Dmitry Pozhidaev

Trump and Putin talking

From confrontation to engagement: The strategic logic of US rapprochement with Russia

US re-engagement with Russia under Trump came as a shock to many, particularly its European allies. Dmitry Pozhidaev looks at the deeper strategic logic underpinning this apparent tectonic shift in US foreign policy.
Lenin writing

In defence of Lenin’s writings on the national question: A response to Hanna Perekhoda

Dmitry Pozhidaev — Lenin’s vision of the national question was far from assimilationist; it was a dialectical approach that recognised proletarian internationalism could only be built on respect for national and cultural differences.
The university student-led movement has poured increasing pressure on the government.

Is Serbia’s student protest movement at an impasse?

Dmitry Pozhidaev — Unless the student protests in Serbia transform into a larger popular movement, they will gradually dissipate without leaving a lasting impact.
People attend a protest against the Serbian authorities, demanding justice for the victims of the train station roof collapse in Belgrade.

Beyond protest: Can Serbia’s student movement spark a political breakthrough?

Dmitry Pozhidaev — The student protests are significant in that they expose and deepen the fractures within Serbian capitalism, potentially laying the groundwork for more profound political shifts in the future.
Serbian election protests

Serbia in 2024: A mirror on capitalism’s global crises

Dmitry Pozhidaev — In 2024, Serbia offered a particularly clear reflection of the three core dimensions of capitalism’s crisis: political, economic and systemic.
Founding socialist Yugoslavia

Commemorating November 29, 1943: The founding of a new Yugoslavia

Dmitry Pozhidaev — On November 29, 1943, amid the turmoil of World War II, the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ) proclaimed the foundation of a new Yugoslavia that envisioned a radically different future.
Boris Kagarlitsky Long Retreat Jeremy Corbyn

Boris Kagarlitsky’s ‘The Long Retreat’: Capitalism, crisis and the left’s challenge

Dmitry Pozhidaev — By integrating historical analysis, dialectical critique and a pragmatic vision for action, Boris Kagarlitsky’s new book offers a roadmap for reclaiming the future.
UN headquarters

The United Nations: Balancing high ideals and harsh realities

Dmitry Pozhidaev — Criticism of the UN has never been as harsh as it is today, with the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East exposing its perceived inability to address them.
Nobel Prize economy winners

The Nobel Prize for Institutions: A critique of Acemoglu and Robinson’s framework

Dmitry Pozhidaev — In many ways, Acemoglu and Robinson’s framework echoes the “end of history” thesis popularised by Francis Fukuyama.
Putin meeting with Russian capitalists

Class analysis and Russian imperialism: A response to Ilya Matveev

Dmitry Pozhidaev — By focusing on ideology and Putin’s personal motivations, Matveev overlooks class dynamics and the material interests of Russia’s capitalist class, which are crucial to understanding Russia’s post-2014 foreign policy.
Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value

Reinvigorating Marx: A critical exploration of value theory in 21st-century capitalism (plus: Re-reading Giovanni Arrighi on the struggle for global hegemony)

Dmitry Pozhidaev — ‘Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value’ aims to explain 21st-century capitalism through Karl Marx’s value theory.

Foreign direct investment: The opium for development

Dmitry Pozhidaev — If religion is the opium of the people, FDI is the opium of development: it creates an appearance of development while undermining and restricting development opportunities.