El Salvador

El Salvador: Left wins national elections, right blocks final results

Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) observers present

`Foro Social Latinamericano', September 2014 issue: Green Left Weekly's Spanish-language supplement

El Foro Social Latinoamericano se pronuncio el 12 de agosto sobre la detención de Liliany Obando, activista co

El Salvador: (Video) On the spot report on election day, March 9; FMLN wins

See "El Salvador: FMLN wins presidency; right wing trying to steal election" for more detail.

March 22, 2014 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- In the first round of El Salvador's 2014 presidential election the FMLN candidate Salvador Ceren had a clear win over the runner-up, Norman Quiroga of the right-wing ARENA party. However he fell just short of the 50%+ required to be declared president. With the smaller parties dropping out there was a run-off between Ceren and Quijano on Sunday, March 9. Here is video of the voting process and an interview by Warwick Fry with Juan Campos, who travelled from Australia as an official observer. The FMLN's Salvador Ceren was victorious, much to the great delight of tens of thousands of Salvadoreans (below).

`Foro Social Latinamericano', June 2013 issue: Green Left Weekly's Spanish-language supplement

[Haga clic aquí para más artículos en español.]

June 16, 2013 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- Providing facts and analysis, and publicising and organising Latin America solidarity activities in Australia, Green Left Weekly and Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal has sought to promote greater understanding and solidarity between the people of Australia and Latin America.

We are therefore delighted to publish Latin America Social Forum (Foro Social Latinamericano), a Spanish-language supplement produced regularly by the Latin America Social Forum in Sydney.

Peter Camejo: Against sectarianism -- the evolution of the Socialist Workers Party, 1978-1983


The Evolution of the Socialist Workers Party 1978-1983

by Pedro (Peter) Camejo