United States

Phillipines between China and US

Sonny Melencio (Party of the Labouring Masses, Philippines): ‘We oppose the US and China’s preparations for war’

Sonny Melencio discusses the current state of global imperialism, the looming threat of a US-China war and what approach the left should take to regional peace, security and anti-imperialist solidarity.
White House

United States: MAGA authoritarian rule or Third Reconstruction?

Max Elbaum — An authoritarian bloc with a fascist core is driving for control of all branches of the federal government; the rest is detail
Us military

US foreign policy: A bipartisan embrace of militarism

Marty Hart-Landsberg — There is a lot of talk lately about the federal budget, with Democrats and Republicans arguing over whether to raise the debt ceiling. But you know what they never argue about: financing the military.
Russian rubles

Where is Russia hiding its money? Why EU authorities claim they can not find most of Russia’s foreign assets

Michael Pröbsting — Since Kyiv is hardly in a position to pay for reconstruction and arms purchases, Western governments would like to cover their costs with Russian money. At the same time, efforts to identify and freeze sanctioned Russian oligarch money are also going slowly and so far, only a total of $22 billion has been identified. How can this be explained?
Putin and Xi

'Empire-ism' vs a Marxist analysis of imperialism: Continuing the debate with Argentinian economist Claudio Katz on Great Power rivalry, Russian imperialism and the Ukraine War

Michael Pröbsting — Relations between Great Powers cannot be understood in isolation but rather have to be viewed in the context of fundamental class contradictions within a given historical stage of a mode of production.
Ukraine arms

No arms to Ukraine? The Russian invasion and the task of US socialists

Nate Moore explains why U.S. based socialists should not be opposing arms to Ukraine despite the inter-imperialist dynamics unleashed by the Russian invasion.
Sherman tanks

(Dossier) The US SWP and the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937- 1945) — On US intervention and material aid to China

Like in the case of the present war, where the United States is intervening as an “ally” of Ukraine, in the Second Sino-Japanese War the United States entered the war in 1941, becoming the imperialist “ally” of China and started sending direct material aid to China in its war of national liberation against Japan. At the time, a debate emerged between the Socialist Workers Party and the Fourth International on the one hand, and the Workers’ Party on the other.

United States: Two barrels aim at African People's Socialist Party

Don Fitz - With new FBI and Department of Justice attacks expected in early January, a defense, mobilization and information session attracted hundreds of allies of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP).

A rightful place for Taiwan in this planet

Au Loong-Yu - Taiwanese people are the smaller player in this great contest between China and the US, easily bullied or betrayed by either this or that superpower. Precisely because of this the international left must ask themselves: Who should be our first concern in this triangular relationship between Beijing, Taipei and Washington?
Jim Crow

Understanding the United States’ unique anti-democratic structures

Barry Sheppard - In the United States, there are built-in anti-democratic structural aspects unique to it that were part of its founding alongside subsequent structural features have also become embedded over time.
Golden egg

US abortion rights: Who would kill the gander that goosed a golden egg?

Don Fitz - The suffering of US women under the iron heel of abortion is intensifying, especially for women of color. This makes it imperative to closely examine possible paths forward.
May Day graphic from Revolutionary Worker 1979

Running aground: The Revolutionary Communist Party (US) and Stalinism

Emerging from the social upheavals of the 1960s, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) counted many dedicated organizers in its ranks who were inspired by the ideas and the example of Maoist China. The party used Maoist theory not only to plan for a future socialist revolution, but also to grapple with the complicated history of Stalinism and its impact on the international communist movement and the USSR. While the RCP did confront some of the dogmas and myths of Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy, in the end they were unwilling and unable to effectively understand Stalinism.

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