Adam Hanieh: Power, wealth and inequality in the Arab world

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Levantamiento de Egipto: no sólo una cuestión de 'transición'

Tahrir Square. Foto by Hossam el-Hamalawy.
[English version at]
Por Adam Hanieh, traducido para el CEPRID por María Valdés
Egypt’s uprising: Not just a question of ‘transition’

Anti-Mubarak graffitti on a tank.Tahrir Square.
Egypt's uprising and its implications for Palestine (and Jordan)

Egyptians call for Mubarak's ouster, Tahrir (Liberation) Square, Cairo, January 29, 2011. Photo by Matthew Cassel.
By Ali Abunimah
January 29, 2011 -- Electronic Intifada -- We are in the middle of a political earthquake in the Arab world and the ground has still not stopped shaking. To make predictions when events are so fluid is risky, but there is no doubt that the uprising in Egypt -- however it ends -- will have a dramatic impact across the region and within Palestine.
Palestine in the Middle East: Opposing neoliberalism and US power
July 15, 2008 – Over the last six months, the Palestinian economy has been radically transformed under a new plan drawn up by the Palestinian Authority (PA) called the Pa