Making sense of the interregnum since 2007-9

Shanghai Lockdown: A conversation with young leftists from China

Mass protests in China challenge COVID-19 lockdown restrictions
Republished from Life on the Left. Originally posted on Facebook by by Hong Kong activist Lam Chi Leung.

Life expectancy: The US and Cuba in the time of COVID-19

Why does China’s response so far to the Russian invasion of Ukraine "not add up"? On one hand, China has refused to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has pushed its own state-controlled media to promote only pro-Russian propaganda, and even republished false reports by the Russian state media. China abstained from a UN Security Council resolution in March 2022 that condemned the Russian invasion. Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently announced that China and Russia "will always maintain strategic focus and steadily advance our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era," especially in the energy trade (Quoted in Torigian 2022).
One world or no world. Choose!

By Susan Rosenthal
Immunity is liberty: Vaccine internationalism during a pandemic

By Amitabha Sarkar
Canada: New Year calls for a new COVID-19 strategy

By David Camfield and C