Communist Party of Spain

IU PCE rally no to NATO

Spain: From opposing US imperialism to defending the Putin-Trump pact

Alfons Bech — Some political twists and turns might seem implausible. But they can happen and quickly. Such is the case with those who went from defending Putin’s war to defending Trump as a “peacemaker”.

United Left national convention: ‘This is the Spanish SYRIZA!’

[For more reports and discussion on political developments in Spain, click HERE.]

By Dick Nichols, Madrid

January 4, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- On the last day of the 10th federal convention of the Spain’s United Left (Izquierda Unida, IU), Juan Peña, young IU organisation secretary for the Castilian town of Valladolid, summed up his view of the impact of the indignado (15M) movement on the IU, one of the oldest broad left formations in Europe: “15M brought IU good news and bad news. The good news was that our programmatic proposals hit the mark, shared by the people who poured into the streets. The bad news was that the people thought that these proposals were new, their own.”

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