
Iran Israel

Gilbert Achcar: The coming Israeli attack on Iran (Plus: ‘Tehran found itself backed into a corner by the attack on its consulate’)

Gilbert Achcar — There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.
Ukraine Palestine occupation is a crime

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires (plus: No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world)

Simon Pirani — What can we, in the labour and social movements, do about these two conflicts that are transforming the world we live in, and heightening fears of bigger, bloodier wars?
Gaza destruction

The “State of Palestine”: Between liquidating the cause and continuing the struggle

Gilbert Achcar — The Palestinian condition has deteriorated to worse than anything it has known in more than 75 years of suffering and oppression
Egypt EU

Egypt: EU, IMF prop up General Sisi dictatorship

Michael Pröbsting — Why are imperialist powers so eager to give billions of US Dollars to Egypt’s regime? The answer lies in the nature of dictatorship
Palestine solidarity rally in Amman, Jordan, October 13, 2023.

Notes on the war in Gaza

Dave Holmes — The struggle in Palestine is now the number one issue of world politics. The armed breakout from Gaza on October 7 by Hamas and its allies has raised numerous questions.

Orientalism, imperialism and the Western coverage of Palestine

Joseph Daher — Western mainstream media biases and defence of the Israeli narrative are connected to orientalism, racism, and imperialism, serving the interests of Western ruling political and economic elites.
Jewish whitening

The whitening of European Jews and the misuse of holocaust memory

Gilbert Achcar — Jewish assimilation into white members of “Judeo-Christian” society in the aftermath of the Holocaust was reliant on placidly accepting their equation with Zionism and Israel’s racist violence against Arab Muslims.
Washington abstained in voting on the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council on Monday

Gilbert Achcar: The US administration’s hypocrisy and Israel’s insolence

Gilbert Achcar — It is truly astonishing that Washington abstained in voting on the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, despite the resolution being consistent with the US’ position.
Leila Khaled

Palestinian revolutionary Leila Khaled on US-Israeli imperialism, Hamas’ October 7 attacks and the Kurdish liberation struggle

Peter Boyle — Leila Khaled is an iconic Palestinian revolutionary activist and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader. However, the Western media dubs her “the first woman plane hijacker” and Israel brands her a “terrorist”.
We will not be silenced

Open letter to the Israeli and US governments and others weaponizing the issue of rape

In its current war against the people of Gaza, the Israeli government has chosen to weaponize the issue of sexual violence for political outcome.
Tempest cover Dave McNally

Perspectives for socialists in 2024: An interview with David McNally

David McNally looks at current geopolitical dynamics, economic fault lines, labor struggles and perspectives for socialists in 2024.

Fascism in India has found a role model in Israel (plus: India’s port workers strike is an act of anti-colonial solidarity with Gaza)

Dipankar Bhattacharya outlines how fascism in India has found an ideological and strategic role model in Israel, while Ananya Wilson-Bhattacharya notes that by refusing to load Israeli weapons, Indian workers are rebuking the colonial ideologies of Zionism and Hindu nationalism.