Indonesian leftists: Support democracy in Nepal, support Nepalese people's struggle against neoliberal imperialism!
From Berdikari, publication of Papernas (National Liberation Party of Unity), Indonesia
Jakarta, May 6, 2009 – Neoliberal imperialism has put the Indonesian people under siege. But that does not mean that the Indonesian people will be absent in giving support and solidarity to the global people's struggle against neoliberal imperialism.
One of the country whose people are rising up courageously to fight neoliberal imperialism is Nepal. In that country, the oligarchy of landlords and local elites, supported by international capitalism, has been overthrown by the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) supported by the people. The CPN-M took power through a democratic election. But since its victory, the oligarchy has always tried to destabilise the CPN-M led government.
A few days ago, the conflict reached its peak as the military command – which received support from the old forces (landlords and local elites) refused to abide by the CPN-M led civilian government. In response to this subversion, the civilian government decided to discharge the armed forces chief of staff, General Katawal, legally and constitutionally. General Katawal refused to step down and instead allied himself with the right-wing parties and conservative opposition.
Prime Minister Prachanda's democratically elected government is in crisis. To strengthen and retain the Nepalese people's mandate for change and democracy, he announced his resignation and dismissed his government. The Nepalese people are also preparing themselves by organising resitance in the streets.
The Nepalese people have just started a new path in the journey towards their own future; to control and manage their own natural resource, economy, and politics. But the right-wingers and the oligarchy are worried of this change. They are afraid of losing their centuries-long privileges.
Unfortunately the Western countries that often talk about democracy and human rights have refused to acknowledge that the CPN-M government is democratically elected. CPN-M won [the most] votes in the April 2008 election... Therefore, CPN-M has a strong legitimacy to carry out the government and there is no reason to undermine it.
The entire progressive forces of Indonesia must express their support to the people's struggle in Nepal. Capitalism, that has brought disaster not only to billions of people, but also the future of this planet, must be ended. Therefore, Berdikari online, as a progressive media that promotes national liberation, has made the statement below:
1. Stop imperialist intervention in the political conflict in Nepal; let the Nepalese people assert their independence and decide their own future;
2. Respect democracy by giving the elected government, that carries the people mandate, to work and carry out its duty;
3. Stop violence and sabotages that have victimised civilians.
Fight Against Neoliberal Imperialism!
[Berdikari is the publication of Papernas, the National Liberation Party
of Unity. Translation by Data Brainanta from
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Dukung Demokrasi di Nepal, Sokong Perjuangan Rakyat Nepal Melawan Imperialisme Neoliberal
Rabu, 6 Mei 2009 Salam Perjuangan,
Salah satu negara yang rakyatnya sedang bangkit dengan gagah berani menghadapi imperialisme neoliberal adalah Nepal. Di negeri ini, sebuah pemerintahan oligarki tuan tanah dan elit lokal, yang disokong oleh kapitalis internasional, berhasil ditumbangkan oleh Partai Komunis Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M) yang mendapat sokongan rakyat. CPN-M merengkuh kekuasaan di pemerintahan melalui pemilu yang demokratis. Namun sejak itu, oligharki tuan tanah dan sejumlah elit kekuatan lama berupaya mendestabilisasi pemerintahan yang dikepalai CPN-M. Puncaknya, beberapa hari yang lalu, komando militer yang mendapat sokongan elit kekuatan lama (tuan tanah dan elit lokal) menolak perintah atau tunduk kepada pemerintahan sipil yang dikomandoi oleh CPN-M. merespon pembangkangan ini, pemerintahan sipil kemudian kepala staff umum Angkatan Bersenjata, Jenderal Katawal, melalui jalur hukum dan konstitusi. Jenderal Katawal menolak pemberhentian ini dan menyerukan perlawanan, serta membangun aliansi dengan partai sayap kanan dan konservatif oposisi. Pemerintahan demokratis yang dipimpin oleh Prachanda sedang dalam krisis. Untuk memperkuat dan mempertahankan mandat rakyat Nepal bagi perubahan dan demokrasi, maka Prachanda sudah mengumumkan untuk tidak meletakkan jabatan dan meninggalkan pemerintahan. Rakyat Nepal sendiri sudah mengorganisasikan diri dan akan melakukan perlawanan di jalanan. Rakyat Nepal baru memulai sebuah jalan baru, sebuah jalan yang dirintis untuk menentukan sendiri masa depannya; mengontrol dan mengelola sumber daya alamnya, menjalankan ekonomi, serta menjalankan politiknya secara bebas. Akan tetapi, pihak sayap kanan dan oligarkhi merasa terganggu oleh perubahan ini, karena mereka takut kehilangan hak "privilege-nya" yang dipelihara ratusan tahun. Sayang sekali, negeri-negeri barat yang seringkali berteriak soal demokrasi dan HAM justru menginkari kenyataan bahwa pemerintahan Nepal terpilih secara demokratis. CPN (M) memenangkan suara mayoritas dalam pemilu April 2008 lalu, dan mendapat 120 kursi parlemen dari 240 kursi yang diperebutkan. Artinya, legitimasi CPN (M) untuk menjalankan pemerintahannya cukup kuat, dan tidak ada alasan untuk mengganggunya. Seluruh kekuatan progressif dan rakyat Indonesia menyatakan dukungan terhadap perjuangan rakyat Nepal. Sistim kapitalisme yang sudah membawa kerusakan, bukan saja kepada kehidupan milyaran umat manusia tetapi juga merusak masa depan planet ini, sudah saatnya untuk diakhiri. Oleh karena itu, berdikari online, sebagai media progressif untuk pembebasan nasional, menyatakan sikap sebagai berikut;
Jakarta, 6 Mei 2009 Lawan Imperialisme Neoliberal |