Walden Bello

Why is the far right rising globally and how can it be confronted?

September 7, 2019 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from The Real News Network — Walden Bello, author of "Counterrevolution: The Global Rise of the Far-Right," argues that the far-right is in ascendancy at the moment not only in reaction to the failures of neoliberalism, but also because of the failures of liberal democracy. In part 2, he addresses the role of neoliberalism, the strategies of the far-right to gain and maintain power, and how progressive forces might confront the far-right.

'Trust me, I am the one who will drain the swamp': An interview with Walden Bello on fascism in the Global South

By Wolfram Schaffar July 18, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies — Since the election of Narendra Modi in India in 2014 and Donald Trump in the USA in 2016, political analysts and commentators around the globe have increasingly used the concept of fascism to capture the rise of new right-wing authoritarianism in various countries.

Filipinas: renace la resistencia contra la dictadura

Walden Bello (centro) y Sonny Melencio (derecha)
12 de agosto de 2017
Sin Permiso traducido por Enrique García — El pasado 20 de julio tuvo lugar en el Benitez Hall, Universidad de Filipinas en Diliman, la Conferencia Nacional contra la Dictadura (NCAD), que pretende articular un frente de izquierdas contra la evidente evolución del régimen del presidente Duterte hacia la dictadura mediante la extención del Estado de Guerra impuesto en Mindanao. Recogemos las intervenciones de dos viejos amigos y colaboradores de Sin Permiso (en cuyos archivos se pueden consultar varios de sus artículos), Sonny Melencio y Walden Bello (en la foto), dos veteranos luchadores contra la dictadura de Marcos y los sucesivos regímenes EDSA. SP

Philippines: Walden Bello on fighting fascism

Intervention by Walden Bello at National Anti-Dictatorship Conference, University of the Philippines at Diliman, July 20, 2017.


July 25, 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Ang Masa Para sa Sosyalismo - Online — Fascism comes in different ways in different countries, and even within the same country, it can appear in a different manner at a later date than it did earlier. The common view of how fascism comes to power is what we may brand the Marcos model of “creeping fascism.” First, there are the violations of civil rights and political liberties, then comes the lunge for absolute power, then indiscriminate, massive repression. Duterte reverses this process. First, there is massive repression, in this case, the indiscriminate killing of over 10,000 suspected drug users. Then the power grab, in this case the declaration of martial law, the first phase of which we have witnessed with the imposition of military rule in Mindanao. Finally, there's the suppression of basic political and civil rights and liberties in an atmosphere that has been largely sanitized of political opposition. As opposed to creeping fascism, this is “blitzkrieg fascism.”

Philippines: On Duterte's strategy - Why diplomacy can't be a one-man show

Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte and Japa

Created by crisis: Rodrigo Duterte and his unorthodox quest for the Philippine presidency

Supporters the new Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, at a 40,000-strong Miting de Avance held on May 7 as part of his election campaign By Walden Bello May 16, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from InterAksyon -- For dejected supporters of Mar Roxas and Grace Poe, it was all over except for the voting when they saw the size and felt the energy of the crowd that jammed the Duterte miting de avance at the Luneta on Saturday evening, May 7.