SWP (Ireland)

Does Ireland need a new left party?

"We have a multiplicity of left parties [in Ireland] of the traditional types...

Ireland: Left surge in South’s local and European elections

Sinn Fein's Lynn Boylan is one of the party's three MEPs in the South.

Ireland: Shock, austerity, Sinn Féin and the United Left Alliance

(Left to right) Joe Higgins, Seamus Healy, Richard Boyd Barrett, Cl

Europe: Statement by the Anti-Capitalist Left conference

Mobilisation of the ENOUGH campaign against the IMF in Dublin on July 16, 2011. One of the European actions the European Anti-Capitalist Left pledged to build.

The following statement was adopted by the anti-capitalist left organisations meeting together in London on June 11-12, 2011, on the call of the SWP (Britain) and the NPA (France) as a follow-up to the previous conferences held in Paris in June 2008 [1], December 2009 [2], and May [3] and December [4] 2010. Text from International Viewpoint.

Ireland: United Left Alliance confronts big challenges

[For more coverage of the United Left Alliance and its discussions at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, click HERE.]

By Dick Nichols, Dublin

July 16, 2011 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/Green Left Weekly -- Ireland’s seven-month-old United Left Alliance is the “new kid on the block” of European anti-capitalist parties. Launched on November 27 last year, it emerged from the February Irish national elections—where its name didn’t even appear on the ballot paper—with five TDs (Teachta Dála, members of the Irish parliament, the Dail). To date the ULA has also won 20 positions in local councils and one seat in the European parliament.