Sydney, Jan. 2-5, 2010: Fighting for socialism in the 21st century: Justice, sustainability and people’s power

In the face of global environmental, economic and social crises that threaten billions of lives, if not the very survival of humanity, the need for fundamental social change is urgent. The world can’t wait, and the question of how to construct sufficiently strong social movements, fighting trade unions and alternative political organisations that can stop the capitalist parties’ neo-liberal rampage, warmongering and greenwashing confronts us all.
Answering this question will be the focus of discussions at the Socialist Alliance’s 7th national conference, sponsored by Green Left Weekly. The conference agenda (read the final version here) includes educational workshops, and panel presentations and discussions to plan the Socialist Alliance’s policies and campaign activities for 2010.
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Sydney, January 2-5, 2010
7.30-9.30pm Their Crises, Our Solutions. Public meeting with Reihana Mohideen, Richard Downs, Bea Bleile, Dave Kerin and Peter Boyle. Chair: Katie Cherrington
9.00-9.30am Conference welcome and procedure
9.30-11.00am The Socialist Alliance's perspectives for struggle in 2010. Presenters: Dick Nichols and Jess Moore Chair: Greg Rowell
11.00-11.30am Morning tea
11.30am-12.00pm Socialist Alliance perspectives discussion continued.
12.00-1.00pm Building the climate action movement. Presenters: John Rice and Mel Barnes. Chair: Leigh Hughes
Screening of the documentary The Deregistration of the BLF, the Victorian story from 1986-1992
Introduction to the Socialist Alliance
2.00-2.45pm Building the climate action movement continued.
2.45-3.45pm The struggle for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights. Presenters: Sam Watson and Emma Murphy. Chair: Peter Robson
3.45-4.00pm Afternoon tea
4.00-6.00pm Campaigning workshops: Climate change; Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander rights; Anti-war; LGBTI rights; Latin American solidarity
6.00-7.00pm Dinner
Feature workshop 1: The Ampilatwatja walk-off:campaigning against the NT Intervention. Presenter: Richard Downs
Feature workshop 2: Climate Emergency and worker ownership in Australia. Presenter: Dave Kerin
8.00-10.00pm Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund rally. An evening of speakers, theatre, music and multi-media presentations to launch the 2010 Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund
9.00-10.15am Rebuilding our unions for the fights ahead. Presenters:Susan Price and Tim Gooden
Chair: Margaret Gleeson
10.15-11.00amBuilding the socialist movement among young people. Presenters: Sivaranjani Manickam, Ben Peterson and Tim Dobson Chair: Paola Harvey
11.00-11.30am Morning tea
11.30am-12.15pm Refugee rights and internationalism. Presenter: Sue Bolton. Chair: Jay Fletcher
12.15-1.00pm The Latin American revolutions, left unity and solidarity. Presenters:Stuart Munckton and Jim McIlroy. Chair: Anabel Morales.
Greetings from Abelardo Curbelo Padron, the Republic of Cuba’s Ambassador to Australia.
1.00-2.00pm Lunch
Screening of documentary on Nepal: From Bullets to Ballots. Part 1
Introduction to the Socialist Alliance
2.00-2.45pm Environment policies. Chair: Simon Butler
2.45-3.45pm Getting Australia out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Freedom for Palestine! Presenters: Pip Hinman and Aaron Benedek. Chair: Duncan Roden
2.00-3.45pm Concurrent educational: A history of communism in Australia. Presenter: Sue Bull
3.45-4.00pm Afternoon tea
4.00-6.00pm Building the Socialist Alliance workshops: Socialist election campaigning ; Green Left Weekly content and distribution; Organising and involving members in local branches; Using the media.
4.00-6.00pm Concurrent educational: Understanding the financial and economic crisis. Presenter: Karl Miller
6.00-7.00pm Dinner
6.30-8.00pm Feature workshop: The struggle for socialism in Malaysia. Presenter: Sivaranjani Manickam
8.00-10.00pm International solidarity and cultural night: Performances and greetings from many peoples.
9.00-10.00am Campaigning for women's and queer rights today. Presenters: Naomi Rodgers-Falk and Rachel Evans. Chair: Linda Seaborn
10.00-11.00am Constitution changes session. Presenter: Bea Bleile. Chair: Jeremy Smith
11.00-11.30am Morning tea
11.30am-1.00pm Preparing for action - voting on resolutions and policies on: Socialist Alliance perspectives for 2010; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights; Youth work; Trade union work; Latin America solidarity and others. Chair: Margarita Windisch
11.30am-1.00pm Concurrent educational: The need for an eco-socialist perspective in the Australian climate movement Presenter: Hans Baer
1.00-2.00pm Lunch
Screening of documentary on Nepal: From Bullets to Ballots. Part 2
Introduction to the Socialist Alliance
2.00-2.45pm Preparing for action - voting on resolutions and policies on: the climate movement; environment policies; anti-war; women's rights and LGBTI rights. Chair: Jody Betzien
2.45-3.30pm Preparing for action - voting on resolutions for building the Socialist Alliance. Chair: Jody Betzien
2.00-3.30pm Concurrent educational: Building the Left-Indigenous alliance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights. Presenters: Pat Eatock and Terry Townsend
3.30-4.15pm Voting on changes to the constitution
4.15-5.00pm Socialist Alliance elections
3.30-5.00pm Concurrent educational: The NSW "socialisation units" of the 1930s: a vehicle for socialism? Presenter: Margarita Windisch
5.00-5.15pm Conference close
Current Issue - Volume 9, No 9, December 2009
- Draft climate change resolution
- Draft SA climate campaigning and policy
- Draft population and climate change policy
- Draft policy on steel industry and of mining coking coal
- Draft resolution on Lake Cowal
- Draft policy on coal exports
- Climate Charter 2009 edition: report on progress and status
- Draft women’s rights resolutions 2010:
- Draft paid parental leave resolution
- Draft policy on equality for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and intersex peopleDraft sex worker policy
- Draft marriage and civil union policy
- Draft intersex policy
- Draft transgendered people's rights policy
- Draft refugee, asylum seeker and immigration rights policy
- Support for the Latin American revolution
- Draft resolution on Socialist Alliance's Latin America solidarity work
- Draft housing policy
- Notes on our health care policy
- On the Welfare Rights Charter
- GLW: time for an overhaul