
Jina Mehsa Amini

Should the Kurds prepare for another betrayal in Iran's revolution?

The death of a Kurdish woman, Jina Mehsa Amini, on 16th of September has produced one of the most powerful uprisings in Iran to date. Jina’s murder has sparked an internal dialogue in relation to Iranian identity politics, and resulted in uncomfortable discussions around what ‘Iranian freedom’ entails.
Iran protests

Iran: Support for the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Uprising - No to executions!

Since the murder of Jina-Mahsa Amini on September 16 by the morality police, a popular uprising unprecedented in its scope, depth and duration has shaken the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Hişyar Özsoy

Hişyar Özsoy (Peoples' Democratic Party, Turkey): Turkish-Syrian rapprochement seeks to eliminate Kurdish status

Will Turkey's Syria policy take the form Erdoğan wants by the time of the elections? What position will be taken when Iran comes into play, and what does this situation mean for the Kurds? Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MP Hişyar Özsoy, co-spokesperson of the party’s Foreign Relations Commission, addressed these questions.
Asian left

Asian left: Stop the Turkish and Iranian war against the Kurds

Parties from across the Asia-Pacific have issued the following joint statement in response to the attacks by Turkey and Iran on Kurdish communities.
Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party

Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party (PAJK): Kurdish people will not give up their struggle at any price

In view of the Turkish wave of attacks on Rojava and the Medya Defence Zones, the Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party (PAJK) said: "No power will achieve its goal by shedding Kurdish blood. The Kurdish people will not give up their struggle at any price."
A protester holds a portrait of Mahsa Amini during a demonstration in support  of Mahsa Aminiin Tehran on September 22.

Women, Life, Liberty: A protest promising a revolution to end all oppression and exploitation

Kamran Nayeri - The slogan “Women, Life, Liberty” offers the political maturity of the current movement compared to the 1979 revolution. Not only it places the oppression of women in Iran front and center, but it also provides a framework to think about the kind of society we need to build after overcoming the current regime. 
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Rhythm of revolution in Iran: In the name of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini

Aidin Torkameh - A collective front of a movement of a conscious people seeking self-determination, and recovering Iranian socialisms of the past and making new ones today, is urgently required.
Jina protest sydney

Asian left in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

A collection of statements by left parties in Asia in solidarity with mass protests in Iran
Students of Amir Kabir university protest against Hijab and the Islamic Republic

The life uprising in Iran, imperialism, and international solidarity

Soheil Asefi - Zhina’s death has sparked hundreds of protests across the country while “Zhen, Zhian, Azadi,” the Kurdish slogan that means “Woman, Life, Freedom,” has spreads beyond Iranian borders.