
Mariana Riscali (MES/PSOL, Brazil): The rise of the global far right and the role of the socialist left

Mariana Riscali — In confronting the far right, unity among all who oppose the far right and defend democracy is essential. At the same time, we must maintain our political independence and remain true to our program.
CPAC Bolsonaro

Extreme rights 2.0: A big global family

Steven Forti — From Spain’s Vox to Argentina’s Javier Milei, the forces of the new far right don’t resurrect historical fascism. But they are the greatest threat to democracy today.
seocnd pink tide

Álvaro García Linera: ‘We face a period of short-lived popular and conservative victories and defeats’

Álvaro García Linera argues that to defeat the extreme right, the left must pursue greater wealth redistribution, not moderation or conciliation.
ecological crisis

Neoimperialism, ecological crisis and the fight for a new internationalism: An interview with Pedro Fuentes

Pedro Fuentes discusses imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and "accumulation by dispossession", the unpredictability of contemporary politics and the need for a new internationalism.

The hard right captivates the Argentine electorate

Mariano Schuster & Pablo Stefanoni — The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.

Argentina: They are afraid of us

By Verónica Gago August 26, 2018

When feminism sets the political agenda

By Nazaret Castro July 6, 2018

‘Venezuela defines the future of the progressive cycle’ An interview with Claudio Katz

Introduced and translated by Richard Fidler, article original published in Spanish in La Llamarada July 14, 2013 -- Life on

Nicolas Del Caño (FIT): 'Queremos una izquierda que denuncie a la casta política y acompañe a los trabajadores en sus luchas'

Del Cano 

Iniciado hace poco más de cuatro años, el Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores frontal (FIT) se ha convertido en un punto de referencia clave para la izquierda en Argentina, y está rápidamente ganando su lugar en la escena política nacional.