
MES/PSOL (Brazil): Why we need to support the popular rebellion in Peru

Israel Dutra — More than 20 years later, the Peruvian people have set in motion a mass struggle against a government that wants to assert itself through dictatorial means.

Turkey: Goodbye Erdoğan?

Alp Kayserilioglu — No matter who wins the next election, though, there remains an alternative for Turkey beyond authoritarian consolidation and neoliberal restoration.
Hişyar Özsoy

Hişyar Özsoy (Peoples' Democratic Party, Turkey): Turkish-Syrian rapprochement seeks to eliminate Kurdish status

Will Turkey's Syria policy take the form Erdoğan wants by the time of the elections? What position will be taken when Iran comes into play, and what does this situation mean for the Kurds? Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MP Hişyar Özsoy, co-spokesperson of the party’s Foreign Relations Commission, addressed these questions.

Zofia Malisz (Razem, Poland): ‘There are several imperialisms at play in our part of Europe and we cannot afford to take one side over the other’

Polish left-wing party Razem (Together) International Office member Zofia Malisz speaks to Federico Fuentes about the party’s history, Polish politics and Razem’s views on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
French protest

France: Massive rejection of the Macron-Borne reform of the pension system

Léon Crémieux - The question of pensions will become a major social and political issue in France.
Beach plastic

Neocolonial wastelands

Daniel Johnson reports on the current situation following a 2021 investigation by Greenpeace that revealed how European countries, led by the U.K., Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, have shipped millions of tons of waste to Turkey.
Russia WWI

From mobilization to revolution: World War I in three slogans

How did World War I impact the Russian Revolution? Why did patriotic enthusiasm quickly give way to disillusionment? Or did the enthusiasm ever exist? Historian Konstantin Tarasov explains how the attitude towards war changed in Russian society as events unfolded.
Kirill Medvedev

War and resistance under Putin: An interview with Russian Socialist Movement's Kirill Medvedev

Moscow-based poet, translator, and activist Kirill Medvedev, of the Russian Socialist Movement (RSD), discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine and anti-war resistance at home.
Russia anti-war protest

Call for solidarity actions with anti-war and anti-fascist activists in Russia

Russian Socialist Movement - For over a decade, Russian antifascists have commemorated January 19 as their day of solidarity. Today, when the Putin regime has invaded Ukraine and unleashed unprecedented repression against its own citizens who oppose the war, the date of January 19 takes on a new meaning.
Zelensky and Netanyahu

Ukraine: We need to talk about Volodymyr

Des Derwin - The international solidarity movement with Ukraine, together with the left within Ukraine, needs to begin having a conversation about Volodymyr Zelensky.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine: a response to Renfrey Clarke

Chris Slee - Tsarist Russia was a "relatively poor and backward state", but Lenin still considered it imperialist, because of its military power, its robbery of national minorities, and other factors.
Colombia peace

Peace, Peace! But in Colombia, there is no peace

James Patrick Jordan - Advocates for peace and justice around the world were thrilled to hear the proposal by Colombian president Gustavo Petro for a Total Peace Plan, an effort that was promptly approved by Congress. The plan is ambitious and deserves our support.