
Far-right challenge and the left-democratic response in Europe
Akash Bhattacharya — As the Indian people mounted a strong fightback against Hindutva/corporate rule of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), the political battle between the far-right and democratic forces entered a new phase in Europe.

Walden Bello — Fascism is at the gates. How should we counter it?
Walden Bello — Two recent events have shattered complacency about the specter of a fascist takeover globally that a number of us have been warning about for some time now.

European elections: Who sows far right policies, reaps the far right
Miguel Urbán Crespo — The recent European elections have illustrated how adopting far-right policies can lead to an increase in far-right influence and representation across Europe.

After the 2024 European elections: Rightward shift with slight headwinds
Cornelia Hildebrandt — The few successes cannot conceal the continued defensive posture of leftist parties in Europe and the existential crisis faced by individual parties.

The resistible rise of the far right in Europe
NPA Anti-Fascist Commission — A relatively large number of far right parties are now on the winning side in national elections, and are even taking part in national governments.

Europe: The far right is here to stay
David Broder — Figures like Italy’s Giorgia Meloni threaten to establish a new normal in European politics.

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?
Chris Maisano surveys the views and policies of left-wing parties in Europe regarding the Ukraine war.

Italian elections: Heading for a Meloni far-right government?
Cantagallo is a well-known service station on the main north-south motorway on the outskirts of Bologna. We have stopped there many times. A journalist from the leading Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, went there on the 15 August Farragosto bank holiday. He hung around, listened and talked to people who were there. A father was there with his bored son telling him how he had one of his first meals out there when it had just opened. The son kept playing on his phone.
The critical communism of Antonio Labriola