Fact-finding delegation reports on post-earthquake Haiti

Cuban and Cuba-trained Haitian doctors at work in Haiti.
July 26, 2011 – Canada Haiti Action Network – Three Canadian solidarity activists conducted a 10-day fact-finding and solidarity mission to Haiti from June 20 to 30, 2011. The delegation, organised by Haiti Solidarity BC, the Vancouver affiliate of the Canada Haiti Action Network, travelled throughout the earthquake zone, including Port-au-Prince, Léogâne and Jacmel.
We visited neighbourhoods, camps of displaced people, medical centres and human rights and social organisations there to gain an overview of the most pressing needs in Haiti. During some of our visits and interviews, we were joined by other Canadians working on aid projects.
We witnessed the dedication and hard work of the Haitian people and authorities and international agencies and volunteers, notwithstanding the immense scale of the recovery that is required and the shortages of resources. But we also witnessed incredible suffering and hardship of poor and displaced Haitians. Many Haitians and Haitian civil society organisations are seriously questioning the shortcomings or failings of the relief and reconstruction effort.
What follows is a report of our visits and observations, followed by recommendations. We hope that our findings will convince Canadians, their government and their aid agencies to provide ongoing and substantial assistance to the Haitian people, and, additionally, to reflect on what can be improved going forward.
Roger Annis (Vancouver BC), retired aerospace worker, coordinator of Haiti Solidarity BC and the Canada Haiti Action Network.
Sandra Gessler (Winnipeg MB), professor of nursing, University of Manitoba.
Rosena Joseph (Toronto ON), learning coach and member of the International Solidarity Committee, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Ontario Division.
Download the full report, 17 pages, including photos and source links, in the pdf document that is linked here. Or read on screen below.