
Rebecca Meckelburg: Suharto’s lingering shadow — Prospects for human rights and democracy in Indonesia and West Papua after Prabowo’s election

Rebecca Meckelburg assesses the political and human rights situation in Indonesia and West Papua in light of Prabowo Subianto’s recent election.
Prabowo Subianto

Indonesia: Line of succession

John Sidel — In Indonesia, the third most populous – and largest majority-Muslim – democracy in the world, a notoriously sinister and volatile figure is now set to take office.
palestine solidarity protest

Joint Southeast Asian left statement: End the genocide! Solidarity with Palestine!

The Southeast Asian Left Network has initiated a joint statement to condemn the Israeli genocide against the people of Palestine and express support for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people.

1968: A crushing defeat for the Indonesian Left

By Vannessa Hearman May 19, 2018 — Links Intern

International statement in solidarity with the West Papua’s people struggle for self-determination

December 1, 2016 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — We, the undersigned organisations, express our support to the struggle of the people of West Papua for self-determination.