Russell Brand is right, we need a revolution (but his sexism is wrong)

Russell Brand versus Jeremy Paxman.

By Stuart Munckton

Brian Manning (1932-2013): Charlie India Echo Tango calling Timor Leste

On November 3, 2013, Brian Manning – veteran Northern Territory communist, trade unionist, campaigner against racism, long-time activist for Indigenous people's rights and sol

Luxembourg: Election opens new political chapter

Symbol of the anti-capitalist party déi Lénk.

'Left reformism' and socialist strategy

Syriza supporters march. "Left reformists"?

By Ed Rooksby

In defence of Murray Bookchin

Recovering Bookchin: Social ecology and the crises of our time
By Andy Price

Czech Republic: Elections likely to intensify crisis

Parties elected – Red: Communist; Orange: ČSSD; Blue: ANO 2011; Purple: TOP 09.

By Jirí Málek

In memory of Doug Lorimer

The photo above (Sydney, c 1975) shows (from left): Joy Ecclestone, Dave Holmes, Doug Lorimer, (obscured unknown) and Geoff Payne.