Thiago Aguiar


Brazil: Neither forgive nor forget — In memory of the struggle of Marielle and Anderson!

Israel Dutra & Thiago Aguiar — The death of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes was, without a doubt, the most important political assassination in Brazil's recent history.
Pedro Castillo

Mobilization against the coup in Peru: No to Castillo’s arrest, new early elections and call for a constituent assembly

Israel Dutra and Thiago Aguiar - It is important to draw attention to what is going on in our neighboring country: a coup, orchestrated by the Fujimorist-dominated parliament, has resulted in the deposition of President Pedro Castillo.
Pro-Lula rally

Brazil: Every vote is decisive

Israel Dutra & Thiago Aguiar - The final stretch of the electoral process, marked by polarization, many fake news stories, and the fight against Bolsonarism, is undefined. The polls are divergent and, of course, there is a dispute about who is ahead.

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