Rashid Khalidi

Rashid Khalidi

Rashid Khalidi: ‘Israel has created a nightmare scenario for itself. The clock is ticking’

Rashid Khalidi argues the present war is not the “Israeli September 11”. Instead, the only way to understand it is within the context of the war that Israel has been waging against Palestine for the past century.
Embrace in Desolation The Heart of Gaza Calls

The neck and the sword: An interview with Rashid Khalidi by Tariq Ali

Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali discuss the history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught entanglement with Arab regimes, Israel’s grip on the Biden administration and the strategic calculations of Hamas.
Rashid Khalidi

‘A desperate situation getting more desperate’: An interview with Rashid Khalidi

Rashid Khalidi discusses the response — in the US, in the Middle East, and elsewhere — to recent events, the history of the Zionist project and past peace processes.