
Now The People

Now The People! — United for solidarity, climate, justice and peace

The Left Bloc, France Unbowed, Podemos, Sweden's Left Party, Finland's Left Alliance and Red Green Alliance take a joint stand in defense of solidarity, the climate, justice and peace.
Greenwash detected

Green Capitalism — Don’t believe the hype!

Marty Hart-Landsberg — If we want a sustainable and equitable economic system, we are going to have to overcome capitalist imperatives and develop the organizations and institutions that will allow us to directly build it.
planet earth first

Degrowth: How anti-worker would it be?

Don Fitz — Many of the accusations against degrowth have been answered. But one accusation still seems to lack an adequate response: Is the US working class inherently anti-degrowth because it would mean a massive loss of jobs?

Nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to say: How the broad climate movement has failed us

Greenpeace activists during a protest in Paris at the COP21 United Nations climate change

Copenhagen: Maldives, Tuvalu, small island nations lead fight for real action on climate

President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed: ``You can't negotiate with physics!''.

December 15, 2009 -- Klimaforum09 -- The president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, stressed the power of people to take action on climate change, when he spoke to a packed audience at Klimaforum09, the alternative climate summit in Copenhagen, on December 14.

“The social movements have the power to save the planet from the effects of climate change. My message to you is to continue the process of movement building after the conference”, the president said.

Mohamed Nasheed used his own personal story to illustrate the point. A few years ago he was in prison because of his work as a human rights activists, but upon his release he became the first democratic elected president of the island nation acutely threatened by the rising sea levels.