Patrick Bond, Adam Hanieh: World slump and class struggles in the global South

Part 1: Adam Hanieh.

Toronto, June 28, 2009 - Left Streamed – The political period that has opened up since the financial turbulence of 2007 began to grip the world market has led to both a crisis of neoliberalism and an attempt to reconstruct it. The overaccumulation of capital in key sectors in the US and Europe, particularly in real estate markets, auto production and financial services, has led to an economic contraction that has spread across global capitalism.

The “global South'' has experienced some of the worst impacts of neoliberalism and of the world slump. This discusson, which first appeared on the Socialist Project of Canada's Left Streamed site, explores the impact of the financial crisis in the global south, particularly with respect to cases in Africa and the Middle East, and emerging class struggles. It features talks by Patrick Bond (director of the Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban) and Palestinian rights campaigner Adam Hanieh (Department of Political Science, York University, Canada, currently teaching and living in Dubai). Moderated by Greg Albo.

Part 2: Patrick Bond.

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