'Rocking the Foundations' -- the story of Australia's pioneering red-green trade union
August 14, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Federico Fuentes on socialism in the 21st century and revolutionary leadership in Latin America
Green Left TV – Fed
The Great Rift: Capitalism and the metabolism of nature and production
August 7, 2013 –
Cuba's unsung medical training helps develop Timor Leste and Pacific island countries
August 3, 2013 – Australia-Cu
How should socialists organise? Paul Le Blanc, Gilbert Achcar discuss Leninism, left unity, revolutionary parties
July 31, 2013 –
Ahmed Shawki (US ISO): Legacy of the International Socialist Tendancy
Has the Egyptian revolution been aborted? Interview with Hossam El-Hamalawy
For more on Egypt, click HERE.
Marxism and women's liberation: talks by Sharon Smith, Abbie Bakan (video and text)
July 12, 2013 – Links international Journal o
History: Why did Paul Levi lose out in the German Communist leadership? (Now with audio)
Ahmed Shawki (US ISO): `We can forge the basis for a new and different party' (now video)
Egypt: 'The people still want end to regime' -- left assessments of the uprising and military takeover (updated July 10)
Demonstration at Tahrir Square in Cairo, June 30, 2013.
Why we need an ecosocialist revolution (with video)
This is the text of Ian Angus' talk at the