New Anti-Capitalist Party of France: `With the people and workers of Iran!'

Statement by the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA, New Anti-Capitalist Party of France), translated by Carmel McGlinchey, Luke Weyland and Annolies Truman for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Since June 13, the day after the rigged presidential election, millions of Iranians have gone into the streets with cries of "Down with the dictatorship!". The ferocious repression has already caused tens if not hundreds of deaths. Young people, women and the residents of the poorer areas who comprise the majority of the demonstrators have now been joined by the trade union movement.
The union of bus workers declared its solidarity, in asserting: "As long as the principle of free organisation and elections is not applied, all talk of social liberation and the rights of the workers is only a joke". The workers of Iran Khodro, the first car manufacturer in the country (with 60,000 employees), engaged in a strike while adding their demands for salary increases and the right to strike to the demands raised in the streets.
For democratic freedoms and the demands of the workplace
The aspirations of Iranian society to lift the stifling weight of the Mullahs and to end the daily oppression of youth and women who are fighting for their rights, increasingly combines with the demands of the workers who, in Iran also, refuse to pay for the economic crisis. As the idea of a general strike spreads, the possessing classes and the profiteers begin to dread the spectre of a new revolution.
The criminal demagoguery of Ahmadinejad and of his guardian, the "supreme guide" Khamenei, who claim to represent the "disinherited" in opposing the imperialism of the western powers, must not fool people. But Moussavi, the "reformer" is not any more reputable. He was the prime minister of the Islamic Republic between 1981 and 1989, at a time where tens of thousands of opponents, in particular militant workers, left activists and campaigners for the rights of women and national minorities, were slaughtered in the regime's prisons.
Faced with growing economical difficulties, corruption and nepotism have become increasingly untenable, which has exacerbated the competition between rival clans of the regime, to the point of creating a crisis at the highest echalons of the state. The workers and the people have surged into the breach. And thus even a non-democratic election has escaped all control.
Their fight is ours!
All our support goes to the women, the workers, the youth and all the demonstrators who are defying repression at the risk of their lives.
On June 26, international day of solidarity with the workers of Iran, the [French] trade union organisations (CGT, CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA, Solidaires) will participate in a protest in front of the Iranian embassy in Paris (12 h 30), in particular to demand the release of the workers imprisoned for demonstrating on May 1 in Tehran.
The New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), which naturally supports this protest, calls for the development of solidarity initiatives with the struggle of the Iranian people, in workplaces, the city and communities for the overthrow of the dictatorship, freedom and workers’ rights.
Avec la population et les travailleurs d’Iran!
Depuis le 13 juin, au lendemain de l’élection présidentielle truquée, des millions d’Iraniens descendent dans la rue aux cris de « A bas la dictature ».
La répression féroce a déjà fait des dizaines si ce n’est des centaines de morts. Les jeunes, les femmes, les habitants des quartiers populaires qui forment le gros des manifestants sont maintenant rejoints par le mouvement syndical.
L’Union des travailleurs des autobus a déclaré sa solidarité, en affirmant : « tant que le principe de la liberté d’organisation et d’élection ne sera pas appliqué, tout discours sur la libération sociale et les droits des travailleurs ne sera qu’une farce ». Les ouvriers d’Iran Khodro, premier constructeur automobile du pays (60.000 salariés), ont engagé un mouvement de grève en ajoutant aux revendications de la rue l’augmentation des salaires et le droit de grève.
Pour les libertés démocratiques et les revendications du monde du travail
L’aspiration de la société à lever la chape de plomb étouffante du régime des mollahs et à en finir avec la répression quotidienne contre la jeunesse et les femmes qui luttent pour leurs droits, se mêle de plus en plus aux revendications propres des travailleurs qui, en Iran aussi, refusent de faire les frais de la crise. L’idée de la grève générale se répand, les possédants et les profiteurs commencent à redouter le spectre d’une nouvelle révolution.
La démagogie criminelle d’Ahmadinejad et de son tuteur, le « guide suprême » Khamenei, qui prétendent représenter les « déshérités » en s’opposant à l’impérialisme des puissances occidentales, ne doit pas faire illusion. Mais Moussavi, le « réformateur », n’est pas beaucoup plus fréquentable. Il avait été le premier ministre de la République islamique entre 1981 et 1989, à l’époque où des dizaines de milliers d’opposants, en particulier militants ouvriers et de gauche, des droits des femmes et des minorités nationales, avaient été massacrés dans les geôles du régime.
Face aux difficultés économiques croissantes, la corruption et le népotisme sont devenus de plus en plus insupportables, ce qui a exacerbé la concurrence entre les clans rivaux du régime, jusqu’à ouvrir une crise au sommet de l’Etat. Les travailleurs et le peuple se sont engouffrés dans la brèche. Et même une élection non démocratique a alors échappé à tout contrôle.
Leur lutte est la nôtre !
C’est aux femmes, aux travailleurs et à la jeunesse, à tous les manifestants qui défient la répression en n’hésitant pas à risquer leurs vies, que va tout notre soutien.
Le 26 juin, dans le cadre de la journée internationale de solidarité avec les ouvriers d’Iran, les organisations syndicales (CGT, CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA, Solidaires) participeront à un rassemblement devant l’ambassade iranienne à Paris (12 h 30), pour exiger notamment la libération des travailleurs emprisonnés pour avoir manifesté le Premier Mai à Téhéran.
Le NPA, qui soutient naturellement ce rassemblement, appelle à développer dans les entreprises, ville et quartiers le maximum d’initiatives en solidarité avec la lutte du peuple iranien, pour le renversement de la dictature, pour la liberté et les droits des travailleurs.
Le 22 juin 2009.
Hugo Chavez Defends Iran's Elections and anti-imperialism
As you can see below, Hugo Chavez, prior victim, and survivor, of a previous media coup, has a more sensible view of Iran than you:
Chavez urges 'respect' for Iran election outcome
Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:13:08 GMT
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says that the world must respect Iran and the "triumph" of its incumbent president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the election.
"We call on the world to respect Iran because there are attempts to undermine the strength of the Iranian revolution," said Chavez on Sunday in his weekly radio and television address.
"Ahmadinejad's triumph was a triumph all the way. They are trying to stain Ahmadinejad's triumph and through that weaken the government and the Islamic revolution. I know they will not succeed," Chavez said.
The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry also issued a statement blasting "the fierce and unfounded campaign from outside [of Iran] to discredit" Iran's president.
Chavez wishes Ahmadinejad luck in Iran election
Published: 06.12.09, 07:21 / Israel News
Venezuela's socialist leader wished his hardline Iranian counterpart good luck in his re-election bid in Iran's presidential ballot Friday.
Speaking to supporters Thursday, Hugo Chavez called Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "a courageous fighter for the Islamic Revolution, the defense of the Third World, and in the struggle against imperialism" - a reference to the US government's foreign policy. (AP)
Workers’ groups in Iran appreciate international solidarity day
June 25, 2009 -- Four international trade union organisations (ITUC, ITF, IUF and EI) have declared 26 June as the international day of solidarity with Iranian workers to support their struggle for their basic rights. Members of these confederations around the world will organize practical support towards workers in Iran on this day.
This declaration of international solidarity with Iranian workers is a significant historical moment in the struggles of the international workers’ movement to achieve human rights for workers around world. It would certainly play a significant role in advancing the struggles of the workers in Iran. Moreover this action would further deepen the international unity and solidarity of the working class throughout the world.
We the undersigned wholeheartedly support this international unity initiative. We would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to the organizers of the action day and wish to warmly shake hands with you. We send our sincere greetings to the workers of the world in each and every unions.
Long live international solidarity,
25 June 2009
Union of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company
Union of Workers of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Workers
Free Union of Iranian Workers
The Collaborative Council of Labour Organizations and Activists
Kermanshah Electricity and Metal Society
Khameneh Textile Workers;
Workers of Sanandaj Par-Ris Factory;
Workers of Rugs West Factory
Kurdestan Textile Workers
Sanandaj Shin-Baaft Textile Factory;
Workers of Shahoo Companies
Kurdistan Textile Gharb-Baaft [Textile Company];
Pak Ara Milk
Workers Brick Shell Company
Sama Gunnysack Makers Fajr Flour
Niroo Raksh [Power Company]
Service Workers of Sanandaj Tohid Hospital;
Group of Sanandaj retirees; _Workers of West Kermanshah Carpet Company;
Group of Kian Tyre (Alborz) Workers;
Group of workers and activists in Marivan city
Group of workers and activists in Kamyaran city
Group of workers and activists in Mashhad
Workers of Car Glass
Group of workers of Metal factories _Workers of Yarag Alam Ghom Company
Fourth International: `at the side of the Iranian people!'
Our place is at the side of the Iranian people!
Statement by the executive bureau of the Fourth International
Fourth International
Since June 13th, after the faked presidential election, millions of Iranian are expressing their anger with cries of “down with the dictatorship”. Their mobilization increases the crisis of the regime. Ferocious repression has already caused hundreds of dead and wounded. Our place is at the side of the Iranian people!
With the announcement of the re-election of Ahmadinejad, the underground war between the various factions in power was transformed into open war. Four candidates had been authorized to participate. Four of the regime’s dignitaries who share responsibility for the bloody balancesheet of the thirty years of the Islamic Republic. But the Supreme Leader[1] and the clan in power designated the winner well before the first round. In a context of strong tensions between factions, crisis and social instability, it was unthinkable that the Guide be repudiated by the people. In the same way, the immense economic and financial interests in the hands of Pasdaran and their desire to take control of important sectors of the economy, controlled by the clan of the former president of the Rafsandjani Republic, made it impossible for Ahmadinejad and his cronies to give up power and its privileges. In this fight to control oil revenue, the wealth of the country and power, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad carried out a true coup d’etat intended to oust their rivals.
For democratic liberties and the claims of working people
Faced with increasing economic difficulties, with unemployment, with which galloping inflation, corruption and nepotism became increasingly unbearable. The determination of the population throw off the suffocating weight of the mullahs’ regime and put an end to the repression against the youth and women who are fighting for their rights, is more and more intertwined with the specific labour demands. The courageous mobilization of the Iranian people accentuates divisions within the regime and weakens it.
The regime responds to the legitimate aspirations of the population by bloody repression, massive arrests, prohibition of journalists and cutting phone networks and Internet. It is a true state of siege that the Islamic Republic is imposing. In Teheran, Bassidjis, the anti-riot troops, and the Pasdaran brigades took possession of the city in order to choke off the dispute. But to no avail. The rejection of the power is deep and the protest movement takes various forms. It is not repression which will extinguish the anger and the determination of the Iranian people!
A new phase of in the struggle
A new phase of struggle is opening in Iran. It is to the women, to the workers and the youth - to all the demonstrators who defy the Islamic Republic while not hesitating to risk their lives - that all our support is given. Spontaneous strikes have erupted in several companies, in Teheran in particular and strike calls are multiplying. The decisive question of the general strike is put, not by Moussavi, who is trying to ride the wave of the dispute, but by the Iranian workers themselves. The arrival of the working class in this movement can give cohesion and the force necessary to overthrow the Islamic Republic and to establish a new democratic and social republic that stands against imperialist and Zionist attacks. The fight for true democratic rights, the right to strike, the right to hold free elections, to constitute free trade unions and political parties as well as the fight for social justice and the equality between women and men must be based on international solidarity. Their fight is ours!
[1] Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i