What’s next for the Nigerian left?
Ayoola Babalola — Although the #EndBadGovernance protests attempted to address lingering questions from the #EndSARS era, the potential for the left to transform Nigeria’s political landscape remains a question.

Alex Batubo — The main claim by West African military juntas, when they took power in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, was that they would address the security issues in their countries. Instead have inflicted further attacks on human rights.

The logic of Trump versus the logic of Lenin
Paul Le Blanc — Those who share Lenin’s commitments have a responsibility to adapt his perspectives to what has unfolded over the past hundred years. In doing so, we must face a key aspect of Trumpism’s superiority as a global political force.

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Solidarity with Singaporean activist Kokila Annamalai Parvathi
The Socialist Party of Malaysia stands in solidarity with Kokila Annamalai Parvathi, a concerned citizen of Singapore who is facing censorship for voicing out her conscience.

The United Nations: Balancing high ideals and harsh realities
Dmitry Pozhidaev — Criticism of the UN has never been as harsh as it is today, with the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East exposing its perceived inability to address them.

Gilbert Achcar — Hezbollah is now facing the dilemma of its dual loyalty, in a way that affects its vital interests.

Ukraine: To defeat Russia, people must have a stake in the country’s future
Oleksandr Kyselov — People should have a stake in the country’s future and respect for human dignity must be at the core of a society that asks its members to risk their lives for it.

Boris Kagarlitsky: A letter from prison on the situation of the Russian left
Boris Kagarlitsky sent the following letter to the October 8 online conference “Boris Kagarlitsky and the Challenges of the Left Today”, to be read as part of the panel on the situation of the left in Russia.

Boris Kagarlitsky: Change is inevitable
In a new letter from prison, Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the global crisis of our time, ongoing wars, the economy and the collapse of the familiar world order in Western Europe, where the far right is gaining popularity.

Applying/misapplying Gramsci’s passive revolution to Latin America
Steve Ellner — A distinction needs to be made between critical support for the Pink Tide and the passive revolution analysis that gets translated into frontal opposition to those governments.

Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement): The path to victory and the tasks of the Ukrainian left
One of the key decisions of the Social Movement (Sotsialnyi Rukh) conference, which took place in Kyiv on October 5-6, 2024, was the adoption of the resolution, “The path to victory and the tasks of the Ukrainian left”.

Rebuilding Hong Kong’s democratic movements in retreat: A response to Zi‑yuet
Hau-wai critically engages with Zi-yuet’s call for rebuilding Hong Kong's democratic movements.