
By Farooque Chowdhury and Fred Magdoff September 7, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from MR Online — Amidst imperialist interference, the people in Venezuela are carrying on the task of reorganizing their society. Real-life picture in Venezuela is far different from new-reports the mainstream media continuously circulates. The following interview of Christina Schiavoni, a researcher and food sovereignty activist, provides a different view of the life of the Venezuelan people than we normally get from the media. The interview covers food and health situations as well as on-going politics and people’s participation in the politics. The interview was conducted by Farooque Chowdhury and Fred Magdoff, in August 2017.
Rally in Caracas against Trump's military threats
By Shamu
August 9, 2017 — 
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Interview with Stalin Perez Borges, activist with LUCHAS (United League of Chavista Socialists) and member of the Consultative Council of the Bolivarian Socialist Workers’ Central (CBST), conducted by Federico Fuentes for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
9 de Agosto de 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Entrevista a Stalin Pérez Borges, militante de LUCHAS (Liga Unitaria Chavista Socialista) y del Consejo Consultivo de la Central Bolivariana Socialista de los Trabajadores y Trabajadoras (CBST) hecho por Federico Fuentes para Links Revista International de Renovación Socialista.
By Greg Wilpert July 17, 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from TeleSUR English — Venezuela is heading towards an increasingly dangerous situation, in which open civil war could become a real possibility. So far over 100 people have been killed as a result of street protests, most of these deaths are the fault of the protesters themselves (to the extent that we know the cause).The possibility of civil war becomes more likely as long as the international media obscure who is responsible for the violence and the international left remains on the sidelines in this conflict and fails to show solidarity with the Bolivarian socialist movement in Venezuela.
[English version available here.]4 de julio de 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal  Reinaldo Iturriza, militante revolucionario y sociólogo, se ha dedicado por muchos años a trabajar con movimientos populares en Venezuela y escribir sobre la emergencia del chavismo como un movimiento político de los pobres. Entre 2013 y 2016 fue Ministro del Poder Popular para las Comunas y los Movimientos Sociales, y luego de Cultura, en el gabinete de Presidente Nicolas Maduro. Junto con militantes de diversas organizaciones revolucionarios de base y movimientos sociales, Iturriza se ha postulado con el apoyo de la Plataforma Constituyente Popular como candidato para las elecciones a la Asamblea Constituyente, a realizarse el 30 de julio.
11 de junio de 2017
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal Entrevista con Stalin Perez Borges, militante de LUCHAS (Liga Unitaria Chavista Socialista) y del Consejo Consultivo de la Central Bolivariana Socialista de los Trabajadores y Trabajadoras (CBST)
This joint statement by revolutionary and socialist organizations in Latin America and elsewhere is motivated by the loss of referential principles that certain intellectuals and left parties have suffered with regards to the current crisis in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. An example of this type of one-sided analysis that ultimately ends up aiding the Venezuelan right-wing opposition and US imperialism is the statement by self-proclaimed “left” academics and intellectuals, “An urgent international appeal to halt the escalation of violence in Venezuela” (Aporrea 28/5/17). We, the organizations and activists who have signed onto this statement maintain that: