UPDATED: France: Nuit Debout’s call to action; Reflections on 'Nuit Debout'
Vive la révolution: demonstrators gat
Resistance, citizens assemblies and the rise of a French indignes movement
April 17, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Throughout the month of March 2016, French students and workers met on the streets to protest a proposed labor law reform and
France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon's assessment of March 22 and 29 departmental elections
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France: 'Charlie Hebdo' would have run the headline: ‘Satraps who you have escaped’
This drawing (representing Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan) was tweeted by television presenter Sedef Kabas
(Updated Jan. 13) Socialists condemn 'Charlie Hebdo' massacre, warn of Islamophobia in its wake
Vigil in Sydney on January 8, 2