Nepal: DSP and Resistance message of congratulations to CPN (M)


Democratic Socialist Perspective

PO Box 515, Broadway, NSW Australia 2007

Phone: +612 9690 1230   Fax: +612 9690 1381

Email:  Web:


Resistance – Socialist Youth Organisation

PO Box 515, Broadway, NSW Australia 2007

Phone: +612 9690 1230   Fax: +612 9690 1381

Email:  Web:,au


The National Executive

Communist Party Nepal (Maoist)

Dear Comrades,


The Democratic Socialist Perspective (DSP), a Marxist tendency within the Socialist Alliance in Australia, and the socialist youth organisation Resistance, would like to extend our greetings and congratulations to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) following the recent election of Comrade Prachanda as Prime Minister of Nepal and the formation of a CPN (M)-led government. As a youth organisation, Resistance would also like to send greetings to the Young Communist League. The youth have been playing a leading role in the movements in Nepal, inspiring Resistance members and other young people in Australia.

We know that powerful forces within and outside Nepal have sought to frustrate the formation of a government headed by the CPN (M), despite the mandate won in the elections. We also realise that these vested interests will work to block and attack attempts to win social justice and liberation for the oppressed, and we pledge our solidarity against any attacks from national or imperialist elites aimed at stopping progress for the Nepalese people.

The DSP and Resistance are active in the campaigns in Australia against the imperialist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, environmental destruction and climate change, and the campaigns against Australian governments’ racist attacks on the Indigenous and immigrant communities in Australia. We have a long history of solidarity with democratic and socialist movements and organisations around the world, and have always sought to give a voice to all oppressed peoples and their struggles through the solidarity organisations we lead, and through our newspaper Green Left Weekly ( and our online theoretical magazine Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (

We seek to understand and learn from the struggles of oppressed people around the world, and work to develop closer links with socialist organisations and other progressive forces. We hope that we can meet with and have discussions with the CPN (M) representative at the Socialism 2008 conference Malaysia in November, at which the DSP will have two representatives attending, and establish ongoing contact and collaboration with both the CPN (M) and the Young Communist League in order to help strengthen the struggle for socialism internationally.


In Solidarity,


Democratic Socialist Perspective

Resistance - Socialist Youth Organisation

The Coalition of Radical Left of Greece (SYRIZA) adopted, during the last plenum of its Secretariat and based on a proposal of the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE), the following message of congratulations to Chairman Prachanda on the occasion of his election to the post of Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. The Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) became member of the Coalition of Radical Left, the largest left political alliance in Greece, in June 2007. Follows the message:


Message of congratulations to Chairman Prachanda
by the Secretariat of the Coalition of Radical Left (Greece)

Dear Chairman Prachanda,

On behalf of the Coalition of Radical Left, we address to you our warm congratulations for your election by the Constituent Assembly, with the full support of the Nepali People, to the post of Prime Minister in the first government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.

Through a creative and simultaneously laborious course, but always serving the interests of the Nepali People, you achieved to offer a democratic solution to the desires and the expectations of the millions of Nepali citizens who are struggling since many decades against totalitarian monarchy, corruption, underdevelopment and dependence by foreign powers.

The Coalition of Radical Left is wishing you full success to the new difficult task that you shoulder now, as we are confident that the formation of another progressive government favors the struggle undertaken by the peoples of the whole world in order to gain genuine democracy, social justice and national independence.

We ensure you that the progressive Greek People and the Greek Left are in solidarity with the People and the Left of Nepal, in a course leading to the creation and reinforcement of an International Front of the Peoples against the plague of neoliberalism and imperialism.

Success to your work!

Athens, 26 August 2008
For the Secretariat of the Coalition of Radical Left
Rudi Rinaldi, Coordinator

Communist Organization of Greece / Kommounistiki Organosi Elladas (KOE)
International Relations Department *
Web: * In English:

Post address: Newspaper "Left!" * Isaia Salonon 6 * 11475 Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 210 6441745 * Fax: +30 210 6430024


Solidarity Message to Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)


Revolutionary greetings from Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM)!


PSM would like to extend its congratulations to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) for the recent election of Comrade Prachanda as Prime Minister of the newly born Republic of Nepal. The people of Nepal have inspired us in Malaysia for demonstrating their courage in defeating the ruling monarch and won the democratic struggle.


PSM is aware of CPN-M and the left in Nepal are still facing tremendous challenges and threats from various powerful capitalist forces whether from within or outside Nepal. We pledge our solidarity with the revolutionary masses in Nepal to fight against any attack from national capitalist or foreign imperialist forces. We believe only united revolutionary people can won the ultimate struggle against capitalism and building socialism from below.


We are looking for the participation of comrade Ved Jung Singh from CPN-M in the coming Socialism 2008 – Malaysia which will be held on 7-9 November 2008.


Your struggle is our inspiration.


Yours comradely regards,

Choo Chon Kai

International Bureau

Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)