Dave Holmes

Palestine key protest

‘Two-state solution’ a fig leaf for Western leaders

Dave Holmes — Calling for a separate Palestinian state serves as a fig leaf for Western politicians to cover their fundamental position of support for Israel.
Palestine solidarity rally in Amman, Jordan, October 13, 2023.

Notes on the war in Gaza

Dave Holmes — The struggle in Palestine is now the number one issue of world politics. The armed breakout from Gaza on October 7 by Hamas and its allies has raised numerous questions.

A discussion about Hamas & October 7

Dave Holmes — We are constantly told by the Western corporate media that Hamas is a terrorist group. But the reality is very different.
Ukraine map

Ukraine: US proxy war in crisis

Dave Holmes — Ever since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, NATO has been calling the shots, fighting a proxy war against Russia on Ukrainian territory, using NATO arms, training, intelligence, “volunteers” and advisers, with Ukrainians as expendable cannon fodder on the ground.

Setting the record straight: Ukraine, Russia & imperialism

Renfrey Clarke and Dave Holmes — The fact that Russia is not part of the imperialist world has enormous implications for the way the conflict in Ukraine must be interpreted.

Imperialism: A short introduction

Dave Holmes — We live in a world where capitalism is near universal. However, it’s not just capitalism but capitalism in its imperialist stage. If we don’t understand what this is (and what it is not), we can’t understand anything about the politics of Australia and the world today.
No war on Russia

Key issues of the war in Ukraine one year on

Dave Holmes — A Russian defeat at the hands of the US-NATO-Ukraine forces would be a victory for imperialism. An end to the war and a withdrawal of Russian troops is obviously desirable, but only as a result of negotiations and a reasonable peace settlement.
Ukraine war

Theses on the war in Ukraine

Dave Holmes and Renfrey Clarke - The war in Ukraine is being used to massively intensify the West’s anti-Russia campaign. But the blowback from the sanctions regime is destabilising Western Europe and intensifying the suffering of developing countries.
Map of Ukraine

Ukraine war: Negotiations only way forward

Dave Holmes - The Russia-Ukraine war has been raging for over six months. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians have died, many more have been wounded and traumatised. Millions have become refugees. The material damage is immense.