Socialist Alliance
Resolution on work in the Socialist Alliance
from the Democratic Socialist Party
This resolution was adopted by the Twentieth Congress of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party [DSP], held in Sydney from December 28, 2002 to January 1, 2003. For an explanation of its background, see Peter Boyle's article in this issue.
This Twentieth Congress of the Democratic Socialist Party:
Australia: Letter to Socialist Alliance National Executive
September 3, 2002
- State of the Socialist Alliance
- The international context
- The potential for and constraints on the Socialist Alliance
- Political basis for greater unity
- The Democratic Socialist tendency and the Socialist Alliance
Dear comrades,
I am writing to you on behalf of the National Executive of the Democratic Socialist Party to advise you that we have initiated a discussion in our party about making a radically bigger commitment towards left unity within the Socialist Alliance.
Steps toward greater left unity in Australia
By Peter Boyle
Australian Socialist Alliance takes a new step for left unity
By Peter Boyle and Sue Bolton
Peter Boyle is a member of the incoming Socialist Alliance national executive and a member of the DSP national executive. Sue Bolton is a member of the national trade union committee of the Socialist Alliance and a member of the DSP national executive. Conference documents are available from <>.
What happened in globalisation?
By Humphrey McQueen
Humphrey McQueen is a leading Marxist writer in Australia and an activist in the Socialist Alliance. A version of this article appeared in the Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 51 (Jime 2003).
The Democratic Socialist Perspective and the Socialist Alliance
This is the text of a resolution of the twentieth congress of the Australian Democratic Socialist Party, which was held December 27-30, 2003.
Socialist unity—the preconditions and the gains to date
Strengthening our base of support in the working class
Socialist Alliance, revolutionary socialism and the Democratic Socialist Party