Marxist theory

Communist Manifesto

Intellectual and political lessons of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ for our time

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto was published in February, 1848. It is truly a part of what Marx called world literature that capitalism has given rise to.

Hegel Marx

The dialectic in the service of revolution

Ann Robertson — The dialectic is a powerful weapon for revolutionary socialists who seek to understand our surrounding world for the purpose of changing it.

Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Two dialectical anniversaries: Lukács and Dunayevskaya

Kevin B. Anderson — 2023 marked the 100th anniversary of Georg Lukács’s ‘History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics’ and the 50th anniversary of Raya Dunayevskaya’s ‘Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and from Marx to Mao’.
Prabhat Patnaik

The transitional program for the 21st century

Prabhat Patnaik — The crisis of overproduction/underconsumption cannot be overcome within neoliberal capitalism itself. The only way out of this crisis is to go beyond neoliberal capitalism which is to go beyond capitalism.
map of foreign interventions

‘Highest number of armed conflicts in three decades’: New study confirms explosive character of the current period

Michael Pröbsting — The latest edition of the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ annual Armed Conflict Survey paints a grim picture of the crisis-ridden capitalist world order.
8 hour day

India: The fight over the working day

Clifton D' Rozario — The regurgitating of the debate of the length of the working day highlights the capitalist ruling class's relentless effort to take away the eight-hour workday.
Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg versus the Leninists

A long-lost polemic from Rosa Luxemburg, translated into English for the first time.

Bidenomics and the left

First published at

“There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear.”

Charlie 1

Marxist crisis theory: Why capitalism fails

Charlie Post reviews the three main radical and Marxian theories — under-consumption, profit squeeze, and the falling rate of profit — to determine their theoretical consistency, factual accuracy and political implications.
Imperialism US

Geopolitics, the imperial system and socialist anti-imperialism: Interview with Claudio Katz

Claudio Katz talks about the need to avoid looking at imperialism in purely economic terms, the rise of what he terms an “imperial system” and the complexities of anti-imperialism in the 21st century.

Capitalist globalisation, transnational class exploitation and the global police state: Interview with William I. Robinson

William I. Robinson discusses the rise of transnational class exploitation and how contradictions between a globally integrated economy and a nation-state-based system help explain rising US-China tensions.
Lenin statute

Lenin on national rights: Lessons for interpreting the Ukraine war

Renfrey Clarke — Few questions of international politics have seen the Western left as sharply divided as the war in Ukraine. But there is no good reason why Marxists, with the writings of Vladimir Lenin at their disposal, should lack clarity on how to analyse the war.