Marxist theory
The Marxist left's politics of alliances at the beginning of the 21st century
By Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera
What happened in globalisation?
By Humphrey McQueen
Humphrey McQueen is a leading Marxist writer in Australia and an activist in the Socialist Alliance. A version of this article appeared in the Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 51 (Jime 2003).
The Venezuelan revolution and the need for solidarity
The labour aristocracy and working-class politics
By Jonathan Strauss
Dimensions of the composition of the labour aristocracy
Skilled workers in the labour aristocracy
The bureaucratisation of the labour apparatus and opportunism
The labour apparatus and the labour bureaucracy
The labour aristocracy and the labour bureaucracy
The labour aristocracy and the `lower strata' of the working class
Opportunism and preparation of the proletariat for revolution
Proletarian tactics under the domination of monopolising capitals
By Armando Hart
Armando Hart is the former minister of culture of Cuba. Our translation largely relies on a CubaNews translation by Ana Portela.
These thoughts are intended as a tribute to all revolutionaries, without exception, who suffered the great historical drama of seeing the socialist ideas of October 1917 frustrated. We write this with admiration and respect for the Russian people, who were the protagonists of the first socialist revolution in history and who defeated fascism decades later under the leadership of Stalin. The same Russian people, 130 years before, defeated the military offensive of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Fundamentally, I have the experience of fifty years of working for socialist ideas in the beautiful trenches of the Fidel and Martí-inspired Cuban Revolution, that is to say, the first revolution of Marxist orientation that triumphed in what has become known as the West.
The 1905 revolution and its lessons
by Doug Lorimer