Paul Le Blanc
The logic of Trump versus the logic of Lenin
Paul Le Blanc: What would Lenin do today?
Trumpism, fascism, and political realities in the United States
Paul Le Blanc: The essential and non-essential in Lenin
The hundredth anniversary year of Vladimir Lenin’s death has generated a remarkable outpouring of explorations and evaluations that are in dramatic contrast to the flat, two-dimensional dogmas that became dominant during the Cold W
Ukraine’s fight for freedom: A socialist case for solidarity and self‑determination
Lenin’s socialism: Labels and realities
Socialism and revolutionary democracy: Lenin’s legacy for our time of catastrophe
Socialism or barbarism? Why Rosa Luxemburg matters today
The Russian Revolution of 1917: Resources for scholars and revolutionaries
For those wanting to make use of Marxism to understand and change the world, among the most important classical thinkers are, surely, Rosa Luxemburg and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Lenin: Responding to catastrophe, forging revolution
Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
A momentous development has drawn my attention away from the unfolding climate catastrophe on which I have been riveted.