Federico Fuentes

Kirill Medvedev

War and resistance under Putin: An interview with Russian Socialist Movement's Kirill Medvedev

Moscow-based poet, translator, and activist Kirill Medvedev, of the Russian Socialist Movement (RSD), discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine and anti-war resistance at home.
Pablo Stefanoni

Latin America’s new Right, “campism” and the need to de-hipsterise the Left: An interview with Pablo Stefanoni

Pablo Stefanoni discusses the situation in South America after the Brazilian elections, the challenges posed by the far-Right, the impact of the Ukraine war and prospects for the Left.
Anti-war protest

Ukraine war, imperialism and the left: An interview with British socialist Phil Hearse

The war in Ukraine has provoked sharp differences among people on the left and peace activists. Federico Fuentes spoke to veteran British socialist and Anti*Capitalist Resistance member Phil Hearse about how these differences reflect deep underlying controversies about the world crisis.
Protestor holding banner

Vladyslav Starodubtsev (Sotsialnyi Rukh): ‘Today, people are not just fighting for Ukraine but to destroy the Russian regime'

Six months into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion, where is the Ukrainian resistance at? What is the general mood in Ukraine regarding possible negotiations and NATO? And what has the war meant for progressive forces in the country? Speaking from Ukraine, Vladyslav Starodubtsev, an activist with democratic socialist organisation Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement), discusses these issues with Federico Fuentes.

‘Putin’s attacks on Ukraine’s agricultural sector are deliberate’: An interview with Mykhailo Amosov (Ecoaction, Ukraine)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reap untold devastation on the nation’s critical agricultural sector, leading to severe disruptions to the global food market and exacerbating world hunger.
Russian anti-war protester

Russian socialist dissident Boris Kagarlitsky on Putin’s growing domestic crisis: ‘People will not fight for this regime’

In this interview with Federico Fuentes, Kagarlitsky provides insight into the domestic factors behind the Russian regime’s decision to invade Ukraine, why President Vladimir Putin is seeking an “everlasting war”, the critical role being played by the left in anti-war organising, and prospects for social upheaval in Russia. A much shorter version of this interview first appeared in Green Left.