
The Latin American left amid China, the United States, late progressivism and the far right
Eric Toussaint — Claudio Katz's new book, Latin America at the Global Crossroads, concentrates on the continent’s relations with China and with US imperialism.

Extreme rights 2.0: A big global family
Steven Forti — From Spain’s Vox to Argentina’s Javier Milei, the forces of the new far right don’t resurrect historical fascism. But they are the greatest threat to democracy today.

The hard right captivates the Argentine electorate
Mariano Schuster & Pablo Stefanoni — The Argentine primary elections caused a political earthquake, with libertarian Javier Milei taking first place and Peronism coming in third. Never before has the radicalized right won so many votes.
Argentina: They are afraid of us

When feminism sets the political agenda

By Claudio Katz, introduction and translation by Richard Fidler
‘Venezuela defines the future of the progressive cycle’ An interview with Claudio Katz
Introduced and translated by Richard Fidler, article original published in Spanish in La Llamarada July 14, 2013 – Life o