South Africa: 'The conflict in COSATU is about its political direction'

Zwelinzima Vavi.
Statement by the Democratic Left Front, South Africa
July 29, 2013
1. Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi [secretary general of the Congress of South African Trade Unions, COSATU] has handed his opponents a Samurai sword to behead him. Allegations of rape and extra-marital sex* with a junior employee are serious. These allegations have to be investigated regardless of our strong suspicions that they are being used by supporters of the [Jacob Zuma, president of South Africa and on the ruling African National Congress,] faction in COSATU to get rid of a hated independently minded critic of government policy. The workers’ movement must be seen to always act in defence of women particularly in South Africa where the violence, abuse and rape of women is completely out of hand.
2. Vavi's opponents are trying to bring charges of financial impropriety and political misleadership against him. This is because he has been outspoken against the Zuma government’s continuity with neoliberalism, corruption and cronyism. He has also been a critic of South African Communist Party (SACP) general secretary Blade Nzimande for sacrificing the SACP’s independence. He has also angered the party elite by working more closely with civil society formations.
3. COSATU’s Central Executive Committee has been virtually paralysed by accusations and counter-accusations. An independent commission was set up to investigate these. Up until now it appeared as if making the accusations against Vavi stick would be difficult. Now the plot to rid COSATU of Vavi and deliver the federation to mainstream ANC Alliance politics without seeking a mandate from the members of COSATU has become more likely.
4. We believe it is unfortunate that the conflict in COSATU, which is fundamentally about the political direction of the movement and its independence is being played out through the person of Vavi and in the process the political issues have become obscured.
5. A paralysed and divided COSATU is a god-send to the bosses who have launched a massive onslaught against workers. Mine and farm workers are under attack for daring to fight for a living wage. Workers in the public sector are facing the threat of wage compression as advocated in the National Development Plan. Labour brokers and e-tolls further threaten the position of workers. A united, militant and politically independent COSATU is crucial for the defence of working-class interests as we approach 20 years of post-apartheid rule. Over the last two decades unemployment has doubled, South Africa has become the most unequal country in the world and there has been a massive loss of wages to profits in the national accounts.
COSATU is at the crossroads not because of Vavi’s so-called misdemeanors but because the alliance with the ANC has not delivered the better life for workers that the end of apartheid promised. COSATU hoped by backing Zuma against [former president Thabo] Mbeki there would be a fundamental change in policy. This, now clearly, was a failed strategy. Vavi and a number of affiliates now recognise this and threaten the continuity of the ANC Alliance under the Zuma-Nzimande faction. Moreover, Vavi and his allies have dared to confront corruption not just in high government office but within the union movement itself. This has outraged compromised leaders of COSATU affiliates who have now turned their daggers towards Vavi’s back.
6. The time is ripe for decisive action to cleanse COSATU of in-fighting and bad behaviour among the leadership and restore the militancy of COSATU’s first decade. The rank and file of COSATU need to have the opportunity to speak their voice. If the haemorrhaging of COSATU is to stop and possibly prevent a major split in the federation, worker leadership, democracy and accountability must be restored. Power must be cascaded to the members and away from over-paid bureaucrats.
7. The Democratic Left Front believes that in light of the current situation it is urgent for COSATU to call a special congress where the political direction of the federation can be debated. Workers must be given the opportunity to elect a new leadership and based on the outcome of the investigation into the rape charges Vavi can be cleared or appropriately charged.
Zuma faction poised to split Cosatu
Zuma faction poised to split Cosatu (Open letter to Cosatu members)
By Liv Shange 19 July 2013
Working Class Unity Threatened – Time to re-unite under the banner of struggle, solidarity and socialism
Dear Comrades,
We write to you and all trade-union, community and student activists because the current developments in Cosatu, after the seismic events of the Marikana massacre – the most significant political development in the post-Apartheid period — mark a decisive turning point in the history of the federation with implications not just for Cosatu members, but for the wider working class. In this letter WASP shares with you its analysis of the political and ideological basis of the split in the Cosatu leadership and calls on you to draw the lessons of these developments. The mining industry is the first battleground, with the bosses threatening massive retrenchments. It is but the first assault in a total onslaught as the capitalists try to make the working class pay for the crisis of their system. We need to restore working class unity in order to mount a counter-offensive against capitalism as it undergoes the worst crisis in nearly 100 years, to bring about the socialist transformation of society.
In order to prepare a united resistance against the coming attacks, WASP calls for a conference at a date to be announced, for the reunification of working class struggle and the re-establishment of an ideological, political and organising centre of working class struggle. The meaning of the investigation into Vavi
The investigation into the allegations against Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi poses the gravest threat to the unity of the federation since its birth 28 years ago. As a result of the decisive role Cosatu played in the defeat of the apartheid regime, the federation has acquired a specific political weight which for a long time has given the federation an influence far greater than its numerical size. Cosatu is looked to for leadership by the broader working class and even the middle class well beyond its organisational boundaries. Participation in general strikes called by Cosatu has consistently exceeded its actual membership. The outcome of this factional struggle therefore has implications for the working class as a whole.
There have been campaigns directed at individual leaders before, but none with implications as serious as this one. The motives of Vavi’s political assassins are betrayed by the fact that they are rejecting calls for a special congress. They wish to deny the rank-and-file a say in the matter and rely on their built-in majority at the top in the central executive committee to carry out a palace coup. So serious are the divisions that there is now a real prospect of a split. We are now witnessing a power struggle that threatens the very existence of Cosatu itself.
Comrade Vavi is correct to offer his full cooperation with the investigation. Given the courageous stand he has taken against corruption, and his stature within Cosatu and in the wider labour movement, should he be found guilty of corruption, it would do irreparable harm not only to his personal reputation, but to that of Cosatu itself. He would deservedly have to be removed as general secretary.
We hold no brief for comrade Vavi. If he is guilty, the workers’ movement would be better off by making an example of him to demonstrate that no-one can be allowed to besmirch the noble traditions of working class struggle with impunity.
But we should not be fooled. This investigation is not intended to expose corruption. Those howling with the wolves against Vavi include leaders around whom swirls the stench of corruption in their own unions. This investigation is in fact more than just an attempt at dealing a factional blow against Vavi and those seen as against Zuma, but to silence criticism of corruption, weaken Cosatu and to overcome working class resistance to the ANC’s capitalist policies. Emboldened by the crushing victory over those who favoured ‘AbZ’ (Anyone but Zuma) in the run up to Mangaung, the Zuma-faction wishes to extend its dominance in the ANC over the federation itself. The purging of Nehawu deputy general secretary Suraya Jawooeien is a clear demonstration of the right wing’s intent. The Zuma faction has grown tired of repeatedly being rebuffed on key questions of the class agenda they are sworn to uphold on behalf of the ruling capitalist elite whose interests the ANC as a whole consciously represents.
The NDP – the latest right-turn by the capitalist ANC
After successfully off-loading the Freedom Charter, the ANC leadership has consistently driven the party further and further to the right culminating at Mangaung with the renunciation of nationalisation, the renewal of the ANC’s vows with neo-liberal capitalism in the form of NDP, Gear’s latest reincarnation, and a raft of repressive apartheid legislation such as the Secrecy Bill now awaiting Zuma’s signature, the Traditional Courts Bill and its companions, the retention of the National Key Points Act and the doctrine of common purpose. At every moment of acute class conflict the anti-working class impulses of the ANC leadership have expressed themselves in attempts at curbing the power of organised labour. Despite the sudden about turn in the parliamentary portfolio committee on the amendments to the labour laws, inspired by election fears, proposals such as pre-strike balloting and the designation of a range of public services as essential services, are regularly put forward by government as they have been by Eskom in this year’s wage negotiations.
It is a bitter irony of history that the faction which, after Mangaung, has now consolidated its grip on the commanding heights of the ANC and Tripartite Alliance, was brought to power in Polokwane by the very forces it now seeks to crush. Having expelled self-styled kingmaker, former ANC Youth League president Julius Malema, the Zuma faction now wishes to despatch a far more formidable and politically significant critic into the political wilderness.
It would be a serious mistake, however, to believe that these manoeuvres are personal. The tendency within the Tripartite Alliance to single out individuals for criticism for what in fact are ANC policies, has the effect of protecting the ANC as a whole from criticism. In too many cases it is consciously calculated this way. It may be true that Gear for example was developed behind the backs of ANC members and even its national leadership structures and implemented by Mbeki’s cabal in 1996 before being presented to the ANC’s 1997 Mafeking conference as an accomplished fact. But Mafeking nevertheless endorsed Gear, giving it the status of official ANC policy.
The NDP on the other hand was not hidden from the ANC. Its architects include Cyril Ramaphosa elected ANC deputy president at Mangaung. Yet the vicious attack on Trevor Manuel by Nehawu president Fikile Majola, for example, have included the ridiculous suggestion that Manuel holds personal responsibility for the neo-liberal policies implemented during his tenure as Finance Minister. Manuel was part of a cabinet put together by Mbeki, a president elected by ANC members at their conference and installed into the position of the country’s president by an ANC dominated parliament. Manuel neither installed himself as head of the Planning Commission, nor forced the National Development Plan down the throats of the Mangaung delegates. By denouncing the NDP as DA policy, Numsa general secretary comrade Ivin Jim, is in fact denouncing the ANC’s Mangaung conference as a whole which unanimously adopted the NDP as ANC policy for embracing DA policies.
The class character of the Zuma administration
We would be entirely mistaken to view these developments as merely the latest battle in an on-going factional war. No less than in the pre-Polokwane period, the current factional divisions remain an indirect expression of the polarisation between the classes that have sharpened immeasurably especially over the last six month of Zuma’s first term of office as ANC president. What events since Polokwane have revealed is the real class character of the Zuma administration and of the ANC as a party. In terms of economic policy there is no fundamental difference between the Mbeki and Zuma administrations.
What has changed are the politico-organisational boundaries of the factional divisions. In replacing the Mbeki faction, the Zuma faction has used its overwhelming majority to snuff out all semblance of ideological contestation within the ANC. Opposition to the ANC’s capitalist polices have been shifted to the margins, confined to Cosatu, and even then from only a section of the Cosatu leadership of which comrades Vavi and Jim are the most vocal.
The new ANC unity under Zuma, founded as it is on a common commitment to self-enrichment, cannot last despite the size of his faction’s majority. It can last long enough, however, not just to serve the corrupt elite around Zuma, but to serve the purpose of capital of weakening and dividing the working class. Should they succeed in ousting Vavi the possible break-up of Cosatu without any alternative to re-unite the working class would be s serious setback to the working class.
Marikana – the most shameful in Cosatu’ history
The plot against Vavi is not simply the spontaneous combustion of anti-working class sentiment that finds its sharpest expression in the Zuma-faction. The inflammable material that could start a conflagration that would consume Cosatu has been built into Cosatu’s foundation as a result of the ideological degeneration that has occurred over the entire post-apartheid period.
It is taking place against the background of what is undoubtedly the most shameful chapter in Cosatu’s history. The Marikana massacre, the worst atrocity against the working class since the defeat of the 1944 miners’ strike and, because it was carried out by a democratic government, worse than the Sharpeville massacre, passed by without even a peep of protest by Cosatu leadership while many of you had been outraged. The Cosatu that was born in 1985 would have responded to the massacre with at least a one-day general strike, and followed it up with a campaign for the election of a workers government on a socialist programme.
Instead, shockingly, certain Cosatu leaders, (mis)led by the SACP, regurgitated the anti-working class bile of this ideologically degenerate Stalinist party whose main role is to confuse the working class by dressing up the ANC’s capitalist policies in socialist clothing. Not only did these SACP echoes in Cosatu denounce the Lonmin workers’ victory, they condoned the massacre by the police. Even worse, under the cover of its “hands off the NUM campaign”, Cosatu’s Zuma faction organised mass action to “reclaim Rustenburg from the hands of counter-revolutionaries.” These leaders were prepared, in other words, to instigate worker-on worker conflict, to shed workers’ blood to force mineworkers back into the political concentration camp of the treacherous NUM leadership.
Comrades Vavi’s trenchant criticism of corruption, his steadfast opposition to e-tolling and his call for accountability must be supported as is comrade Jim’s denunciation of the NDP as a neo-liberal policy. But for these comrades to place themselves on the right side of history, to revive Cosatu’s militant socialist traditions and to re-unite the working class, they must come to terms with this political reality: that the ANC is incurably, irreversibly capitalist. The ANC’s allegiance to the capitalist ruling class has over a period of 19 years been manifest in the abandonment of the Freedom Charter, the adoption of Gear and its successive reincarnations the latest of which is the NDP. Now it is written in the blood of the martyrs of Marikana. Cosatu has no place in an alliance with the butchers of Marikana.
Lessons not learned
Unfortunately, comrades Vavi and Jim are in denial about the class character of the ANC. They continue to pledge their loyalty to the ANC and probably will once again campaign for it in the 2014 elections. This decision unfortunately suggests that these comrades have learned nothing from the Zuma administration’s particular character, its first term record, the ANC’s post-apartheid history, or indeed from the ANC’s social and political origins. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Comrades Vavi and Jim must accept partial responsibility for the Zuma faction’s ascendancy within Cosatu. The deal struck at the Cosatu congress – to support Zuma to avoid a challenge against Vavi for the position of general secretary – was a bargain with the devil. Like Faust, the figure from German folklore, who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for favours, comrade Vavi and his supporters agreed to support Zuma to hold onto his position.
It would have been much better to have taken on the challenge even if it meant defeat. Vavi would have emerged from such a battle with his reputation enhanced and his principles intact. If the comrades believed that this was the best way to avert a split, then they are grievously mistaken. It has had the opposite effect. Their action has been interpreted as weakness. Weakness always invites aggression. Far from avoiding a split as the comrades may have believed, the capitulation of the comrade Vavi and his supporters has merely accelerated the process towards a split that now appears more and more inevitable.
Neoliberal policies on ANC conference
Even worse, having been force-marched by the Zuma faction into occupying positions on the ANC National Executive Committee, Cosatu is now facing the prospect of its general secretary and his supporters being rewarded for their loyalty to Zuma with a witch-hunt by Zuma’s political kits konstabels led by Nzimande and Dlamini. The Cosatu comrades have been elevated onto the ANC NEC at what is arguably the most right-wing conference in its history – a conference that endorsed e-tolling and the youth wage subsidy, adopted the neo-liberal National Develop Plan and was so determined to ingratiate itself with capital at home and abroad that they not only officially rejected nationalisation but removed the very word ‘nationalisation’ from its economic policy documents. Most tellingly of all, the conference even failed to observe a minute’s silence for the victims of the worst massacre since Sharpeville.
The federation has now gone beyond the mere endorsement of the ANC as a leader of the Tripartite Alliance. It is now an active participant in the governance of the country on the basis of capitalist policies. These comrades are not there merely to decorate the ANC NEC. They are there to provide political credibility to the ANC’s capitalist policies, to retro-actively endorse the Marikana massacre, and weaken resistance to the ANC’s anti-working class policies.
The first item the ANC will place on its Cosatu fellow NEC members’ agenda will be e-tolling followed by mass retrenchment in the mining industry and wage freezes in the public sector. The timing of the witch-hunt against Vavi appears very much to be based on the government’s determination to press ahead with e-tolling come what may. Dlamini/Slovo and company will have to earn their place on the ANC NEC by rendering Cosatu’s opposition to e-tolling ineffectual. Pre-occupied by the witch-hunt and preparation for a possible special congress, Cosatu will be divided and paralysed, clearing the way for yet another assault on the living standards of the working and middle classes.
Comrade Vavi’s personal decision to decline nomination to the ANC NEC, however courageous, unfortunately does not alter the reality that Cosatu now bears direct political responsibility for the ANC government’s policies. It merely confirms the extent of the political and ideological disorientation within the Cosatu leadership that two entirely incompatible positions on participation in ANC structures can co-exist. Vavi‘s reward is a witch-hunt that could end his political career. But the biggest casualties will be the working class against whom the Zuma faction’s all-out war against Cosatu’s left wing is ultimately directed.
Union business and corruption
It is a mistake, however, to lay all the blame for the crisis in Cosatu at the door of the ANC. Comrades Vavi and Jim’s capitulation on the political plane is merely the mirror image of the Cosatu leadership’s compromises in workplace struggles. The compromises with capitalism have resulted in the proliferation of union investment companies which have not only severely undermined the unions’ ability to effectively fight the bosses on behalf of their members. It has led to the emergence of trade union millionaires who increasingly see the world through the eyes of the bosses. Greed and corruption have followed inevitably as is shown by the scandals in Ceppwawu, Sactwu and Popcru with millions of workers’ savings being squandered.
The Sactwu leader’s decision to accept an entry level wage lower than the already paltry minimums two years ago on the basis that it will lead to job creation has exposed the naivety that flows from the idea that capitalism does not need to be abolished – that it can be reformed until it ultimately serves the interests of the working class. Far from any jobs being created, the bosses attempted to use the agreement to step up their campaign to cripple centralised bargaining, taking legal action to stop the extension of collective agreements across the clothing and textile industry and beyond.
Previously the Cosatu leadership took shelter under the mistaken idea that union investments are acceptable provided they do not invest in the industries they organise. Now even this fig leaf has been discarded. The Numsa leadership has justified buying a stake in Scaw Metals on the basis that it will enable them to influence investment decisions elevating the union into partnership with the bosses. Even more brazenly, the NUM has partnered the Chamber of Mines in the ownership of Teba Bank whose primary clients are NUM’s own members. Is it any wonder that NUM spokesperson Lesiba Leshoka appealed to mineworkers not to make “excessive” wage demands. As bankers, NUM needs clients who don’t earn enough to make a living to profit from workers borrowing to top up their income.
Capitalist economy in crisis
It is vital that we take urgent steps to prepare for the escalation in the class war that is on the horizon. There are dark storm clouds gathering over the SA economy with the Rand in particular facing threats from different directions. For the first time since 1994, SA’s credit rating has been downgraded. The IMF has just revised SA’s economic growth prospects for 2013 downwards. The country has a growing budget deficit and current account deficit. The Rand, one of the most volatile currencies in the world, is being propped up by inflows of hot money with investors exploiting SA’s relatively high interest rates by borrowing in low interest rate environments and investing in SA. Despite this the Rand is experiencing the fourth exchange rate shock since 2000 and is declining steadily.
Furthermore, SA bond ratings have been downgraded to one level above junk status. Any further downgrade could lead to a flight of capital threatening the Rand with collapse. To prevent a total collapse, the Reserve Bank would be forced to increase interest rates significantly. This would mean a complete reversal of the strategy the authorities have been using since the SA economy was hit by the world economic crisis. This strategy has entailed trying to stimulate economic growth through low interest rates. This strategy has resulted at best in very weak growth. It has failed to bring down consumer debt levels significantly with average household debt remaining above 75% of annual household income. Higher interest rates would lead to defaults on debt repayments for cars, houses and consumer goods and increased joblessness. It would have catastrophic consequences for the economy and the working class aggravating unemployment, inequality and poverty – the triple scourges the government has pledged to address.
We won’t pay for the crisis!
In line with their international counterparts, SA’s capitalist ANC government is forced to make the working class pay for the crisis of their masters’ system. At some point the current policy of attacks by stealth – withdrawing from collective agreements to increase pay of particular categories of workers in the education and safety and security sectors – will be replaced by an all-out attack involving possible wage freezes and retrenchments for public sector workers. The tactic of multi-year agreements in the public sector and local government is calculated to prevent workers from taking action to defend themselves from an erosion of living standards as wages remain low and the cost of living increases through escalating fuel, electricity, transport and food prices.
The public sector workers will be firmly in the firing line with growing calls by the bosses for government to rein in the allegedly unaffordable public sector wage bill. With Cosatu leaders sitting on the ANC NEC and taking joint responsibility for the management of the budget and the economy, they would be obliged to support attacks on their own members’ wages and conditions and prevent any resistance. Dlamini and Majola, president and general secretary of Nehawu respectively, would have to play the same role in the public sector as the NUM did in the mining industry – to betray their members.
Nor have we seen the end of the betrayals of the NUM leadership. They accept the world economic crisis as a kind of natural phenomenon over which no-one has any control and for which no-one can be held responsible. Therefore they have no strategy to deal with the mass retrenchments the mining bosses are planning. Having been in the forefront of the campaign for the ANC to abandon nationalisation, they are like army generals preparing for battle by throwing away their most important weapons.
So deep is the crisis in Cosatu that there is hardly an affiliate that is not racked by corruption and factionalism. Unfortunately, even some the left comrades in Cosatu haven’t yet overcome the illusion that a solution within the framework of capitalism is possible.
Many of our comrades have drawn the same conclusions as the mineworkers – that to be able to fight the bosses effectively, there is no alternative but to step outside the official unions and to organise independently. Unless an alternative centre of working class unity and resistance is organised, this would deal a severe blow to workers’ unity and our ability to resist the offensive the bosses are preparing against the working as the crisis of capitalism deepens. What is at stake, in other words, is not the fate of one individual’s career, but the ability of the working class to unite in the face of the attacks the bosses and their government are preparing.
A Programme of Action
The most acute expression of the paralysing effect of Cosatu’s membership in the Tripartite Alliance is that it has abdicated its responsibility as the coordinating centre of working class struggle that characterised its early years. Then, the struggles in the workplace and community were linked through Cosatu locals. Now many locals are implementing structures for ANC policies and forums for the discussion of business opportunities for tenderpreneurs. Unsurprisingly, Cosatu has stood aside as escalating service delivery protests have made SA the protest capital of the world. The same applies to the struggle of working class students against academic and financial exclusion, unaffordable tuition and accommodation fees.
The most immediate threat facing the working class is the mass retrenchments on the mines. Yet the Cosatu leadership has been pre-occupied with attempting to re-establish the NUM’s supremacy in the mines and imposing it on mineworkers who have rejected it. Instead of uniting the working class the Cosatu’s Zuma-faction dominated leadership has divided it. As the “Hands off the NUM” campaign shows, they are prepared to go to the extent of setting worker upon worker in the mining industry. The NUM, despite their radical posturing in the current wage negotiations, spent the period of the ebb that followed last year’s struggles not only completing the process of disarming the union by leading the campaign to abandon nationalisation at Mangaung, but supporting the re-election of Zuma and joining the executive of the very ANC responsible for the Marikana massacre.
In calling for a conference of the left attended by delegates from workplaces in and outside all federations and unions – the organised as well as the unorganised — student and working class communities we should, following the example of the mineworkers – call for the establishment of independent committees of struggle, linked together to unite the working class within each arena of struggle and across them around a common programme of action to:
* fight retrenchments on the mines through preparing a general strike and putting forward the demand for nationalisation of the mines under the democratic control and management of the working class
* set up committees of action linking motorists, communities and trade unions to resist the implementation of fuel increases and e-tolling
to set up rank-and-file committees in the workplace to hold shop stewards and trade union structures to account around the policy of the election subject to the right of immediate recall
* for the income of all officials to be based on the average income of skilled workers
* for the dissolution of all UNION investment companies
* for these committees to link up with communities and students to demand the scrapping of rent, electricity and rates arrears; for decent affordable housing and transport; the scrapping of all student debt, for free education and health services; unite against evictions, water- and electricity cut-offs.
* for a national campaign involving unions and community organisations for a minimum wage of R12.500
* for a reduction in the working week without loss of pay and for the nationalisation of the commanding heights of the economy under workers control and managements
* for a socialist SA and a socialist world.…
Trade union support for Vavi
NUMSA General Secretary Irvin Jim's response to ANC Deputy Secretary
General Jessie Duarte's City Press column on COSATU's Zwelinzima Vavi
Tuesday August 06, 2013
Comrade Jessie Duarte wrote to the City Press, "Don't mask exploitation
with claims of conspiracy", Sunday August 05, 2013, in reference to the
allegations of sexual harassment against Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi,
general secretary of Cosatu. The accuser has since dropped the charge
at Cosatu. Comrade Duarte makes several very serious unfounded and
defamatory accusations against Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi. These
accusations actually border on criminal libel.
She accuses Vavi of engineering an abusive power relationship with the
female colleague by fraudulently employing her in expectation of sexual
favours in return. She has not bothered to establish whether the
appointment was sanctioned and approved by the Cosatu National Office
She vehemently dismisses any possibility of a conspiracy and boldly
states that:
"This is not a conspiracy, there is no conspiracy, and there is only one
reality in the sad drama that has caused smirks and contemptuous
comments on the social media platforms. A man in a powerful position
engineered a job for a woman and assumed that sex would be his payment".
She then concludes by exhorting women to rise, and I guess, defend
themselves against the Vavis of this world.
In case you do not know who Jessie Duarte is, this is the woman who is
the current deputy secretary general of the African National Congress
(ANC), whose current national leadership is extremely unhappy with
Vavi's unfailing denunciations of widespread ANC government corruption,
failure to transform the education and health systems inherited from our
apartheid past, e-tolls, labour brokers, collapsing local government,
among many other failings of the ANC in the past 18 years.
Crucially, Vavi has consistently railed against the ANC's failure to
radically implement the Freedom Charter, and today, on behalf of Cosatu,
Vavi has condemned the NDP as simply another version of the abominable
GEAR policy which led to the massive shedding of jobs and the
destruction of our manufacturing base.
Jessie Duarte's position, as the Deputy Secretary General, is the second
most powerful, organisationally, in the ANC. From our analyses of her
article in the City press, she has, logically, a responsibility to
contribute to the destruction of Vavi, the most vocal critique of the
policies of the African National Policies, even as Vavi heads the
largest formation in the ANC led tripartite Alliance.
With all this in mind, only a fool, and a fool of a very special kind,
would be stupid enough to dismiss the possibility of conspiracy behind
the sexual harassment charges against Vavi.
Duarte wants us to ignore that the accuser herself and her husband made
a demand for R2m from Vavi, in exchange for them to let the matter go
away, and the accuser alleged a third force was willing to give her R1m
to get Vavi nailed to the cross. Jessie completely disregards these
facts and evidence from the accuser. Why? What is Jessie in a hurry to
cover up by reducing this sordid affair into "an abusive power
Could this in fact be the retreat of evil forces whose scheme to destroy
Vavi has backfired? Why would the Deputy Secretary General of the ANC
automatically want the General Secretary of Cosatu to be crucified and
destroyed without giving the General Secretary of Cosatu a hearing
We ask of Duarte, would consistency, perhaps, defeat conspiracy
The ANC of which Duarte is a leader is not immune to sex scandals.
We have, over the many decades, lived with scandalous sexual behaviour
by senior leadership in the national liberation movement involving men
entrusted with executing and leading our National Democratic Revolution.
Today we hear from the grapevine of present day leaders who have been
deceiving their wives or partners by having sexual encounters with
fellow Comrades or office staff or subordinates.
We expect the same critique to be publicly advanced by the likes of Cde
Duarte and the ANC Women's League. Where were they during the
allegations of rape against JZ involving an HIV infected child whose
parents would have been devastated, had they been alive, that a family
friend and comrade could abuse and betray the trust of the family with
whom there had been fraternal and comradely relations in exile when the
complainant was but a mere child.
And while we are on this subject, where exactly is the poor woman in
question, in the JZ saga?
In dealing with matters of consistency, it is to be noted that COSATU,
under the Stewardship of Zwelinzima Vavi, responded in a very principled
fashion to the JZ rape saga when the following press statement were
released by Cosatu on 5 May 2006;
"The Congress of South African Trade Unions welcomes the apology by ANC
Deputy President Jacob Zuma for having unprotected sex with an
HIV-positive woman. COSATU has repeatedly urged everyone to abide by the
ABC rules to prevent being infected by HIV - Abstain, Be faithful,
Condomise. We regret the fact that Jacob Zuma broke these rules and we
agree with Judge Willem van der Merwe that "It is totally unacceptable
that a man should have unprotected sex with a person other than his
regular partner and definitely not with a person who, to his knowledge,
is HIV-positive". COSATU however fully accepts Jacob Zuma's apology and
his admission that he "should have been more cautious and more
We applaud his commitment to join the war against Aids, a pandemic that
affects one in seven adults in South Africa and threatens the lives of
countless thousands unless we unite to defeat it, and we look forward to
campaigning together with him to win this war against HIV/AIDS."
As for talk about "an abusive power relationship" we believe Duarte
should not insult our intellect and memory. Duarte was forced to vacate
the position of MEC for Safety and Security of the Gauteng Government in
1998 over allegations of driving an official government car without a
driver's licence; failure to report an accident on time; unauthorised
payment of an air ticket for a non-governmental person; employing
consultants without properly checking their qualifications; and general
accusations of corruption and mismanagement, among others.
The 1998 Moerane Commission found that while acting as Gauteng Safety
and Security MEC, Duarte had been guilty of mismanagement and
maladministration, and that she had abused state funds by buying
oversees air tickets for a friend, had grossly overpaid an unqualified
administrative assistant, and had used a state vehicle even though she
had never even obtained a driver's licence. Her assistants then tried to
cover up an accident she had while driving the vehicle.
The gentleman whom she was accused of having bought unauthorised air
tickets to Portugal was widely rumoured to be her lover, at the time.
Are we to conclude from this, without first hearing first hand from
Jessie, that she too engineered "an abusive relationship" for herself?
We think not.
History is littered with instances where sex was used as a tool to
defeat political opponents. Ask Catholic Bishop of Harare, Pius Ncube,
for proof! What is crucial here is the exploitation of a sex scandal
for political purposes, especially in instances in which one party
openly apologises for infidelity, as Vavi has done.
Selective morality and gender activism in some instances when the person
that is the subject of scandalous behaviour is not from my faction
cannot be tolerated in a society that has been subjected to the
brutality of colonialism, apartheid and patriarchy. In any case morality
is not neutral nor is it devoid from class, cultural and religious
We reject with the contempt it deserves the portrayal of woman, whatever
their position, as mindless morons incapable of moral judgement when
confronted with power, and thus deserving to be adjudged innocent in all
sexual allegations, including rape. We hold as a fundamental tenant of
any civilised society the presumption of innocence until proven guilty,
even as we hold all law to be class based.
More than anything else, Jessie Duarte's column confirms to us the
exploitation for political purposes of the allegations of sexual
impropriety by Vavi. Duarte has a bone to grind with Vavi, for her
party. And for this, she is shamelessly willing to see him crucified
even for an offence he has not been found guilty of.
As for the serious criminal allegations she makes against Vavi, we leave
it to Vavi to decide how to deal with her.
"Patrick Craven" Aug 06 01:00PM +0200
Tuesday August 06, 2013
Numsa's biggest Region of Ekurhuleni with a membership of 58500 members
has seen the headline news about the alleged "rape / sexual harassment"
allegations against the General Secretary of Cosatu comrade Zwelinzima
Vavi. The Regional Office Bearers (ROBs') convened its local structures
for a mandated position on the matter.
Our locals re-affirmed and stand by its regional and national leadership
on their unequivocal support for Cde Vavi as already conveyed by the
national office bearers of the Metalworkers. We appreciate the down to
earth approach employed by Cde Vavi and the remorse he has shown by
apologizing and owning up his mistake.
It is heartening that although he has humbled himself and conceded to
have committed an "era of judgment" and profusely apologized there are
some notorious elements who still want a pound of his flesh for narrow
political reasons of course. It remains a matter of interest that none
seeks to know from the alleged victim who has since withdrawn the
allegations as to who are "these people, who want to bring you down" who
offered one million Rand. We hope sanity will prevail and the truth will
come out.
As a Region we take serious note of the hypocritical stance by the ANC
Women's League that rise from the dead to feed on the anticipated Cde
Vavi's carcass. They of late selectively want to be seen to hold high
moral standards, which has surpassed their character worse off they even
undermine Cosatu's internal processes by questioning the integrity of
the federation about the fairness of its internal disciplinary
processes. We hope this will be the real revival of the organization and
that they will do their utmost best to put their own house into order
and play a real role in the emancipation of women a challenge they have
been found wanting in numerous occasions.
We further noted with great interest the vicious diatribe by Jessie
Duarte on City-press (04/08/2013). It is interesting that the African
National Congress which Jessie is its Deputy General Secretary is now
suffering from amnesia and even betrays its principle of "innocence
until proven guilty" which they have sung in numerous occasions that we
need not remind them about of course as they are all fresh in peoples
minds. We hope Jessie and company are not trying to employ the Stalinist
tendencies of silencing political opponents by shooting blanks this time
around because they realize that their mischievous scheming is about to
be exposed, then want people to be impatient about the processes so that
eventually the truth is buried.
We would further want to take this opportunity to add our voices to the
call for a special congress of Cosatu in order to iron out all the
current problems that seek to tear apart the federation and let workers
decided as to where do they want the federation to be as it is crystal
clear that there is a leadership void hence Zweli who has since been
identified as the voice of reason by the working class is subjected to
all the brutal onslaughts by the enemies of the working class who wants
to see a Cosatu that is a toy telephone.
Should the call for a special congress fail we will continue to rally
behind the leadership that is prepared to serve the needs of the workers
and the poor, Cde Vavi in particular and take leaf from Food and Allied
Workers Union (FAWU) in calling him to re-avail himself for another term
as the General Secretary of Cosatu because we need leaders of his
caliber as the class war is intensifying.
Jacob Xilongo
Regional Secretary
Mobile: 083 297 9083