Indonesia: Workers, poor reject petrol price rises imposed `on behalf of the poor’

May 15, 2008 -- ``Let’s seek the opportunity out of the world's crisis. In responding to the increase in global food prices, let us improve productivity. Amidst the oil crisis and price rises, let's be thrifty. Let's develop the energy resources.'' -- Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, May 1, 2008.

The poor will benefit from the increase in fuel prices rise, he said on May 7, 2008.

Meanwhile vice-president Yusuf Kalla said that so far the fuel subsidy has been benefiting the rich. He added ``The protesters who oppose this policy mean that they are helping the poor.''

Acting as if they are doing it ``on behalf of the poor'', the Indonesian government plans to impose a 30% rise on petroleum prices. It will be the third oil price rise under the Susilo Bambang Yudoyono government. To help the poor survive this unpopular policy, the government is granting direct cash transfers amounting 100,000 rupiah per month per family. The direct cash transfer ``gift'' was also implemented with the oil price rise in 2005.

Will this price rise benefit the poor?

How about the increasing of poverty rate under this government? Currently, 40 million people, nearly a quarter of Indonesian population, are living under poverty line. Year on year inflation rate (to April) is 8.7%, mostly in food and energy price increases. Sofyan Wanadi, member of Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), admitted that the petroleum price rise has reduced purchasing power and is a threat to industry. The state budget allocation to pay foreign debts will absorb nearly US$90 billion compare to $46.7 billion allocated for the petroleum subsidy.

It takes independence to set people free from oil crisis.

In anticipating the world oil price rise, Indonesian government likely to have favourite instant solution, increase the country's daily oil andd gas production, which is 979 barrels. Even the oil and gas department has said it is likely climb to 1 million barrels per day in July from the new exploration in Cepu.

Meanwhile 90% of mining and oil corporations are owned by foreign companies. Chevron and Exxon are benefiting from the doubling in petrol prices, while the Indonesian people are lining up desperately for a litre of petrol.

If you visit Riau province, you will be amazed at the extent of Chevron large exploration area and offices, palm plantations as well as wood plantations. But you will also be shocked to find that the majority of the people in the hundred-thousand-hectare area of Riau subdistricts have no access to electricity. It is 14 kilometres to reach the closest petrol station to be able to put fill a two-litre diesel fuel can to operate their generator. Therefore most of must stay in the dark from afternoon to dawn. While Chevron's exploration, dormitories and office complexes are enjoying bright lights day and night.

Poor refusing their `gift'

On May 11, 300 protesters from the Indonesian Poor People's Union (SRMI) marched to Yusuf Kalla's house in South Sulawesi to oppose the petroleum price rise. They continued their march to the local House of Representatives. ``Do not say that this is for the poor, the experience has taught us that this policy has trapped the poor in deeper poverty'', Said Anca, Papernas' (National Liberation Party of Unity) South Sulawesi leader.

On May 12, 3000 protester's from SEGERA (Central Movement of the Riau People) surrounded to the local House of Representatives. In this two-day demonstration, they urged government to nationalise the mining and oil industries, as well address concerns about local land disputes.

The workers, farmers and the poor, who are also members of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) took six to eight hours to drive from their settlements to the local House of Representatives building. They surrounded the house of representatives, chanting the slogan ``Enough of being a coolie nation, now it is time to be an independent nation.'' Papernas chairperson Agus Priono said that selling out the national assets is a violation of the constitution. ``To rescue Indonesia from the trap of the crisis we must radically change economic policy from a pro-capital policy to pro- people policy'', she told the crowd. After succeeding in passing the police barricades, the protesters stayed and erected a tent near the House of Representative.

Papernas, the National Liberation Party of Unity

Jln. Tebet Dalam IIG No. 1, Jakarta Selatan, 12820.Indonesia.

Phone/Fax: +62-21-8354513. Email:



EMERGENCY: Attack on the secretariat of the Political Committee of
the Poor (KPRM)

EMERGENCY: Attack on the secretariat of the Political Committee of the Poor
(KPRM) in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Saturday, May 17, 2008 – 00.10 local

20 thugs brutally attacked the KPRM offices at 10 minutes past midnight in
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan on Saturday May 17. Poice and intelligence
agents, who had the offices under survaillance, were seen to join the
attack. At the time of the attack there were activists from the Indonesian
Street Buskers Union – SPI; National Student League for Democracy – Politics
for the Poor - LMND PRM, Political Committee for the Poor - KPRM-PRD) at the

The afternoon before the attack, 3 members of the SPI: Lasai, Pice, and
Akbar, were suddenly seized off the street in front on the Balikpapan No 3
high school, while they were on their way to fetch some friends. They were
taken to the police station accused of carrying out "anarchistic actions".
However, during the interrogations it became clear that the apparatus wanted
to intimidate them not to continue theirporotest actions over fuel price
rises. They were beaten during the interrogations. One activist (Pice) had
his beard set onfire. They were relesed at 8.00pm.

The two brutal incidents are cleary part of attempts to intimidate and
terrorise in order to stop the major actions against the fuel price rises
planned nationally for May
Demands raised at preceding actions include: Reject the fuel price rise;
Lower prices; Reject the forces of the New Order era remnants, the Fake
Reformasi Supporters and the Military.

The activists are now consolidating preparing to resis such acts and are not
retreating an inch from their plans for the mobilization aksi to demand the
cancellation of the fuel price rises.

This kind of terroristic action was normal during the era of the Suharto
dictatorship. Militarism and the remnants of the New Order are still
infiltrating into civilian life. There is only one word: RESIST!

Your solidarity is needed to strengthen the front of resistance and to
pressure the authorities to to take legal action against those carrying out
these acts of intimifation/terror and vandalism.

Send you messages of solidarity to:
SMS text short messages to No: +62 856-52208434; or +62 815-8126673
Email: ; dan

There is only one word: RESIST!


*Sunday, May 18, 2008
Solidarity from PSM Malaysia*

Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) condemns the Indonesian authorities for
the attack of the office of KPRM (Political Committee of the Poor) at
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on 17 May. Such action is replicant of New
Order's repressvie messures to suppress the rising of ordinary people.

PSM also extends its solidarity to the planned mass action against fuel
price hike on 21 May. This is a crucial time for the left and progressive
forces to come together to resist neoliberal attacks.

In solidarity,
Choo Chon Kai
International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

No.22A, Lorong Vivekananda, 50470 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Tel: +60-3-22747791, (mobile) +60-19-5669518
Fax: +60-3-87374772
email: (headquarters)
(international bureau)

visit our website at:

From the Democratic Socialist Perspective (Australia)

May 18, 2008

The Democratic Socialist Perspective (Australia) stands 100% in solidarity with the activists campaigning against the fuel price rises in Indonesia.

We condemn the police detention and interrogation of three Indonesian Street Buskers Union activists on May 16, and the brutal attack on the Balikpapan office of the Political Committee of the Poor (KPRM) on May 17.

We call on the Indonesian government to publicly condemn these attempts to intimidate the people and take immediate legal action against the perpetrators of the attack on the KPRM office.

We extend our solidarity to all those who mobilise on May 21 against the fuel price rises.

Yours in solidarity and struggle,
Lisa Macdonald
International Relations Committee
Democratic Socialist Perspective


*Sunday, May 18, 2008
Solidarity from PSM Malaysia*

Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) condemns the Indonesian authorities for
the attack of the office of KPRM (Political Committee of the Poor) at
Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on 17 May. Such action is replicant of New
Order's repressvie messures to suppress the rising of ordinary people.

PSM also extends its solidarity to the planned mass action against fuel
price hike on 21 May. This is a crucial time for the left and progressive
forces to come together to resist neoliberal attacks.

In solidarity,
Choo Chon Kai
International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

No.22A, Lorong Vivekananda, 50470 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Tel: +60-3-22747791, (mobile) +60-19-5669518
Fax: +60-3-87374772
email: (headquarters)
(international bureau)

visit our website at:


*Solidarity comrades!!!

The history of the Left in Indonesia and South-East Asia shows that the

reactionary forces and the ruling class will stop at nothing in their

attempts to destroy the socialist movement. But we will always continue to

resist and fight for a better world!

Best wishes

Workers Democracy Thailand


Giles Ji Ungpakorn*

Faculty of Political Science

Chulalongkorn University

Bangkok 10330, Thailand


By Ulfa Illyas from Media Bersama (translated by Data Brainanta)
On May 20, National Awakening Day, waves of mass actions rejecting the
fuel price increase gained ground. In Jakarta, around 8000 people
united under the People Accuse Front (Front Rakyat Menggugat) carried
out protests from the Hotel Indonesia roundabout to the State Palace.
They came from organisations such as the National Front of
Indonesian Workers' Struggle (FNPBI), National Liberation Party of
Unity (Papernas), National Students' League for Democracy (LMND),
Indonesian Poor Union (SRMI), Indonesian Peasant Council (DTI), PRODEM,
Democracy Struggle Volunteers, Students' Action Front for Reform and
Democracy (FAMRED), Indonesian Christian Students' Movement (GMKI),
Indonesian Nationalist Students' Movement (GMNI), Moslem Student
Association (HMI), Indonesian Buddhist Students' Association
(HikmahBudhi), ISBO, GMNK, FAM Untirta, and others.Representatives of some organisations gave political speeches. Banners
and flags contained demands for the nationalization of mining
industries. They also promoted what they called the Change in Direction
Movement, which is a new economic system, a new president and a new
political party.

  • See TV Kompas video of this protest
    Dita Indah Sari, chairperson of the People's Democratic Party (PRD),
    said that Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Yusuf Kalla's plan to raise fuel
    prices for the third time during their period in office is the fruit of
    a political and economic system that yields to foreign interests. About
    90% of Indonesia's oil and gas fields are controlled by foreign
    multinationals. Meanwhile, the profit-sharing between the government
    and the corporations is not channeled to meet domestic needs. Instead,
    almost all petroleum production is exported abroad; thus, the fuel
    import implemented by the current government is a consequence of
    foreign domination in the economic sphere, especially the extractive
    industries.Dita also stated that Indonesian people need not only a change of
    leaders but, most importantly, a new way: a new economic system, and a
    new leadership which can be summarised by the precepts of the Change in
    Direction Movement.

    Rieke Dyah Pitaloka, an artist and TV host, arose from amidst the crowd to state her rejection of the fuel price increase.Moments
    later, Rizal Ramli, the former Coordinating Minister of Economy during
    the Gus Dur administration, gave a political speech.
    He claimed that raising the fuel price is not the last solution. There
    are many routes that can be taken by the government if only they would
    take an independent stance on economics and politics, rather than
    following the dictates of foreign interests. According to Ramli, the
    government must have the courage to wipe out the mafia that have
    embellished at least US$2 per barrel from oil imports. A revision of
    oil and gas profit-sharing schemes between the government and foreign
    corporations must be carried out to benefit Indonesia.Marching
    towards the State Palace, the crowd chanted slogans demanding that the
    government nationalise foreign-controlled mining industries and
    repudiate foreign debts. A minor clash ensued in front of the Palace as
    police attempted to restrain the masses. After addressing political
    speeches, the crowd headed to the Proclamation Obelisk (Tugu
    Proklamasi). They planned to stayed there overnight before staging
    another protest the following day.Posted by National Liberation Party Of Unity (PAPERNAS) on May 20, 2008.

  • Permalink

    May 21, Jakarta, Commemorating a decade of Suharto's fall and protesting against
    government's plan to increase fuel price, some organisations from the
    People Accuse Front (FRM) that had stayed overnight in the
    Proclamation Monument, like LMND and GMNK, joined with other groups of
    demonstrator and action fronts in the Hotel Indonesia roundabout. At
    about 2 pm, the crowd reached up to 6,000 and marched to State Palace.
    Masses from FRM positioned themselves in the front line and the entire
    crowd chanted yells demanding the president to make a decree that
    nationalise oil, gas, and mining industry to meet domestic need for
    fuel. In front of State Palace, pushings between protesters and police
    turned into a major clash as police repressed the crowd and arrested
    18 students from LMND, FAMRED, and GMNK. Up until now, nobody has been

    A student from University of Indonesia also reportedly suffered from
    shot wound in stomach and is currently being hospitalised.

    Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB):

    Protesters from LMND, SMI, and BPM STKIP Bima started their protest in
    the morning by marching from STKIP Bima to a major intersection in the
    city. When performing theatrical protest, some police came and ordered
    them to dismiss themselves because of not having any permit. When
    protesters started to head to the Municipal Parliament, police
    dispersed the crowd, causing clash and arrest against 11 people with
    dozens wounded. Up until now, nobody has been released.

    Manado, North Sulawesi:

    Three activists were arrested by police, of which one was from PRD.
    Nobody has been released.

    Please send your solidarity and support by sending your protest
    demanding that the detainees be released to the address below:

    Indonesia National Police Headquarters
    Fax: +62-21-7218144
    SMS: +62-818-315703
    Email: info@...

    List of Acronyms:

    PRD - People's Democratic Party - Partai Rakyat Demokrasi
    FAMRED - Students' Action Front for Reform and Democracy - Front Aksi
    Mahasiswa untuk Reformasi dan Demokrasi
    GMNK - Nationalist Popular Students' Movement - Gerakan Mahasiswa
    Nasional Kerakyatan
    LMND - National Students' League for Democracy - Liga Mahasiswa
    Nasional untuk Demokrasi
    SMI - Indonesia Stundents' Union - Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia
    BPM STKIP - Students' Representatives Body of Higher School for
    Education Knowledge - Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa dari Sekolah Tinggi
    Ilmu Pendidikan

    Jln. Tebet Dalam IIG No. 1, Jakarta Selatan, 12820.Indonesia.
    Phone/Fax: +62-21-8354513. Email: papernas@....


    May 21, Jakarta - Commemorating a decade of Suharto's fall and protesting against government's plan to increase fuel price, some organisations from the People Accuse Front (FRM) that had stayed overnight in the Proclamation Monument, like LMND and GMNK, joined with other groups of demonstrators and action fronts in the Hotel Indonesia roundabout.
    At about 2 pm, the crowd reached up to 6,000 and marched to State Palace. Masses from FRM positioned themselves in the front line and the entire crowd chanted yells demanding the president to make a decree that nationalise oil, gas, and mining industry to meet domestic need for fuel. In front of State Palace, pushings between protesters and police turned into a major clash as police repressed the crowd and arrested 18 students from LMND, FAMRED, and GMNK. Up until now, nobody has been released.
    A student from University of Indonesia also reportedly suffered from a shot wound in the stomach and is currently being hospitalised.

    Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB):
    Protesters from LMND, SMI, and BPM STKIP Bima started their protest in the morning by marching from STKIP Bima to a major intersection in the city. When performing theatrical protest, some police came and ordered them to dismiss themselves because of not having any permit. When protesters started to head to the Municipal Parliament, police dispersed the crowd, causing clashes and arrest against 11 people with dozens wounded. Up until now, nobody has been released.

    Manado, North Sulawesi:
    Three activists were arrested by police, of which one was from PRD. Nobody has been released.

    Please send your solidarity and support by sending your protest demanding that the detainees be released to the address below:

    Indonesia National Police Headquarters Fax: +62-21-7218144 SMS: +62-818-315703

    List of Acronyms:
    PRD - People's Democratic Party - Partai Rakyat Demokrasi
    FAMRED - Students' Action Front for Reform and Democracy - Front Aksi Mahasiswa untuk Reformasi dan Demokrasi
    GMNK - Nationalist Popular Students' Movement - Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Kerakyatan
    LMND - National Students' League for Democracy - Liga Mahasiswa Nasional untuk Demokrasi
    SMI - Indonesia Stundents' Union - Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia
    BPM STKIP - Students' Representatives Body of Higher School for
    Education Knowledge - Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pendidikan

    Jln. Tebet Dalam IIG No. 1, Jakarta
    Selatan, 12820.Indonesia.
    Phone/Fax: +62-21-8354513.


    Thursday, May 22, 2008
    News Roundup of May 21 Nation-wide Actions from People Accuse Front

    Waves of protests against government's plan to raise fuel price are
    intensifying. They have spread to and involved almost all popular
    sectors (workers, students, peasants, and urban poor), several
    national political elites and economic figures. Below is a compilation
    of news on the actions of People Accuse Front (FRM) and National
    Students' League for Democracy (LMND) on May 21 across the country.

    Jakarta: around 150 FRM protesters that camped on the Proclamation
    Monument continued their action to reject fuel price rise. They
    started the protest at HI roundabout and walked to the State Palace.
    While marching, the crowd chanted yells rejecting fuel price increase.
    In the State Palace, thousands of other demonstrators had already been
    protesting. FRM protesters tried to carry out a protest right in front
    of the palace, but police equipped with shields and helmets restrained
    them. Clash was unavoided. Several demonstrators and police engaged in
    physical fight. Eighteen protesters were arrested by the Police, two
    of whom were LMND activists (Reno and Bilal), the rest were from
    FAMRED and '98 Youth Front. A moment later, FRM protesters regrouped
    and engaged in sit-in protest. At the time of the writing, 18 FRM
    activists are still detained at Jakarta Regional Police.

    Bandung, West Java: Protest against government's fuel price increase
    plan was carried out by about 50 LMND West Java activists. They
    started the protests from UNPAD campus and walked to Gedung Sate to
    hold demonstration rejecting the fuel price rise plan. Leonard, LMND
    spokeperson, said that SBY-JK do not have any reason to raise the fuel
    price. If world's fuel price rocketed, Indonesia should be able to
    reap the wind-fall profit, but since almost all of our oil and gas
    fields are controlled by foreign companies, Indonesia had to carry the
    burden being an oil importing country. Furthermore, Leonard concluded,
    the government should nationalise mining industry for energy security
    and as the basis for national industrialisation.

    At Gedung Sate, LMND protesters and police engaged in pushings and
    later clashed as police beat and dispersed the protest. Five LMND
    activists suffered from minor wounds.

    Palu, Central Sulawesi: about 30 people from the People's Anti Fuel
    Price Rise Movement carried out a demonstration in front of the
    provincial parliament. The coalition consisted of LMND and SRMI. They
    demanded that the government cancelled the plan to raise fuel price.
    Ahimsa, one of LMND Central Sulawesi executives, said in his speech:
    "We demand that the government nationalise foreign mining industry and
    repudiate foreign debt"

    Kendari, South East Sulawesi: Protests against fuel price plan were
    carried out by the People Accuse Front (FRM) at Unhalu campus and
    later walked to the provincial parliament. FRM in Kendari consisted of
    LMND, SRMI, FMPR, AMIK Yappenas, and AMIK Catur Sakti. In front of
    Unhalu campus, protesters blocked the street before heading to the
    parliament. FRM Kendari rejected fuel price rise as it will bring more
    burden to the people and destroy the domestic industry. They demanded
    also the nationalisation of mining industry and cancellation of
    foreign debt.

    Bima, NTB: Hundreds of protesters from LMND, SMI, and BPM STIKIP Bima
    carried out another protest against government's fuel price plan.
    However, the protest abruptly repressed by police that suddenly
    dispersed the masses and arrested some protesters. Eleven LMND
    protesters were detained.

    Makassar, South Sulawesi: Thousands of people from People Accuse Front
    (FRM) South Sulawesi demonstrated in front of the house of Jusuf
    Kalla, the vice president, and headquarter of PT. Inco. The crowd
    consisted of students, workers, peasants, and poor rejected fuel price
    rise that will squeeze people's economy. Muhammad Anshar, chairperson
    of South Sulawesi Papernas, stated that the price increase happens
    because we do not have any energy security. Almost our entire mining
    sectors, especially oil and gas, is controlled by foreign
    corporations. The government must take a step by nationalising
    foreign-controlled mining industries as a way out of the energy crisis
    and imperialist domination.

    Toraja, South Sulawesi: Six hundreds protesters from Tana Toraja
    Students' Alliance occupied the local parliament to reject the fuel
    price rise. The masses consisted of LMND Tana Toraja, UKI BEM, AKBID,
    AKPER, BEM STAKN Rantepao. Students' protests were also supported by
    their professors, who joined them. "The government do not have to
    raise fuel price rise!" yelled the protest leader. Paskah Linting,
    LMND Tana Toraja executive member, stressed that the government must
    have the courage to nationalise foreign owned mining industry and
    reject the payment of foreign debt that has taken up a big chunk of
    the state budget.

    Protesters pressured members of parliament and Tana Toraja government
    to release a statement rejecting the fuel price rise. The parliament
    had planned to have a session in the following day to talk about the
    statement. Therefore, the protesters planned to return and bring more
    people to flank and pressure the local parliament during the session
    to write the rejection statement.

    Manado, North Sulawesi: Hundreds of people from LMND, PRD, Papernas,
    and FNPBI carried out protest action against fuel price rise. Besides
    demanding nationalisation of mining industry, they also promoted the
    change in direction movement that seeks for new economic system, new
    president, and new government.

    The peaceful protest suddenly stopped by police that restrained and
    beat protesters. Three LMND and Papernas activists were arrested after
    the clash. They are Ances from PRD, and Irman Hayun and Aman from LMND.

    Bandar Lampung, Lampung: Dozens of organisations such as LMND, SPKL,
    the fuel price rise plan and demanded nationalisation of foreign owned
    mining industry. The protest went peacefully and uninterrupted by
    incidents of police repression.

    Surabaya, East Java: Protests against government fuel price rise plan
    were carried out in waves. The first one was carried out by dozens of
    FPPI activists with street theatrical performance in front of the
    Grahadi building. Afterwards, 70 people from LMND Surabaya
    demonstrated in front of the Suryo Statue. Enjang, LMND spokeperson,
    said that the action is part of the national action against
    government's fuel price policy. She said that the government does not
    need to raise the fuel price as many options are still available, but
    that requires courage, which SBY-JK and their supporting parties
    (Golkar-Partai Demokrat) have no capacity to take.

    Dozens of LMND Surabaya activists laid down on the street in front of
    the Suryo Statue. According to the protest leader, Hadi, it symbolises
    people's suffering from high fuel price.

    Kudus, Central Java: Dozens of LMND activists in Kudus held a protest
    against fuel price rise at the city square. An LMND activist, Wahyu,
    in his speech call for more actions to take over foreign mines
    throughout Indonesia.

    Medan, North Sumatra: Hundreds of people from the Poor People Front of
    Struggle (FPRM) demonstrated against fuel price rise in front of the
    provincial parliament. Protesters that consist mostly of the poor,
    workers, and peasants, carried out their main demand to reject the
    fuel price rise, reduce basic goods price, and nationalise foreign
    owned mines. At the provincial parliament, FRM protesters joined with
    other groups and student organisations and driver organisations (KESPER).

    Semarang, Central Java: FRM's anti fuel price rise protest was carried
    out by LMND, SRMI, and Papernas. Hundreds of FRM protesters
    demonstrated in front of the provincial parliament, condemning the
    SBY-JK government as imperialist puppet. They burnt pictures of the
    president as a form of protest.

    Salatiga, Central Java: Hundreds of protesters from Indonesian
    Coalition, consisted of LMND, PMII, and several local NGOs,
    demonstrated in front of the local parliament to reject government's
    fuel price plan and to demand that SBY-JK resign.

    Purwokerto, Central Java: Hundreds of protester from KAMMI, LMND,
    HMI-MPO, GMNI, SMI and FMN carried out action to reject the fuel price
    rise as it will destroy the livelihood of the Indoneisan people,
    mostly workers, peasants, and the poor.

    Ternate, North Mollucas: Anti-fuel price rise action carried out by
    around 500 people from LMND, BEM Fakultas se-UNKHAIR, GAMHAS, LISMI,
    HMI, SAMURAI initially went peacefully until police dismissed the
    protest by force. Fourteen LMND protesters were arrested.

    The protest demanded that the government cancel fuel price increase
    because it will only burden the people. The government was also
    condemned for unable to stand up against foreign domination in the
    economy and mining sector. After the clash with police, protesters
    returned to campus to consolidate and plan for bigger action. At the
    time of the writing, all 14 activists are still detained in Ternate
    Police Resort.

    Palembang, South Sumatra: Dozens of activists that called themselves
    the Palembang People Accuse Movement (GPRM) carried out action against
    fuel price increase in the provincial parliament and governor's
    office. The coalition consistsed of Prabam, LMND, and PMII. In their
    speeches they not only reject the fuel price plan and demand SBY-JK
    resignation, but also press for nationalisation of foreign owned
    mining as a solution to tackle fuel crisis.

    Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta: Hundreds of protesters from People United
    Committee (KRB) carried out a protest against fuel price increase in
    front of the Agung building. KRB consisted of various social movement
    organisations in Yogyakarta. Alba, LMND Yogyakarta activist, said that
    the people and students will intensify anti-fuel price rise actions.
    Police abruptly attacked the protest resulting several protesters
    injured and one arrested.


    By Ulfa Ilyas, an LMND activist

    May 23; Semarang, Central Java - About 200 protesters from Students and People Accuse Front demonstrated in front of Central Java Provincial parliament in Semarang. The action front, consisted of LMND, GMNI, HMI, PMII, and KAMMI, protested against fuel price rise and condemn it as a form of imperialist interest in Indonesia.

    Police blockaded protesters in front of the gate. Pushings between protesters and police caused some broken windows in the building. This resulted in a clash with police that attacked and beat protesters from People Accuse Front.

    According to information from Hengky F Matan, LMND regional secretary-general, eight protesters were arrested during the demonstration while many were injured after being kicked and dragged by police during the arrest.

    Those who were arrested are Rahmat Sutopo (LMND Semarang Municipal Chairperson), Darmawan Iskandar (LMND Semarang Regional Chairperson), Ali (GMNI), Ruben (GMNI), Zen (PMII), Topik (PMII), Toni (PMII).

    Realising that their friends were being taken away, protesters tried to block police truck that carried 8 arrested activists. But police managed to restrain them and some were injured from getting hit by the truck.


    LMND - National Students' League for Democracy

    GMNI - Indonesian Nationalist Students' Movement

    PMII - Indonesian Moslem Students' Movement

    KAMMI - Indonesian Moslem Students' United Action

    HMI - Moslem Students' Association


    Monday, May 26, 2008

    Hunger strike to refuse oil price rise

    The resistance to refuse petrol price rise has been continuously

    sparking protests.

    Though the Indonesia government had officially announced fuel price rise

    on May 23, 2008, resistance kept spreading across the country.

    Today, the National Students' League for Democracy (LMND), an

    organisation member of the National Liberation Party of Unity

    (PAPERNAS), together with various student organizations started hunger

    strikes in 14 provinces to refuse fuel price rise as well as to demand

    the nationalisation of oil and mining industries.

    The hunger strike takes place in campuses in Jakarta, Bandung (West Java

    province), Salatiga, Purwokerto and Semarang (Central Java province)

    Surabaya (East Java), Lampung province , Palembang (South Sumatra

    province), Makassar and Tana Toraja (South Sulawesi), Manado (North

    Sulawesi), Palu (Central Sulawesi provinces), Kendari (South-east

    Sulawesi Provinces), Mataram (West Nusatenggara), Labuhan Batu (North

    Sumatera Provinces), Pekan Baru, Riau Province, Gorontalo (Gorontalo



    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    Updates on Students' Hunger Strike Against Fuel Price Rise

    (May 26) Hunger strikes in various provinces to demand the cancellation of oil price rise have succeeded in gaining broad sympathy from students and people living near the hunger strike posts. These posts put up banners titled “nationalise mining industries, repudiate foreign debt and leave any government that is pro-foreign interest (Golkar Dan Demokrat party)” received good responses. In Surabaya at Airlangga University, the hunger strike was opened by riding bicycles around the city. To accompany the hunger strike, some students in the Diponegoro University, Semarang, spread a plain white banner on which people can write their support.

    Meanwhile in front of the campus of Social and Political Science Institute (IISIP) in Jakarta, white banner put up at the hunger strike post was quickly filled with writings of support from not only students but also locals who express their grievances of today’s economic situation. Some have even donated some money to support the hunger strike.

    A significant number of hunger strikers had to be taken to the hospital.

    (28/05) All hunger strikers in Jakarta were ordered to stop their strike after having been diagnosed with digestion problems. “Moreover these strikers were activists that used to actively take to the streets to protest oil price rise, consequently their physiques were weak since the beginning,” said Nugo, Jakarta hunger strike post coordinator.

    (May 30) In Palembang, 3 out of 6 hunger strikers remain on strike, meanwhile 3 strikers - Reinhard (LMND), Fransiskus (STN), and Tison (SRMI) - in Siantar and one in Semarang had to be taken to hospital. A striker from Lampung, Doni (SRMI), was hospitalised after suddenly fell unconscious.

    In Palu, Central Sulawesi, the hunger strike post located at the Provincial House of Representatives building was destroyed during a clash between students and police, when the LMND regional chairperson was beaten and arrested. At the time of writing (May 31), hunger strikes continue in Siantar Riau, Semarang, Salatiga, Kudus, and Semarang.
    Posted by National Liberation Party Of Unity (PAPERNAS)



    One June 1, the National Liberation Front (FPN), a new alliance of which the KPRM-PRD is a part of, held a demonstration of 700, which began outside the Hotel Indonesia then marched on the World Bank offices. The main slogans were:
    1. SBY-JK and other elite political parties are bankrupt! Nationalise the mining and gas industries and place them under people's control!
    2. Kick out the World Bank from Indonesia, SBY-JK and other elite political parties have yielded to its demands for fuel price hikes!

    Click here to watch a new video of this action:



    To comrades in Papernas and LMND

    From Democratic Socialist Perspective and Resistance

    Sydney Australia

    4 June 2008

    We hereby declare our solidarity with the hunger strike action of our

    comrades from Papernas and LMND in rejecting the decision of the

    SBY-Kalla government to raise the price of fuel. Amidst Indonesia's

    long-term crisis, increases in the price of fuel and basic commodities

    worsen the daily lives of the people.

    Democratic Socialist Perspective and Resistance as two socialist

    organizations in Australia welcome the actions of comrades in Indonesia

    as a source of inspiration for us. Resistance as a socialist youth

    organization especially learns also from the experiences of comrades

    struggling in other countries.

    We salute the courageous and selfless action of the comrades who are

    fighting for the liberation of the nation from the chains of oppression

    by the capitalists and foreign capital. How ironic that in a country

    rich in natural resources, its people are forced to queue up for hours

    for a can of kerosene!

    We hereby declare our commitment to collaborate and assist LMND and

    Papernas comrades in distributing information, in accordance with our

    capacity, about the reality of the situation and the struggle in


    Once more, in the tenth anniversary year of the fall of the Suharto

    dictatorship, the Indonesian youth are showing their courage in

    pioneering the path towards a brighter future.

    Until victory.

    Solidarity greetings,

    Democratic Socialist Perspective dan Resistance

    Kepada kawan-kawan Papernas dan LMND

    Dari Democratic Socialist Perspective dan Resistance

    Sydney Australia

    4 Juni 2008

    Dengan ini kami menyatakan solidaritas kami dengan aksi mogok makan

    kawan-kawan Papernas dan LMND dalam menentang keputusan pemerintah

    SBY-Jusuf Kalla untuk menaikkan harga BBM. Di antara krisis

    berkepanjangan yang menimbulkan penderitaan bagi rakyat Indonesia,

    kenaikan BBM dan harga bahan-bahan kebutuhan pokok memperburuk lagi

    kehidupan rakyat.

    Democratic Socialist Perspective dan Resistance sebagai dua organisasi

    sosialis di Australia turut menyambut aksi kawan-kawan di Indonesia

    sebagai sumber inspirasi bagi kami. Resistance sebagai organisasi

    pemuda sosialis terutama juga turut belajar dari pengalaman-pengalaman

    kawan-kawan yang berjuang di negara-negara lain.

    Kami sangat salut dengan aksi kawan-kawan yang begitu berani dan tanpa

    pamrih berjuang untuk pembebasan bangsa dari belenggu penindasan dan

    penjajahan oleh kaum kapitalis dan modal asing. Alangkah ironisnya

    bahwa dalam sebuah negeri yang kaya raya akan sumber daya alam,

    rakyatnya terpaksa antri berjam-jam untuk sekaleng minyak tanah!

    Kami dengan ini menyatakan siap bekerja sama membantu kawan-kawan LMND

    dan Papernas dalam menyebarluaskan, sesuai dengan kemampuan kami,

    informasi berkaitan dengan realitas situasi dan perjuangan di Indonesia.

    Sekali lagi, dalam tahun peringatan sepuluh tahun tumbangnya

    kediktatoran Suharto, kaum muda di Indonesia menunjukkan keberaniannya

    dalam merintis hari depan yang lebih baik.

    Sampai menang.

    Salam solidaritas
    Democratic Socialist Perspective dan Resistance

    Jakarta, Indonesia July 23, 2008: Twelve years ago, dozens of young people declared the birth of a new political party, which had a radical-progressive political line. This event became one of the changes that brought down the New Order regime and gradually expanded the democratic space. Today members, former members and supporters of the PRD (People’s Democratic Party), who are dispersed throughout various political parties, government departments, non-government organizations, have become social workers, or who work in mass organizations and trade unions, etc are taking part in a celebration to mark 12 years of the PRD’s declaration. This modest event took place in the offices of Papernas, in Tebet St, South Jakarta.
    Petrus Hariyanto, former general-secretary of the PRD declared that, ‘this celebration is actually aimed at celebrating and remembering once more the enthusiasm and early dreams of the founding of the PRD. The PRD have put themselves forward as a radical-progressive party which was founded by youth and bravely reckoned with the authority of the New Order, which was refreshing. Many PRD cadre surrendered their body and soul in the struggle for democracy and for some their fate is up until today still not clear, like Wiji Thukul, Herman Hendrawanm Suyat, Bimo Petrus and others.’
    Dinner was served by former general secretary of the PRD, Petrus Harianto and given to several comrades who were present at the PRD Declaration on 23/07/96, like Suroso and Yakobus EK. The mood of the evening brightened when those present sung the PRD anthem and other songs.
    Agus Jabo Priyano, general secretary of the PRD, who arrived late from visiting people in Central Java, said that, "the prime challenge in the mass struggle is now much different to the situation in the PRD’s past. Now there is open democracy, but it’s entire purpose is in the interests of economic liberalization and foreign interests. Meanwhile, members and former members of the PRD who nowadays are spread throughout social and political organizations, political parties, NGO’s, trade unions, government departments and others have the same response to this, that is, national liberation."
    PRD flagAfter these greetings the night continued with testimonies given by Revitriyoso, who was a candidate for the upper house in Jakarta, and others. The main enthusiasm which emerged from the PRD anniversary was for consolidating their strength and motivating people to take power, including through using formal channels like through local elections, the House of Representatives, the Legislative Council, etc.
    Source: Berdikari Online (26/07/08), Ulfa Ilyas translated by Mel Barnes

    Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP), formerly ASIET (Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor), is a network of solidarity activists campaigning for democratic rights, self-determination and other justice struggles in the Asia Pacific region.
    ASAP's People's Power Fighting Fund runs appeals for material support for various democratic struggles in the region. To donate to this fund and to help maintain this website, you can deposit directly into the Commonwealth Bank Australia BSB 062026 Account number 1006 0743. Thank-you. Your help is appreciated.