Communist Party of Egypt: 'The revolution will continue until the demands of the masses are fulfilled'

Al Jazeera reports on the latest developments in Tahrir Square and across Egypt.

February 2, 2011 – According to Al Jazeera, "More than a million protesters flooded into central Cairo on [February 1], turning the Egyptian capital's Tahrir, or Liberation, Square into a sea of humanity as massive protests against Hosni Mubarak swept across Middle East's most populous nation. Packed shoulder to shoulder in and around the famed square, the mass of people held aloft posters denouncing the Egyptian president, and chanted slogans 'Go Mubarak Go' and 'Leave! Leave! Leave!'

"Similar demonstrations calling on Mubarak to step down were also witnessed across other cities, including Sinai, Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura, Damnhour, Arish, Tanta and El-Mahalla el-Kubra. [Later estimates are that at least another million had marched in these cities.]

"Organisers had called for a march by a million people on the day, but the turnout surpassed all expectations.

"Soldiers deployed at the square did nothing to stop the crowds from entering. They formed a human chain around protesters, and checked people for weapons as they entered. Tanks had been positioned near the square, and officers checked identity papers. According to reports, the military police placed barbed wire around Mubarak's residence in Masr el-Gedidah, a suburb east of Cairo."

"Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has announced in a televised address that he will not run for re-election but refused to step down from office – the central demand of millions of protesters who have demonstrated across Egypt over the past week."

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The Lebanese Communist Party has published a statement by the Communist Party of Egypt, sent from Tahrir Square during the "Million Man March" on February 1, 2011. Below is a basic and unofficial translation by the GPF (Gaza Peace and Freedom) blog.

The revolution will continue until the demands of the masses are fulfilled

Statement issued by the Communist Party of Egypt

February 1, 2011 – The moment of truth is approaching. This is the decisive moment for the Egyptian popular forces for change; to topple the Mubarak regime. It seems that the imperialists, and their American masters in particular, are lifting their hands from him after the continuation of revolution everywhere in Egypt.

Today millions emerge to demand the departure of Mubarak. They will prevent all the conspiracies of the dictator and his gang of spies to thwart the revolution and overcome them.

The formation of a committee, which enjoys the confidence of the people and the demonstrators, is crucial to achieve the demands of the political, economic and social revolution, and we emphasise the basic demands presented by the national forces to the deputies of the people's parliament:

1. Dismissal of Mubarak and the formation of a presidential council for a transitional period of limited duration.

2. Forming a coalition government to administer the country during the transitional period.

3. To convene the election of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution for the country based on the principle of the sovereignty of the nation and ensure the devolution of power within the framework of a democratic just civil state.

4. Prosecute those responsible for hundreds of deaths and injuries of revolutionary martyrs and victims of oppression as well as ensuring the prosecution of those responsible for plundering the wealth of the Egyptian people.

5. Long live the revolution of the Egyptian people

February 1, 2011 - Cairo


Declaración del Partido Comunista Egipcio desde Plaza Tahrir, 01 de febrero 2011

Hoy se envió un mensaje al Partido Comunista Libanes del Partido Comunista Egipcio, directamente desde la plaza Tahrir. Esta publicado en original arabe acá. Abajo hay una traducción inoficial al castellano, hecho por este blog:

Declaración emitida por el Partido Comunista Egipcio

La revolución continuará hasta que se cumplen las demandas de las masas

El momento de la verdad se acerca. Este es el momento decisivo para las fuerzas populares para el cambio de Egipto, para derrocar al régimen de Mubarak. Parece que los imperialistas, y sus amos estadounidenses en particular, están levantando las manos de él después de la continuación de la revolución en todas partes de Egipto.

Hoy, millones emergen para exigir la demisión de Mubarak. Van a evitar y superar todas las conspiraciones del dictador y su banda de espías para frustrar la revolución.

La formación de un comité, que goza de la confianza del pueblo y los manifestantes, es crucial para alcanzar las demandas de la revolución política, económica y social, y hacemos énfasis en las demandas básicas presentadas por las fuerzas nacionales a los diputados del parlamento popular :

1 Demisión de Mubarak y la formación de un consejo presidencial para un período transitorio de duración limitada

2 La formación de un gobierno de coalición para administrar el país durante el período transitorio

3 Convocar a la elección de una asamblea constituyente para redactar una nueva constitución para el país basado en el principio de la soberanía naciónal y asegurar la devolución del poder en el marco de un estado civil democrático y justo.

4 Enjuiciar a los responsables de cientos de muertos y heridos de mártires revolucionarios y víctimas de la opresión, así como velar por el enjuiciamiento de los responsables del saqueo de las riquezas del pueblo egipcio.

5 ¡Viva la revolución del pueblo egipcio!

01 de febrero 2011 - El Cairo