Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser: Envisioning a path to a mature left that can meet the demands of the present crisis

Nancy Fraser — Progressive neoliberalism and reactionary populism are locked in a series of sham battles. The left's challenge is to develop a class-based strategy that competes effectively with both.
Nancy Fraser Michael Probsting Leila Khaled

Speaking out for Palestine is not a crime!

Leila Khaled, Michael Pröbsting and Nancy Fraser, all of whom have been recently interviewed by LINKS, are facing repression due to their support for Palestine.
Filipino worker

Imperialist expropriation, global care chains and shifting core-periphery boundaries: An interview with Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser looks at how transfers of natural wealth and care fit within modern imperialism, the role expropriation continues to play in capital accumulation, and the increasingly blurred nature of core-periphery boundaries under financialised capitalism.