
YPF hiking

Women’s Protection Units (YPJ): On societal transformation and revolutionary progress

Berivan Amuda — What sets the Rojava Revolution apart is that it has truly been based on a struggle centering women’s liberation and society’s change towards an ethical and political society.
Lebanon bombed

Joseph Daher: Middle East tensions grow

Joseph Daher — Faced with the violence of the Israeli occupying army and supported by its Western imperialist allies, the people of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon face the growing risks of a more deadly regional conflagration.
A Kurdish woman dancing at a celebration of the revolution in Qamishli, 2023. Photo by Anna Rebrii

The revolution against the odds: An interview on Rojava with Anya Rebrii and Liza Shishko

Anna Rebrii & Liza Shishko discuss their experience living in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

Social contract of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region

The text of this Social Contract of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region was ratified on December 12, 2023.

Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES): Initiative to Solve the Syrian Crisis

In order to solve the Syrian crisis, the AANES has assumed its historical and humanitarian responsibility, fully aware that hundreds of thousands of Syrians have lost their lives and millions are living in dire humanitarian situation.
Jina Mehsa Amini

Should the Kurds prepare for another betrayal in Iran's revolution?

The death of a Kurdish woman, Jina Mehsa Amini, on 16th of September has produced one of the most powerful uprisings in Iran to date. Jina’s murder has sparked an internal dialogue in relation to Iranian identity politics, and resulted in uncomfortable discussions around what ‘Iranian freedom’ entails.
Hişyar Özsoy

Hişyar Özsoy (Peoples' Democratic Party, Turkey): Turkish-Syrian rapprochement seeks to eliminate Kurdish status

Will Turkey's Syria policy take the form Erdoğan wants by the time of the elections? What position will be taken when Iran comes into play, and what does this situation mean for the Kurds? Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MP Hişyar Özsoy, co-spokesperson of the party’s Foreign Relations Commission, addressed these questions.

Kurds, legitimate security concerns, universal values and the mountains

“I would like to remind you that if Sweden and Finland do not take steps to meet our conditions, we will freeze the process.” So said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara on 18 July, thus single-handedly setting the rules of the game for Finland and Sweden’s bid to join NATO. But can Swedish and Finnish government officials explain to the public what Erdoğan’s “conditions” are, and what they will do to prevent their accession to NATO being “frozen”?