
Kanaky protests

Kanaky: Let’s (really) put an end to the era of colonies (plus statements from French radical left)

Jeff Castel — It is urgent to oppose the manoeuvres of the French state against the Kanak people and promote solidarity.
European elections

European elections: A radical, unitary and democratic left for a real alternative

Struggles must not only be a defensive reaction, but build “a new political force, stronger and more popular than what organizations and struggles represent today.”
European parliamentary candidate Fabrice Leggeri and MP Edwige Diaz during a meeting to launch the RN’s campaign for the upcoming European elections in Marseille on March 3, 2024.

The far right has found its place in Europe’s institutions

David Broder — With ex-Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri running for the Rassemblement National in the EU elections, boundaries between mainstream institutional politics and the far right seem ever more blurred.
Malaysia solidarity Palestine

Building international solidarity with the Palestinians

Antoine Larrache & Terry Conway — Israel’s offensive against Gaza has sparked a worldwide revolt unlike any other issue.
niger coup leader

Turkey: The imperialist scramble in Africa and Erdoğan's position

Yusuf Karadaş — Erdoğan's government is among the regimes that are trying to use the reactions against colonialism in Africa (especially in Muslim countries) and the struggle for domination between imperialists, as an opportunity for their own expansionist ambitions.
False narrative

India: Debunk the false narrative of Modi's 'foreign policy success'

Dipankar Bhattacharya — Far developing India into a stronger democracy and powerful voice for global justice, peace and planetary survival, the Modi government is pushing India into a state of strategic dependence on the US and its western allies.
Assa Traoré

France: Anti-police uprising of marginalized youth hurls challenge to the entire social order

Kevin B. Anderson — After a racist police murder, an uprising of France’s marginalized youth has targeted the state apparatus in an unprecedented ways, exposing the race/class faultlines of modern capitalism.

Europe: The far right is here to stay

David Broder — Figures like Italy’s Giorgia Meloni threaten to establish a new normal in European politics.
Tavini party

Pro-independence victories in French Polynesia

Léon Crémieux — On 30 April, the Polynesian pro-independence Tavini party won a solid majority in the Territorial Assembly for the first time. This confirms a real change in the political landscape in the archipelago
Ukrainian soldiers

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?

Chris Maisano surveys the views and policies of left-wing parties in Europe regarding the Ukraine war.
France pension protest

France: The showdown to make Macron give in (plus statement by Intersyndicale)

Léon Crémieux — It is clear that we are heading for a major political and social confrontation in the coming weeks in France.
French protest

France: Massive rejection of the Macron-Borne reform of the pension system

Léon Crémieux - The question of pensions will become a major social and political issue in France.

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