US imperialism
Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka crimes provokes huge protests
Student demonstration in Mathurai, Tamil Nadu, March 14, 201
BRICS: ‘Anti-imperialist’ or ‘sub-imperialist’?
South African President Jacob Zuma and friend.
Luis Bilbao: Hugo Chavez, internationalism and revolution
By Luis Bilbao
Hugo Chavez, undefeated! Why the rich and powerful hated Chavez
'So let the corporate media lie about Chavez in their cynical way.
Ten years since the biggest protests in history
February 22, 2013 – Green Left TV – The
Syria: Military and political stalemate
Aftermath of the Assad regime's shelling of the city of Homs.
France launches war in Mali to secure resources, stamp out national rights struggles
"The military attack in Mali has been condemned by groups on the political left in France, including the Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (New Anti-Capital
Salvador Allende, Cuba and internationalism, 1970–73
Fidel Castro with Chile's President Salvador Allende upon his arrival at Pudahuel Airport in Santiago on November 10, 1971.
[For more articles by John Riddell, click HERE.]
By John Riddell
January 6, 2013 --, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal with permission -- 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of the US-inspired rightist coup in Chile that overthrew the leftist government of Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973. The coup was a historic disaster for working people in Latin America and globally. Socialists worldwide saw it coming. How did they attempt to counter this danger?
Is the war on terror going to end? Obama says no…
The United State’s robot wars in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and other countries is the logica
Africa’s ‘rising’ or overdue uprising?
By Patrick Bond
January 1, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
1) Africa owes its takeoff to a variety of accelerators, nearly all of them external and occurring in the past 10 years:
- billions of dollars in aid, especially to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria;
- tens of billions of dollars in foreign-debt cancellations;
- a concurrent interest in Africa’s natural resources, led by China; and
- the rapid spread of mobile phones, from a few million in 2000 to more than 750 million today.
Business increasingly dominates foreign interest in Africa. Investment first outpaced aid in 2006 and now doubles it.
Pablo Solon: Strike four for climate change negotiations -- rethinking our strategies
Super Typhoon Bopha taken on December 2 from the International Space Station, as the storm bore down on the Philippines with winds of 135 miles per hour. Photo by NASA.
By Pablo Solon
December 18, 2012 -- Hoy es Todavia -- In baseball, when you have three strikes, you are out. In the climate change negotiations we already have had four strikes. The climate talks in Copenhagen, Cancun, Durban and now Doha. Four attempts and each of the results were bigger failures than the last. The emission reductions should have been at least 40 to 50% until 2020 based on 1990 levels. Four COPs later, the current numbers are down to a measly 13 to 18%. We are now well on our way to a global temperature increase of 4º to 8ºC.
“The perfect is the enemy of the good” is what some UN negotiators say. To which we can reply: “When our house is burning down, the worst thing you can do is lie to us.”
It’s time to rethink what is happening and try to find new strategies to avoid a global catastrophe.
No lack of evidence