared “foreign agent.” Ilya Budraitskis, Kirill Medvedev and Sasha Davydova look at the history of the movement.
CPAC Bolsonaro

Extreme rights 2.0: A big global family

Steven Forti — From Spain’s Vox to Argentina’s Javier Milei, the forces of the new far right don’t resurrect historical fascism. But they are the greatest threat to democracy today.
Hanna Gedin

Hanna Gedin (Left Party, Sweden): ‘We need to give people hope’

An interview with Hanna Gedin from the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) on the priorities and challenges of the Swedish Left ahead of the European elections.
iran missile

The Middle East on a knife-edge: The US, Israel, Iran, and Palestine

Joseph Daher — This is the most significant conflict between Israel and Iran to date, and one that sets a precedent for even greater hostilities in the future.
Gaza destruction

Palestine’s fate in light of the onslaught on Gaza

Gilbert Achcar — The best “solution” that could result from the Zionist ongoing genocidal war is worse than what existed before it, and certainly worse than what appeared on the horizon following the Oslo deal.
Strike for Palestine

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions - Gaza Strip: Strike for Palestine this May Day and Nakba Day (plus: ‘International solidarity among trade unions is paramount in the struggle for a free Palestine’)

This May Day and Nakba Day, we, the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions - Gaza, urgently appeal to our brothers and sisters in the international trade union movement to take a stand in solidarity with Palestine.
gaza encampment

United States: The students’ movement for Palestine needs everyone

All across the country, students are rising up against Israel’s genocidal war. Caitlyn Clark provides a report from the week in New York City, plus how to bring in organized labor.
Jeyakumar Devaraj

The Socialist Party of Malaysia’s counter-hegemonic narrative

Jeyakumar Devaraj — The PSM have come to see that Gramsci’s analysis of society speaks to our predicament.
new imperial order

Prelude to a new imperial order?

Todd Gordon & Jeffery R Webber — The immediacy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine alongside the emergence of China as a potential global power has changed the debate on imperialism.
Graph 1

Michael Roberts: Further thoughts on the economics of imperialism

Michael Roberts — Imperialism can be quantified in economic terms: it is the persistent transfer of surplus value to the rich countries from the poorest countries of the world. This process developed some 150 years or so ago and remains. 
Max Chandler-Mather outside federal parliament

Max Chandler-Mather: ‘With long term planning and more organisation, we can change people’s lives’

Max Chandler-Mather reflects on the Brisbane Greens community-based strategies, along with broader issues such as Palestine and last year’s referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.