Collective statement: Build a campaign to defend and raise the voice of the Iranian revolution
Statement on the current demands of independent trade union and civil organisations in Iran
Should the Kurds prepare for another betrayal in Iran's revolution?
Iran: Support for the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Uprising - No to executions!
Since the murder of Jina-Mahsa Amini on September 16 by the morality police, a popular uprising unprecedented in its scope, depth and duration has shaken the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Asian left: Stop the Turkish and Iranian war against the Kurds
Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party (PAJK): Kurdish people will not give up their struggle at any price
Women, Life, Liberty: A protest promising a revolution to end all oppression and exploitation
Rhythm of revolution in Iran: In the name of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini
Asian left in solidarity with mass protests in Iran
The life uprising in Iran, imperialism, and international solidarity