Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)


Following a crushing defeat, is the ANC-DA coalition a stabilising or aggravating factor in South Africa’s social and political crisis?

Mazibuko Jara and Gunnett Kaaf look at the implications of South Africa’s new coalition government for the African National Congress-South African Communist Party-Confederation of South African Trade Union Alliance, and for the broader polity.

South Africa’s ‘Government of Neoliberal Unity’ is constructed on shaky ground

Patrick Bond — Given declining living standards, an elite transition will not stick nearly as well as Nelson Mandela’s 1994-99 reign. It may be a matter of just months before the centre can no longer hold.
South Africa votes

ANC’s crushing electoral defeat: A nightmare of coalitions, splits and neoliberal crisis

Gunnett Kaaf — Voters have rejected the ANC, but other mainstream parties are not viable alternatives to exit the neoliberal crisis. That’s why South Africa is in the throes of a deepening political and social crisis.

Zabalaza for Socialism (South Africa): Down with the Government of National Unity; unite and defend workers and the poor

Zabalaza for Socialism — The elections of May 29 and the inauguration of the Government of National Unity (GNU) mark a critical shift in the country’s political landscape.
anti-ANC protest

The ANC and South Africa's 2024 elections: A nightmare of coalitions, splits and neoliberal crisis (plus: Amandla!: Elections 2024 — A wake up call for the left)

Gunnett Kaaf — The African National Congress is certainly fighting its most difficult election since the dawn of democracy in 1994.
South Africa ballot paper

South Africa: The way forward for the left (plus: Zabalaza for Socialism — Building Towards a Movement for Socialism

Niall Reddy — The May 29 national election is going to have a profound effect on shaping the political landscape in South Africa and therefore on how to construct a Left party.
South African womens protest

South Africa: Prospects for a new Left

Amandla! Collective — Where is the Left? The Left exists. It is present in many of today’s struggles. But over time it has become quite marginal and isolated. A rebirth of the Left needs to start with coming to terms with this reality.

South Africa: Mass protests follow cabinet reshuffle as Zuma impeachment vote looms


By Patrick Bond

April 28, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — On South Africa’s political left, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party dominated recent news by leading a mass march on President Jacob Zuma’s office in Pretoria, following a government power shift seen as amplifying corruption. The move also catalysed a ‘junk’ rating by two neoliberal credit ratings agencies. And an impeachment process on the immediate horizon represents the first real parliamentary threat to Zuma’s eight-year reign.

Sudáfrica: Las privaciones y depravaciones de Jacob Zuma

[Original in English here] Por Patrick Bond November 14, 2016 — Traducido por Enrique García para Sin Permiso — Esta semana quizás sea recordada como el punto de inflexión política de Sudáfrica más importante desde que en septiembre de 2008 su propio partido, el ANC, obligase a dimitir al presidente Thabo Mbeki. Su torturador principal era en aquella época Jacob Zuma, que - después de un breve período transitorio - ha gobernado el país de una manera cada vez menos convincente desde mayo de 2009.