Socialist Alliance

Socialist Alliance (Australia): End the hypocrisy on Iran; stop Israel’s war on Palestine
Socialist Alliance condemns Israel and its Western allies, including Australia, for their role in escalating conflict in the Middle East.

Asian left: Stop the Turkish and Iranian war against the Kurds
Parties from across the Asia-Pacific have issued the following joint statement in response to the attacks by Turkey and Iran on Kurdish communities.

Asian left in solidarity with mass protests in Iran
A collection of statements by left parties in Asia in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) new Strategic Concept document, adopted at the Madrid Summit at the end of June, is the imperialists’ attempt to giv

Socialist Alliance (Australia): Russia out of Ukraine, No to NATO
Socialist Alliance - Socialist Alliance condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine. The war violates international law and is a catastrophe for people in both countries. We recognise the right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination free from all foreign interference.

Statements: Free Walden Bello!
Statements and news on the arrest of Walden Bello.