Venezuela: Hugo Chavez's six-year plan for the Bolivarian Revolution

October 31, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – The following document is the political platform on which Hugo Chavez successfully sought re-election as the president of Venezuela. It was released in Spanish in June 2012. English translation courtesy of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Canberra, Australia.
Proposal of the Candidate of the
Commander Hugo Chávez,
for the Socialist Bolivarian Government, 2013–2019
Once again the circumstances have made me stand in front of the people to let them know about my determined and renewed commitment towards the defense of National Independence. This is the time, like never before, to give a face and a meaning to the Socialist Homeland we are all fighting for. This government program for the period 2013 – 2019 has been designed to pursue these supreme goals:
Independence and Socialist Homeland!!
As our Liberator had said, back in 1820: We are unswervingly determined to win independence or else. Final independence or else should be the motto of today’s Bolivarian men and women. Final independence is our cause and our permanent task.
Independence, from the point of view of the present circumstances and context, makes us look into the past to find a true course towards the future. That is why we, men and women, confront the reactionary thesis of the empire and the bourgeoisie that is contrary to the Homeland, with the combatant, creative and liberating thesis of Independence and Socialism, which is an open project and dialectical construction: Independence is not complete; we are forging it through our daily and permanent struggle.
It is our task to fully realize the liberation dream that has never ceased to throb in our Homeland and is still throbbing today. And so I believe, based on the combatant faith and the loving reason that encourage me: we feel obliged by our heroic legacy, and such an urge becomes a banner and a commitment for all of us, men and women. In the times we are living in we must face up to these challenges; so many sacrifices can not be rendered futile. Turning them into the flesh and blood of the new life shall continue to be the ultimate aspiration that compels and defies us.
This is a program for the transition to socialism and the radicalization of a pre-eminent and participatory democracy. We start from the principle that the speeding up of transition necessarily requires the speeding up of the process of reinstatement of people’s power. The dynamic, effective and full exercise of the pre-eminent people’s power is an indispensable condition for the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century. That is precisely the reason why it is the fundamental basis and the vertex of the ‘Simón Bolívar’ National Project. The First Socialist Program for the Social and Economic Development of the Nation 2007 – 2013. During this cycle that is about to conclude, our projections have categorically emphasized the strategic role of this Program which, in this next cycle, shall become all the more strategic.
We shouldn’t let ourselves be deceived: the social and economic system that still prevails in Venezuela is a capitalist and rentier system. Certainly, socialism has just begun to impose on us its own internal dynamics. This is precisely a program to strengthen and consolidate socialism, looking for a radical suppression of the logic of capital. This program should be implemented step by step without slowing down our advance towards socialism.
In order to move towards socialism, we need a people’s power capable of disarticulating the oppression, exploitation and domination plots that still exist in the Venezuelan society. People’s power should be able to shape up new social relations in our everyday life, where fraternity and solidarity go hand in hand with the continued emergence of new forms of planning and production of material wealth for our people. To achieve that, it is necessary to completely pulverize the bourgeois State that we have inherited, which is still being replicated through its old and nefarious practices, and ensure continuity in the process of creation of new forms of policy management.
However, in what context, both in Our America and the world, are we giving life to a socialist alternative model? It is evident that Our America is living through a change of epoch that took off –and it is only fair to recognize it- when the Bolivarian Revolution came into power: a change of epoch that is characterized by a true and real change of power relationships in favor of the big majorities. It is likewise evident that the capitalist system/world is going through a structural crisis that could be terminal: a crisis that, given its catastrophic dimensions, compels us, from the political point of view, as Martí would have said, to clarify and anticipate events -as in fact we have been doing- to minimize its impacts on Venezuela. But there is an encouraging sign that I would like to emphasize: an international multipolar system oriented towards that great principle that Bolivar called ‘the equilibrium of the universe’ has begun to lay its own foundations.
I propose this program in the belief that only through a broad-base discussion among the grassroots and the leading participation of the people we would be able to further perfect said program and tap its full and creative potential.
This is a program that intends to trespass the “point of no return”. In the words of Antonio Gramsci, the old must finally end so that the birth of the new can be manifested to the full.
The coherence of this Government Program is based on a course of action that is absolutely crucial: we are forced to trespass the point of no return and make our transit to socialism irreversible. Certainly, it is difficult to know exactly when this great horizon will become visible, but we should deploy significant and well aimed efforts in the interest of its advent –as Bolivar advised.
Founding ourselves anew, as the Constitution states, is a necessity that admits no delay, because if we lack that vital instrument we would lose an opportunity to complete the people’s historical and heroic deeds that were first worked by our ancestors and for which we feel ethically responsible. The consolidation of the Fifth Socialist and Bolivarian Republic is the most beautiful and enlightening validation of the more than two centuries of struggle and sacrifices.
Our past, our entire past, is still alive and has taught to us that we have been and will continue being a product of adversities; but it has also taught to us that, thanks to those adversities, we have been able to collectively envisage that which can not be put off any longer, which is clearly reflected in this Government Program: to have a Homeland, at long last; to win an independent and sovereign Homeland for our children and our children’s children; an everlasting and happy Homeland where we have always wanted to live; the Socialist and Bolivarian Homeland that, as fate has inexorably will want it, will succeed next October 7, 2012, at the Carabobo battle of the 21st century. The Ecclesiastes states so: “…and in their times all things pass under heaven…”
Building this Homeland so that you, Venezuelan compatriot, men, woman, mother, father, youngster, girl and boy could live well, with justice and dignity is what encourages my struggle and is one of the main reasons I live for, in the company of my loved ones, my son, my daughters and my parents.
My suggestion to you is that we keep on struggling, as our singer Alí Primera used to say: “…for the dawn of a new world…”, for the dawn of a Socialist and Independent Homeland where we can live by living, inspired by the loftiest values of humanism. My beloved people, I, a soldier at your service, have put all my heart and soul in this endeavor.
Issued in Caracas, the country of birth of the Liberator, Simón Bolívar, on June 12, 2012.
Hugo Chávez Frías
Independence and Socialist Homeland!!
We Shall Live and We Shall Win!!
Program of the Homeland
The document that we are today submitting to the consideration of the Electoral Power, but especially to the consideration of the hardworking and heroic people of Venezuela and its combatant youth, is a draft electoral program that gives continuity to and improves on some of the strategies contained in the First Socialist Program of the Simón Bolívar Nation, which are being fully developed and implemented.
We should point out that the second Socialist Program for the period 2013 – 2019 is being drafted already. It is an updating of the strategic chart that should guide us through the transition towards the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century and includes five historical objectives, namely:
I. Defend, expand and consolidate the most treasured asset we have reconquered after 200 years: National Independence.
II. Continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage and destructive capitalist system and ensure “the highest possible social security, political stability and happiness” for our people.
III. Turn Venezuela into a social, economic and political power as part of the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the creation of a peace zone in Our America.
IV. Contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics that gives rise to a multicentered and multipolar world that would allow for the achievement of the equilibrium of the Universe and ensure peace on the planet.
V. Preserve peace in the planet and save the human species.
The first of them relating to the consolidation of our Independence refers mainly to the set of national and strategic political, economic, social and cultural goals whose scope will allow us to lay the foundations for the irreversibility of national sovereignty.
It takes into account the need to ensure the continuity of the revolutionary process, which means to achieve the most overwhelming popular victory in the presidential elections of October 7, 2012. To this end, the unity of all workers, small and medium producers in the countryside or the city, as well as all other social sectors will be crucial. Likewise, it is aimed at preserving the sovereignty over our oil resources in particular and our natural resources in general. This, in turn, will have to be translated into a stronger ability to make a sovereign use of our national income. Food sovereignty and the full use of our agricultural potential shall be another strategic objective.
Equally crucial for the achievement of this first goal is the full development of our scientific and technological capabilities by creating the necessary conditions for the development of an innovating, transformational and dynamic model oriented towards a better use of the national potentialities and capabilities as well as the need to consolidate our identity as a nation and as part of Our America, based on the Bolivarian principle that “America is Our Homeland”.
Finally, this first major goal includes the strengthening of the national defensive power by consolidating the civil-military unity and increasing the operational preparedness of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces for a General Defense of our Homeland.
The second major historical goal relates to the ways to build our socialism in order to achieve supreme happiness for our people. It will be necessary, first and foremost, to accelerate the change of the economic system, moving away from the capitalist oil-oriented rentier-like model to a socialist production economic model, thus making way for a more just and egalitarian society and moving on to socialism, with the support of the Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice, with the aim of moving on towards the full satisfaction of the basic needs of our people: food, water, electricity, housing and the habitat, public transportation, health, education, public safety, access to culture, freedom of communication, science and technology, sports, wholesome recreation and decent and liberating jobs.
All of the above has to do with the necessary promotion of a new ethical, moral and spiritual hegemony that would allow us to get rid of the vice of the old capitalist socialist model that have not totally disappeared. In this regard, a special reference should be made to the expressed purpose of continuing to move on to the development of a public safety model for the protection of human life and ultimately revolutionize the justice administration system to do away with impunity, ensure equal access and eradicate any classist and racial bias in its implementation.
Finally, in order to pursue this second major goal, our strategy should be to unleash the power contained in the Bolivarian Constitution, thus allowing for the ultimate establishment of the new Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice by means of the consolidation and expansion of the people’s power through the Missions, the Socialist Grand Missions and the self-government in specific settlements and territories organized into communities, among other policies.
The third major historical goal, which is to turn Venezuela into a social, economic and political power as part of the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the creation of a peace zone in Our America is oriented towards the consolidation of the political, economic and social power for which we require, among other things, the ultimate establishment of the new Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice and the strengthening of stability and peace in the nation.
Furthermore, this historical proposal includes the strategic objective of developing the national economic power by making an optimal use of the potentialities of our own resources. Likewise, there is an intention to expand the military power to defend the Homeland by strengthening the Venezuelan military industry and strengthening the new Bolivarian military doctrine and the national geopolitical development.
This includes a commitment to continue playing a leading role in the process of construction of the Latin American and Caribbean unity, supporting the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) and PETROCARIBE and providing increased dynamism to the new regional fora: the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
The fourth major historical goal is about to continue looking for a multicentered and multipolar world, without imperial domination, with absolute respect for the self-determination of peoples. Finally, it states the need to continue joining efforts to dismantle the neo-colonial system of imperial domination by eliminating and reducing to nonviable levels the economic and technological relations of our country with the imperial domination centers, among other purposes.
The fifth major historical goal is about the need to build an eco-socialist economic production model based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature that guarantees the rational and optimal use of natural resources while preserving the processes and cycles of nature.
In this regard, it is necessary to ratify the defense of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan State over the vital natural resources.
This fifth grand historical goal is an appeal to join efforts in support of a world movement to eradicate the causes and reverse the effects of climate change that occur as a consequence of the predating capitalist model.
This Program of Government for National Independence and Socialism that we are presenting is nothing but an invitation to a broad debate of ideas and proposals among the Venezuelan people in order to elaborate the Second Socialist Plan of the Simón Bolívar Nation (2013 – 2019) and continue to create the great historical democratic and popular block made up by workers, peasants, students, afro-descendants, indigenous populations, scholars, small and medium rural and urban producers, business people, teamsters, motorists, teachers, health professionals and public servants in general, women, military, settlers, fishing people, cultural representatives, sports people, community and trade union leaders and specially the Venezuelan youth.
To achieve that –in the words of our Father, Simón Bolívar- ‘unity is indispensable for the work of our regeneration’.
Carabobo Campaign Headquarters
I. Defend, expand and consolidate the most treasured asset we have reconquered after 200 years: National Independence.
“Fellow countrymen! I feel embarrassed to say it: independence is the only asset that we have acquired at the expense of others. But it opens the door for us to win others back under your sovereign auspices, with all the splendor of glory and freedom.”
Simón Bolívar, Bogotá, January, 1830.
This year marks the Bicentennial of our Independence. Our times are filled with the heroic legacy our people have inherited, that is in our blood and in our soul. We are once again waging a battle, with realized and unrealized dreams in the context of the Bolivarian revolutionary process, in an all-out struggle to finally recover and consolidate the Independence that we had lost. We are inspired by the resistance of the indigenous people, the rebelliousness of African descendants, the independentist feat, the Federal Revolution, the Restorative Revolution: we are inspired by Guaicaipuro, Tamanaco, Terepaima, Andresote, José Leonardo Chirino, Francisco de Miranda, Simón Rodríguez, Antonio José de Sucre, Ezequiel Zamora and Cipriano Castro. And our major source of inspiration, our highest referent, is the Liberator Simón Bolívar.
Historically speaking, the profound mutations of Venezuela, an oil-producing, obviously “semi-feudal” country, with a prevalence of latifundia and an export-oriented agriculture, did not generate significant transformations in the way to steer the nation’s destiny. Quite on the contrary, there was an increased dependence to the detriment of peasants, workers, laborers and popular sectors. Foreign domination, with an unprecedented capital inflow after the appearance of the “black gold”, found the table set by submissive governments of all kinds.
It was in that context that the oil-exporting Venezuela was born: it became an oil factory subordinated to the consumerist and belligerent model imposed by the Yankee imperialism; a repressive and neo-colonial capitalist regime which had sunk the glorious and noble people of Venezuela into the harshest material and moral misery had been born.
Only the honorable and courageous resistance put up by the patriotic majority of the Venezuelan people and its honest leaders in the struggle against the dictatorships of the 20th century, the civil and military rebellions of the 1960s, the combative mobilizations of successive generations of young students and the huge popular and military rebellions of February 27, 1989; February 4 and November 27, 1992 saved us from the total destruction as a sovereign nation.
On December 6, 1998, the Bolivarian Revolution, inspired by the awareness and dignity of the people, initiated the disintegration of the neo-colonial hegemony. Thirteen years of Bolivarian Revolution have made us recover political independence.
Today, Venezuela has a sovereign, Bolivarian government that does not follow the dictates of the empire or the bourgeoisie. Today we have a people who feel very proud of its cultural and historical roots and we are fully immersed in a process to recover the control over our natural resources and revenues.
That is why the first major historical goal for the next socialist and Bolivarian term of office will be to defend and consolidate the most treasured asset we have acquired: political Independence; reaffirm our identity as a nation and as part of Our America and continue to move on in the context of an audacious international geopolitics towards our full economic independence.
II. Continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage capitalist system, and ensure “the highest possible levels of social security, political stability and happiness” for our people.
do not want socialism in Latin America to be an imitation or a copy.
It must be a heroic creation.” – José
Carlos Mariátegui, 1928.
crisis that is currently facing the so called developed countries is a
consequence of the imbalances and contradictions inherent to the capitalist
system. The voracity to accumulate more
and more wealth is leading not only to the irreversible destruction of the
environment, but also to the multiplication of countless sufferings and
hardships among millions of human beings.
Never before had humanity suffered such an atrocious inequality. Meanwhile a handful of persons and companies
monopolize gigantic fortunes made through financial maneuvers and excessive
speculation at the expense of the misery of the majority of humanity.
In 1949, Albert Einstein wrote:
"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate the grave evils (of capitalism), namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.”
We, the men and women who are building the Bolivarian Revolution have shared that conviction from the very beginning by announcing that we should plot a different course, benefiting from the experience of other countries while learning from their mistakes; starting from our own values and learning from the lessons of our Father, the Liberator, and the great thinkers of Our America.
In 2004, the Bolivarian Revolution proclaimed its anti-imperialist character and in 2006 it declared itself as socialist. The principles advocated for by the Revolution have remained unchanged: we don’t want to stay under capitalism; it is indispensable that socialism settles in Venezuela as a broad and open way towards the supreme social happiness. We are struggling for a society where the great values of Christianity are fully realized.
During the next socialist and Bolivarian term we will continue to shape up a system of production relations based on the values of knowledge and labor, aimed at the satisfaction of the human needs of our people: food, water, electricity, clothing, housing and habitat, transportation, health, education, culture, science and technology.
To achieve that it is crucial to develop the social ownership over the strategic and basic means of production so that every family and every Venezuelan citizen could fully enjoy their economic, social, political and cultural rights and live well.
Let us all, I the next term, achieve the second major historical goal: to continue building and consolidating the foundations of the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century to dismantle the inhuman, predating and belligerent capital accumulation system and go beyond the logic of capital that supports it.
III. Turn Venezuela into a social, economic and political power as part of the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the creation of a peace zone in Our America.
During the next decade, Venezuela should consolidate as a regional and universal power. We Venezuelans should feel that the pre-eminent and participatory democracy is in fact something real and tangible and power should be preserved to ensure the irreversible character of the Homeland’s sovereignty.
progress achieved by the Bolivarian process should serve as a basis to continue
consolidating the political power, recognized as the consummation of the return
of power back to the people and the full exercise of the socialist, pre-eminent
and participatory democracy as the political basis for National Unity. Only in this way could we gain the necessary
to successfully participate in this complex international context.
The advance and consolidation of the participatory and pre-eminent democracy requires the consolidation of the value of human life and its defense from an essentially ethic point of view where solidarity and the value of human beings prevail over capitalist values according to which having is a condition for being and consuming is a condition for existing. To shield ethics in the exercise of power is crucial to build the Nation’s Moral Power.
Turning Venezuela’s economy into a power in areas such as energy, agro-food industry and industry compels us to consolidate the progress achieved in the development of the regulatory framework and the sovereign investments policy so that the national wealth is used to improve the life of our people and build a world of justice and peace.
It is likewise required that the Nation, the soldiers of the Homeland, with the support of the people, continue to strengthen the Nation’s military power, which is vital in the all-out defense of our Homeland.
During the next term of the socialist and Bolivarian government we will achieve the major goal of unleashing the full potential of the Homeland of Simón Bolívar by creating a historical popular and democratic block made up by the working class, the professionals and the urban and rural small and medium producers.
IV. Contribute to the development of a new international geopolitics that gives rise to a multicentered and multipolar world that would allow for the achievement of the equilibrium of the Universe and ensure peace on the planet.
the mandate of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, the foreign policy of the
Bolivarian Revolution will deploy all its efforts to “achieve a system of guarantees
that, whether in times of peace or war, shall be the shield of our new destiny”,
that is, an international environment that guarantees the Independence of the
Homeland aiming at the
full implementation of a sovereign national project.
Inspired by the harmonious vision that characterizes the cosmogony of our indigenous populations and the Bolivarian concept stating that the international political action should tend to conform “the equilibrium of the Universe”, the foreign policy of the Bolivarian Venezuela will promote the creation of a multipolar world whose ultimate end is the preservation of peace based on the respect and sovereignty of peoples.
As we have stated in different fora, this multipolar world shall consist of a multiplicity of force poles, that is, country groups, so that there could be a better universal equilibrium, more universal democracy and more equality in the world.
During the nest term of the socialist and Bolivarian government we will continue to make progress in this indispensable task to ensure peace in Venezuela and the world.
V. Contribute to preserve life in the planet and save the human species.
At this historical juncture, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with the ethical principles of socialism, is raising the flag of a struggle necessary to carry our, both nationally and internationally, an effort to change the depredating development model that capitalism has imposed on the world during the last three centuries through the menacing expansion of the voracious market economy.
In this struggle we will do all the necessary sensible and well oriented efforts to revert the causes and effects of the devastating environmental crises that attempt against the life of human beings on Earth.
For that it will be necessary to take short and medium term actions to recover the equilibrium on Earth and support the productive economic processes of human beings based on the respect for the earth cycles and its regeneration processes through the establishment of a different kind of relationship between human beings and nature.
This new socialist development alternative model requires the leading participation of men and women, with the new values of the ‘living well’ concept, in support of an ecological and socially sustainable economy. This would only be possible under socialism as the only alternative to the capitalist depredating model that has already failed.
This new model will truly implement the mandate given by the Earth Summit held in 1992: ‘meeting the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.’
Our country will struggle in the field of sensible environmental issues at the national, regional and multilateral levels with special emphasis on the struggle against climate change, the transformation of the unsustainable production and consumption models and the defense of a new social, ecological and socialist model as the only planetary alternative to guarantee life.
the United Nations Organizations we will promote the construction of a “New
International Ethical and Social Architecture” that could enable us to define
the New International Agenda for Human and Sustainable Development.
I. Defend, expand and consolidate the most treasured asset we have reconquered after 200 years: National Independence.
National Objectives
1.1 Guarantee the continuity and consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution in power.
1.2 Preserve and consolidate the country’s sovereignty over the oil resources and all other natural strategic resources.
1.3 Guarantee the sovereign management of national income.
1.4 Achieve food sovereignty to guarantee the sacred right to food.
1.5 Develop our scientific and technological capabilities according to people’s needs.
1.6 Strengthen national defense to protect independence and national sovereignty, thus preserving our country’s wealth and resources for future generations.
II. Continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage and destructive capitalist system and ensure “the highest possible social security, political stability and happiness” for our people.
National Objectives
2.1 Promote the transformation of the economic system to carry out the transition to the Bolivarian socialism, moving from the capitalist oil-oriented rentier-like model to a socialist production economic model based on the development of the productive forces.
2.2 Build a just and egalitarian society.
2.3 Consolidate and expand people’s power and socialist democracy.
2.4 Promote a new ethical, moral and spiritual social orientation based on the liberating values of socialism.
2.5 Achieve the ultimate establishment of the new Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice.
III. Turn Venezuela into a social, economic and political power as part of the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the creation of a peace zone in Our America.
National Objectives
3.1 Consolidate Venezuela’s role as a World Energy Power.
3.2 Develop the nation’s economic power based on the optimal use of the potential that exist in our natural resources in order to provide maximum happiness to our people and create the necessary material basis for the construction of our Bolivarian socialism.
3.3 Organize and expand the military power to ensure the defense of the Homeland.
3.4 Further develop the new national and regional Latin American and Caribbean geopolitics.
IV. Contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics that gives rise to a multicentered and multipolar world that would allow for the achievement of the equilibrium of the Universe and ensure peace on the planet.
National Objectives
4.1 Continue playing a leading role in the construction of the Latin American and Caribbean unity.
4.2 Consolidate our identity as a nation and as part of Our America.
4.3 Continue to promote the development of a multipolar world without imperial domination with full respect for the self-determination of peoples.
4.4 Contribute to dismantle the anti-historical and nefarious imperial and neo-colonial system.
V. Preserve peace on the planet and save the human species.
National Objectives
5.1 Build and promote the eco-socialist and productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature that guarantees the rational, sustainable and optimal use of natural resources while preserving the processes and cycles of nature.
5.2 Protect and defend the permanent sovereignty of the State over the natural resources for the supreme benefit of its people, which shall always be its main guarantor.
5.3 Defend and protect the Venezuelan historical and cultural patrimony.
5.4 Contribute to the creation of a big world movement to eradicate the causes and reverse the effects of climate change that occur as a consequence of the predating capitalist model.
I. Defend, expand and consolidate the most treasured asset we have reconquered after 200 years: National Independence.
1.1 Guarantee the continuity and consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution in power.
1.1.1 Achieve a solid, combative and joyful victory in the presidential elections of October 7, 2012, that would raise the morale of the Venezuelan people and all peoples in the world in their struggle for emancipation. Consolidate the unity of the working class, the professionals and the rural and urban small and medium producers; as well as the social movements and organizations that support the Bolivarian Revolution.
1.1.2 Carry out all the necessary political actions to guarantee that the electoral process takes place in an environment of stability and ensure that our people’s sovereign will is peacefully recognized. Call upon all democratic and honest sectors of the country to contribute to the peaceful celebration of the electoral process.
1.1.3 Prepare for the defense of the people’s will through popular organization and the democratic exercise of the State’s authority. Strengthen and defend the State’s Public Powers. Strengthen the awareness and the sectorial and territorial organization of our people. Expand the people’s organization for the all-out defense of the Homeland. Enhance the capabilities of State’s security organs to guarantee political stability and peace in the Nation.
1.1.4 Strengthen and expand the People’s Power so that the people are in fact the power.
1.1.5 Preserve, recover and the capabilities of local and regional governments to consolidate the return of the power back to the people.
1.1.6 Continue to build the communications hegemony, so that all voices are heard in Venezuela.
1.2 Preserve and consolidate the country’s sovereignty over the oil resources and all other natural strategic resources.
The sovereignty over natural resources is a concept that presupposes the guarantee of using those resources for the humanist and naturalist purposes of socialism. Thus, we will have sovereignty to the extent that we are free to exploit, administer and use them for these purposes. This can not be separate from politics.
1.2.1 Maintain and guarantee the State’s control over Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.
1.2.2 Guarantee the hegemony of the national oil production.
1.2.3 Secure a majority participation in joint ventures.
1.2.4 Maintain and guarantee the State’s control over state-run companies that exploit mining resources in the national territory. Consolidate and strengthen a state-run company for the exploitation of mining resources.
1.2.5 Secure the necessary means for an effective control over the strategic activities and other related to the industrial production line for the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources. Strengthen the actions carried out for an effective control of the strategic activities related to the oil industry. Consolidate an effective control over the key activities of the oil and gas value chain. Promote and encourage scientific research and technological development with the purpose of guaranteeing the key operations of the oil industry.
1.2.6 Guarantee the necessary means for the effective control of the strategic activities related to exploitation of mining resources.
1.2.7 Strengthen the coordination of oil policies within the OPEC. Advocate for policies for an appropriate pricing of oil.
1.2.8 Create a pricing policy coordination body for gas. Promote mechanisms for an appropriate pricing of gas.
1.2.9 Create the conditions to exert an influence on the pricing of minerals.
1.2.10 Raise the political and ideological awareness of the people and the oil and mining workers and encourage their active participation in the defense of the natural resources of the Nation. Strengthen the political and social significance of the oil industry. Promote the participation of the workers in the oil industry’s activities planning. Strengthen and consolidate the political participation of the people and of oil and mining workers.
1.2.11 Encourage and promote coordination among major oil producing countries.
1.2.12 Defend the Nation’s ownership over the strategic non-oil mineral resources, making the best of the processing of raw materials and adding value to them. Special attention shall be given to the productive chain concept over and above the mere exploitation of reserves. In addition to iron and bauxite, whose production levels have earned Venezuela world recognition, there are other minerals with a huge potential to serve the best national interests, such as gold and coltan. Guarantee the sovereign use of the natural resources of the country to satisfy the domestic demand and the best national interests. Maximize the State’s fiscal mechanisms to guarantee the sovereign managements of the benefits that may derive from the patrimony of the Republic. Elaborate a comprehensive and prospective inventory based on a national technological platform and promote the introduction of new techniques aimed at the efficient use of the natural resources of the country to serve its sovereign interests. Serve the best national interests through the State planning and administration of all forms of ownership in strategic sectors, aimed at guaranteeing the incorporation of these resources to the productive process and ensure people’s enjoyment of and access to all goods and services.
1.3 Guarantee the sovereign management of national income.
The sovereign management of national income presupposes the ability to earn it and use it for socialist, humanistic and naturalistic purposes. The State should be so designed to ensure that the administration of the national income serves the purpose of leveraging the new society.
Given our condition as oil-rentier country –a condition that should be reversed by means of a transformation towards a socialist productive model-, our national income is based on the development of oil production. Thus, in order to guarantee a sovereign management of incomes it is necessary to control oil production through a national, popular and revolutionary policy.
That policy has to be national because it deals with the administration of resources that are a property of all Venezuelans, which compels us to administer them for the benefit of the entire Nation. Through a national management of these resources we intend to achieve absolute control of oil production in the country as established by the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela which states very clearly that the State, as representative of the collective interest of all Venezuelans, is the owner of subsoil resources, and in this particular case it is the owner of petroleum and gas hydrocarbons. This policy should integrate the entire country in the defense of our main wealth: It is certainly a policy that concerns all Venezuelans and there should be no differences whatsoever around it.
Besides, the management of oil production should have a popular character, because it must be guided by people’s interests and should promote the participation of the working class to achieve the best possible interrelation with the people. In order to develop that policy we require the support of the people. The people must be a key actor in every sector, not only through the representation of the Venezuelan State but also through the workers and communities.
Finally, our oil policy should be a revolutionary policy and this has to do with who is the one who earns the oil income and how that oil income is earned and distributed. There is no doubt that the State should be the one that earns and controls the oil income, based on mechanisms that could maximize its value and make it possible to distribute it for the benefit of the people and promote a more just and equitable comprehensive social development of the country. This is the element that makes it different from any other oil policy.
Therefore, in order to guarantee the national, popular and revolutionary character of this policy we should put the oil income to the service of the people. This means that the State should be the one that earns and controls the oil income. Likewise, in order to make the best use of that income, the State should follow a sovereign policy that controls the resources and their maximum value as a fundamental requisite to ensure the collection of fair revenues. Then we should see to it that the oil income is invested in projects, plans and programs that guarantee a comprehensive social development under the guidance of the National Revolutionary and Bolivarian Government, according to the development plans of the Nation.
1.3.1 Maintain and strengthen the current oil taxation system, which underwent many positive changes since 1998, as is shown in the diagram below:
Tax |
Taxation system |
1998 |
34% |
50% |
Royalties |
1% – 16,67% |
30% |
Extraction tax |
0% |
3,33% |
Export Registry Tax |
0% |
0,1% |
Surface tax |
0% |
100 UT x Km2 % |
1.3.2 Maintain and strengthen efficient mechanisms to absorb the surplus income as a result of extraordinary and exorbitant increases in hydrocarbons world prices.
1.3.3 Establish and develop a mining taxation system as well as efficient mechanisms to collect the revenues resulting from mining. Systematize and control the production of strategic minerals. Strengthen the revenues collection and taxation systems. Restructure and establish royalty’s rates applicable to the sale of different minerals. Review and systematize specific royalty agreements for each strategic mineral.
1.3.4 Establish mechanisms to control the marketing of strategic materials. Create State entities for the marketing of strategic materials. Establish transparent mechanisms for the pricing of strategic materials.
1.3.5 Strengthen and consolidate financial agreements with strategic partners. Maintain and expand the Chinese-Venezuelan Joint Fund. The Chinese-Venezuelan Joint Fund has come to be an extraordinary financing mechanism for the Venezuelan State, since this is a bilateral cooperation structure agreed between the governments of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the People’s Republic of China, whereby significant financial resources are received and are later on paid off with the supply of crude and by-products.
This instrument has made it possible for the country to consolidate a new geopolitics based on the diversification of the markets. Likewise, this mechanism allows for the allocation of resources specifically for the development of the country, the construction of infrastructure works of national interest, the promotion of small and medium industries and the strengthening of chains of production and the supporting infrastructure required to further up economic growth.
This Joint Fund has been financially structured based on conditions that are highly beneficial for the country, as different from the reality facing the international financial markets, since it maximizes the use of energy, thus achieving a balance in financial costs.
Ate the close of 2011, the Republic has received a total of 32 million dollars through this mechanism with which we have developed and are developing:
· Infrastructure projects, such as trains, highways, maritime ports and telecommunication networks;
· Social projects, such as housing, hospitals and health care centers;
· Energy development projects, such as oil refineries, natural gas processing plants, oil and natural gas pipelines, liquid gas processing plants and projects for the extraction, transportation and marketing of coal;
· Projects for the transportation of crude and oil by-products and the construction of tanks;
· Industrial integration projects, such as the construction of merchant ships and other enterprises associated to the production of natural gas, the manufacturing of fertilizers and chemical products;
· Projects for the automotive industry;
· Agro-industrial projects, factories for the assembling of high-tech products and companies that provide services to the oil industry. Industries for the manufacturing of steel and aluminum and mining companies.
That policy implemented by the Bolivarian Government has allowed us to become independent from multilateral financing organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Thanks to this initiative we have managed to recover economic autonomy, negotiations flexibility and national sovereignty to be able to establish alliances with other non-traditional financing sources. Promote the creation of financing mechanisms similar to the Chinese-Venezuelan Joint Fund. Promote the creation of trust funds for the financing of infrastructure projects.
1.3.6 Maintain and consolidate the cooperation and complementarity agreements with allied countries. Strengthen and expand the Energy Cooperation Agreements (CCE).
The Energy Cooperation Agreements were created after a proposal made by the Bolivarian Government to materialize the energy unit among peoples. This will work as a geopolitical enabling factor that could allow for the use of energy resources to promote the establishment of more just, fraternal and efficient relations in the struggle against poverty thus reducing the economic and social asymmetries.
The Energy Cooperation Agreements welcome the principles of energy integration, solidarity, complementarity, fair trade, promotion of investments in Latin America and special and differential treatment to nations according to their capabilities.
These initiatives share the historical and fundamental purpose of combining the capabilities and strengths of the countries that are parties to them aiming at a joint definition of great lines of common political action among States that share a common vision about the exercise of sovereignty, thus developing an identity of their own.
Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua and Cuba have been signatories of some of the main energy agreements. These agreements have worked as payment mechanism for the oil, goods and services that are necessary for the country’s social comprehensive development, namely, agricultural products, machinery, power plants, health services, medical equipment, among others. Strengthen agreements in the context of PETROCARIBE.
The PETROCARIBE energy cooperation agreement was signed by 14 nations of the Caribbean region. It was intended to solve the existing asymmetries in the access to energy resources through a new favorable, fair and equitable commercial exchange system among the countries of the Caribbean region.
PETROCARIBE has been conceived as an alliance capable of ensuring the coordination and articulation of the policies related to energy, technological cooperation, capacity building, and development of the energy infrastructure as well as the use of alternative sources of energy. Its main objective is to contribute to energy security, social and economic development and the integration of Caribbean and Central American countries through the sovereign use of the energy resources.
At the close of 2011 18 nations had adhered to this important integration and cooperation mechanism. Strengthen ALBA.
1.3.7 Design and implement new and efficient mechanisms to ensure people’s participation in oil income management through investments and savings. Strengthening and expansion of new saving mechanisms for the Venezuelan people, such as the National Workers’ Savings Fund and the Popular Savings Fund.
1.4 Achieve food sovereignty to guarantee our people’s sacred right to food.
We intend to fully develop our agricultural production potential: 3. 665.780 hectares of high fertility lands for the production of vegetables; 12.830.230 hectares of low fertility lands to grow vegetables and pastures and 27.493.350 hectares for rangelands and forestry.
Inventory of agricultural lands in Venezuela
Nº |
Classification |
Area (hectares) |
Percentage of the national area (%) |
Potential use of land |
1 |
Lands for the production of vegetables |
3.665.780,00 |
4% |
Vegetables |
2 |
Low fertility lands for vegetables and pastures (limitations) |
12.830.230,00 |
14% |
Vegetables and cattle |
3 |
Rangelands and/or forestry |
27.493.350,00 |
30% |
Forestry and cattle |
Total: |
43.989.360 hectares |
The agricultural lands inventories that have been made in the country have shown that approximately 2 per cent of the national territory has no limitations In terms of climate, soil, drainage or unfavorable topographic conditions.
We have also realized that through the mass application of the technologies developed by our agricultural workers and research centers we could reach a potential figure of 4 per cent that could be used for a wide range of uses (food crops, grasslands or forestry); some 14 per cent could be devoted to a limited number of crops (food crops, grasslands or forests resistant to excessive humidity, drought and low fertility lands; 30 per cent to crops, grasslands and forests highly resistant to strong limitations and low fertility lands, sever droughts or floods; and the remaining territory shall be left for natural covers such as forests or savannahs for the purpose of conservation or protection or to offer environmental services such as the production of water and the preservation of biodiversity.
These potential and feasible figures, when compared with the population rates that we expect to have in the next decades, indicate that we have enough land to meet our needs in terms of food production and environmental services, provided we make a rational use of them.
In the context of the Great Mission Agro-Venezuela, whereby a total of 684 883 producers have been registered in the entire country, we can satisfy our food needs with our national production, with emphasis on the productions of cereals, legumes, root crops and tubers, vegetables, beef, poultry, pork, eggs and milk, as well as marine and inland fisheries and aquiculture, thus increasing the daily availability of locally produced energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates per inhabitant to meet up to 90 per cent of the nutritional requirements of Venezuelans, while creating a surplus production in cereals, fruits and tropical crops for export.
1.4.1 Eliminate latifundia once and for all. To carry out an agro-ecological organization and zoning process based on the use of the land, and creates a rural cadastre system to ensure a fair access and rational use of soils. Increase the agricultural area for short season vegetables by at least 42 per cent, going from 2.88 million hectares to 4.12 million hectares per year at the end of this period. Expand the agricultural area under irrigation from 178 000 hectares to 538 000 hectares for the year 2019, which accounts for a 202 per cent increase.
Irrigation systems |
Area under irrigation Year 2012 (hectares) |
Area under irrigation Year 2019 (hectares) |
% Increase |
Irrigation System Río Guárico |
32.000 |
38.000 |
19% |
Irrigation System Río Tiznados |
3.000 |
32.000 |
967% |
Irrigation System Jose Inácio de Abreu e Lima |
1.400 |
35.000 |
2.400% |
Irrigation System Las Majaguas |
21.450 |
26.000 |
21% |
Irrigation System Planicie de Maracaibo |
2.600 |
20.000 |
669% |
Irrigation System Valle de Quíbor |
1.200 |
26.000 |
2.000% |
Small and Medium Irrigation System |
116.685 |
361.723 |
210% |
178.335 |
538.723 |
202% |
1.4.2 Accelerate the democratization of the access by peasants, producers as well as the different collective forms of production and socialist enterprises to the resources necessary for production (land, water, irrigation, seeds and capital) while promoting the rational and sustainable use of them. Incorporate to the agricultural machinery stock 110 000 tractors, 30 000 harvesters and 400 seeding tools based on the development of the national assembling and manufacturing industry. Collective forms of production shall be given priority to use those. Strengthen the highway program (maintenance and construction of new highways) and the rural electrification program with the creation of highway equipment brigades and units by the National Bolivarian Militia, the Peasants and Community Councils, the Free and Associated Producers Networks, the Mayors’ Offices, the Provincial Governments and the National Institute for Rural Development.
1.4.3 Consolidate a set of public policies in support of production, the organization of the rural sector and the participation of peasants’ people’s power organs in planning, such as increased investments by private banks and the State, under the guidance of the Bolivarian Government, in the comprehensive rural development through the construction of infrastructural works, the financing of small and medium producers, the implementation of projects to produce food and the development of and investment in science and technology; the consolidation of socialist agro-industrial production systems; access to plant and animal genetic resources adapted to tropical conditions; the promotion of fisheries development through the modernization of the fleet and the maritime and river fisheries infrastructure and the local production of inputs for agricultural production such as fertilizers, products for the protection of crops, additives, veterinary drugs and food and vitamins for animals, thus promoting the use of state-of-the-art technology to protect the natural physical environment. Increase of the national food production (vegetables, livestock, aquiculture and fisheries) by 45 per cent, from 29.4 million tones a year to 42.7 million tones a year. Increase the production of cereals by at least 70 per cent, from 5.13 million tones a year to 8.73 million tones a year. Increase in the production of legumes (65 per cent); oilseeds (73 per cent); tropical crops: coffee and cocoa (46 per cent); vegetables (40 per cent). Increase in livestock production by 38 per cent, from 5.32 million tones a year to 7.35 million tones a year. Increase livestock production by at least 45 per cent; pork production by at least 43 per cent; poultry production by at least 45 per cent and eggs production by at least 44 per cent.
1.4.4 Strengthen the infrastructure, development and functioning of the big socialist primary agricultural production clusters and the Big Irrigation Systems, which shall be managed by socialist enterprises, giving priority to the integration of industrial productive processes. Advance the Comprehensive Rural Development Project ‘Delta del Orinoco’ in Islas Cocuina, Manamito and Guara in the states of Delta Amacuro and Monagas. Advance the Socialist Comprehensive Agrarian Development Project ‘Píritu-Becerra’ in the state of Guárico. Implement the Socialist Agrarian Development Project ‘Eje Elorza-Mantecal’ in the state of Apure. Implement the Socialist Agro-ecological Development Project ‘Llano Alto’ in the states of Barinas and Trujillo. Implement the Plan for the Comprehensive Agricultural Development of the municipality of Guanarito, in the states of Portuguesa, Barinas and Cojedes. Implement the Socialist Comprehensive Development Project ‘Paguey-Santo Domingo’ of the municipality of Barinas in the state of Barinas. Implement the Socialist Comprehensive Agrarian Development Project in the Area of Influence of the ‘Biruaca-Achaguas’ axis in the states of Apure and Guárico.
1.4.5 Consolidate the networks of production and distribution of products ready for consumption and the agro-industrial processing system. Begin the construction of the Bovine Milk Processing Plant ‘Dabajuro’, in the state of Falcón. Begin the assembly and starting up of the slaughterhouse and cold storage unit in Mantecal in the state of Apure. Begin the construction, assembly, starting-up and refurbishment of a slaughterhouse and cold storage unit in the municipality of Libertad in the state of Anzoátegui. Conclude the project for the storage of cereals and oilseeds of the Ago-Industrial Complex ‘Vuelvan Caras’ in the state of Portuguesa. Begin the construction of cellars for the storage of seeds in the states of Portuguesa, Carabobo and Lara. Begin the construction of 14 fishing works houses in the states of Carabobo, Aragua, Apure, Falcón, Nueva Esparto, Sucre, Miranda and Portuguesa.
1.4.6 Create, consolidate and support distribution centers both at the local level and in big cities for the sale and direct distribution of products ready for consumption, thus ensuring appropriate access by the population and a fair pay to peasants work and encouraging the development of export trade. Expand the socialist distribution networks Mescal, PDVAL, BICENTENARIO, community markets and free products distribution programs. Strengthen and modernize the social and state regulation system to combat usury and speculation in the purchase and distribution of foodstuffs, since they are considered as an essential asset for human life.
1.4.7 Consolidate the agro-industrial apparatus under the control of socialist enterprises, thus ensuring at least 60 per cent of the storage and processing capacity for several commodities (cereals, oilseeds, sugar, beef and milk) and 30 per cent for all other foodstuffs. Finish the construction of the Industrial Complex for the Manufacture of Agro-industrial Processing Plants and Machinery and Irrigation Equipment- also called the “Factory of Factories”- in Anaco, in the state of Anzoátegui. Finish the construction of the Eggs Incubating Plant ‘Loma Larga’ in the state of Anzoátegui. Build a Fertilizers Storehouse in Planta Morón in the state of Carabobo. Consolidate the breeding and re-breeding stocks of hens and chickens in the states of Anzoátegui, Guárico and Portuguesa (ALBA Poultry Joint Venture). Install the freezing tunnel at the Poultry Processing Plant of the municipality of Carlos Arvelo in the state of Carabobo (ALBA Poultry Joint Venture). Build the Genetic Center ‘Josefa Camejo’ for the production of high genetic quality F-1 pigs, located at the state of Falcón (ALBA Pig Production Joint Venture). Finish the construction of the Commercial Farm ‘José Leonardo Chirino’ for F-1 pigs, located in the State of Lara (ALBA Pig Production Joint Venture). Build a shipyard’s storehouse (PESCALBA). Build the Venezuelan Grand National Pauny Tractors’ Factory –phase II. (Mechanical Works Enterprise ‘Pedro Camejo’) in El Sombrero, in the state of Guárico. Create four (4) ‘Florentino’ Socialist Genetic Technical Centers for bovine cattle, located in the states of Bolívar, Guárico, Anzoátegui and Cojedes (INIA). Finish the construction of the Industrial Plant for the Assembly and Manufacturing of Grain Harvesting Machines –phase II- (Mechanical Works Enterprise ‘Pedro Camejo’) in Tinaco, state of Cojedes. Establish a Center for the genetic Improvement of Shrimps in the state of Sucre.
1.4.8 Develop a support and incentives system to promote the export of agricultural products. Create export joint ventures with allied countries such as China, Russia and Iran. Design and implement a policy to promote export to the Caribbean countries and the northern part of Brazil. Define, in the context of international and integration agreements, the commercial policies aimed at the protection of the national agriculture.
1.4.9 Establish mechanisms to implement a new revolutionary institutional system that ensures the participation of small and medium producers in the decision-making process in the area of agriculture, through the peasants’ councils and the networks of free and associated producers.
1.4.10 Promote diversified production models based on small-scale family farming and the urban, peri-urban and indigenous agriculture, with the aim of validating and disseminating traditional and sustainable modes of production to ensure at least 50 per cent of the production output. Promote innovation and production of technological inputs for small-scale agriculture with the aim of increasing efficiency and productivity. Promote the organization and creation of people’s power organs and the collective forms of production for the development of productive processes at a local level through the expansion of schools and the teaching of a cadres training course. Promote the development and use of low-input technologies by reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment.
1.4.11 Promote diversified production models based on small-scale family farming and the urban, peri-urban and indigenous agriculture, with the aim of validating and disseminating traditional and sustainable modes of production to ensure at least 50 per cent of the production output. Promote innovation and production of technological inputs for small-scale agriculture with the aim of increasing efficiency and productivity. Promote the organization and creation of people’s power organs and the collective forms of production for the development of productive processes at a local level through the expansion of schools and the teaching of a cadres training course. Promote the development and use of low-input technologies by reducing emissions that are harmful to the environment.
1.5 Develop our scientific and technological capabilities according to people’s needs.
1.5.1 Consolidate a scientific, technological and innovative style with a transformational, diverse, creative and profoundly dynamic style that could be a guarantee to independence and economic sovereignty. This initiative shall be oriented towards the best use of the national potential and capabilities in such a way that it recognizes different actors, dynamics and organizational forms in the generation of knowledge, thus contributing to the construction of the Socialist Productive Model, the strengthening of socialist ethics and the appropriate satisfaction of the needs of the Venezuelan people. Develop science, technology and innovation in close coordination with the national productive structure, so as to create the conditions necessary to pursue economic sovereignty and technological independence as an indispensable condition for the appropriate satisfaction of social needs. This guideline should be developed through the design and implementation of transdisciplinary projects, the generation of scientific, technological an innovative knowledge aimed at solving concrete problems of the national productive sector, thus promoting the development of industrial scaling aimed at making the best use of potentialities with an effective technological transfer. A National Network of Technological Parks will be created for the development and application of Science, Technology and Innovation in those thematic spaces as well as in Industrial Parks in general. Strengthen and orienting science, technology and innovation towards an efficient use of national potentialities and capabilities aiming at a sustainable development and the satisfaction of social needs. Research shall be oriented towards strategic areas defined as a priority in terms of the solution of social problems. We shall promote the creation of innovative units associated to socio-productive units in well organized communities, taking advantage of the creation of national and regional scientific and technological cooperation networks with the aim of strengthening the capabilities of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System. Guarantee timely access and appropriate use of ICTs through the development of the necessary infrastructure and applications by adopting a critical approach and taking care of social needs and information dissemination. New contents shall be created based on the national, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural values of our peoples. The principles inherent to the Bolivarian Socialism shall be likewise promoted. Develop education to further up science, work and production and support the scientific and technological revolution by linking science and technology to production and work, in order to build the scientific knowledge and disseminate it from the collective experience and through the different institutions and organizations of the National Education System. In this regard we shall promote the consolidation of citizens’ participation in public management in the thematic areas and territories related to science, technology and innovation.
1.5.2 Consolidate the development of the educational infrastructure in the country including universities as well as technical, medium-level and in-job training institutions which educate citizens for the liberating work and establish a direct association between the infrastructure for training and innovation and the productive sector, either through the production units or the industrial parks created as part of the strategy for the transformation of the productive sector. Update and orient training programs according to the needs and demands of the national productive system with the aim of ensuring technical, professional and in-job training while promoting patriotic values and a critical approach as part of the organization for the liberating work. Promote the in-job training program at factories or production units not only to improve training but also work culture, the organization of workers’ councils and the implementation of the ‘Point and Circle’ strategy as substantial elements in the change of the productive model.
1.5.3 Guarantee the conditions that would ensure access by the organizations and every person within the national territory to timely and ethical communication with the purpose of contributing to the satisfaction of people’s needs as well as the necessary training for the use, creation and dissemination of contents that could make our people to live well. Develop information applications using a critical approach and taking into account social needs. Generate and disseminate contents based on the national, multiethnic and multicultural values of our peoples together with the principles inherent to the Bolivarian Socialism. Guarantee the creation and acquisition of knowledge for development and production and the good use of ICTs.
1.6 Strengthen national defense to protect independence and national sovereignty, thus preserving our country’s wealth and resources for future generations.
1.6.1 Improve the country’s defensive capacity through the consolidation and strengthening of the territorial redistribution of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. Update the plans for the territorial and Comprehensive Defense adapted to the geo-strategic and socio-political characteristics of our Homeland. Increase the military operational activity in our country’s borders with the purpose of controlling and neutralizing transnational crime and groups that perpetrate violent actions. We shall likewise improve the defense of our territory. Establish, restructure, re-equip and relocate our military units according to the demands of the Comprehensive Defense of our Homeland and its sovereignty. Prepare the people for the Comprehensive Defense of the country at all levels of the State’s public sector, together with the people and the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. Promote people’s active participation in the consolidation of the civic and military unity.
1.6.2 Strengthen and improve the Military Intelligence and Counter-intelligence System for the Comprehensive Defense of our Homeland. Consolidate the Territorial Military Intelligence and Counter-intelligence System. Generalize in an orderly way the search for information useful to guarantee the security and defense of the Homeland. Update and adapt the curricula in the area of intelligence and counter-intelligence according to the Bolivarian Military Ideas. Promote the adoption of the legal framework necessary to develop intelligence and counter-intelligence within our National Bolivarian Armed Forces.
1.6.3 Strengthen the National Bolivarian Militia. Promote the development of the Territorial Militias with the aim of securing the necessary forces for the Comprehensive Defense of the Homeland. Increase and strengthen the use of the Militias to support national development. Encourage the creation of an increased number of Combatant Corps at every level of the Venezuelan State. Encourage the incorporation of a bigger number of compatriots to the National Bolivarian Militia. Design strategies to guarantee the participation of the people in the struggle under any circumstances, however adverse.
1.6.4 Increase and maintain the Operational Preparedness of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces for the Comprehensive Defense of the Homeland. Update, preserve, store and maintain the equipment and weapon systems of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. Strengthen the logistic support and military health systems of our National Bolivarian Armed Forces. Increase the reserves of materials, systems and equipment to support the Comprehensive Defense of the Homeland. Increase the acquisition of arms systems and materials to equip the different units.
II. Continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage capitalist system, and ensure “the highest possible levels of social security, political stability and happiness” for our people.
2.1 Promote the transformation of the economic system to carry out the transition to the Bolivarian socialism, moving from the capitalist oil-oriented rentier-like model to a socialist production economic model based on the development of the productive forces.
“Spanish America asked for two revolutions at the same time – the public and the economic…”
Simón Rodríguez.
2.1.1 Promote new forms of organization of production that would provide society with the means of production and encourage the creation of a new productive structure under a new transformation for the transition to socialism. Incorporate new productive schemes oriented towards socialism that could spin off productive and exchange relations based on complementarity and solidarity which, at the same time, will become the productive system that will support a new transformation. These production grafts shall associate with each other as conglomerates, which will enhance their dimension. Promote the democratization of the means of production and promote the articulation of new forms of ownership, placing them at the service of society. Strengthen centralized planning and the budgeting system for the development and appropriate orientation of the national strategic chains.
2.1.2 Build and expand productive chains oriented towards the satisfaction of social needs in the process of construction of socialism. Generate a system of integration of productive networks that will make it possible to articulate the value chain of raw materials, diversifying production in order to satisfy people’s social needs. Improve the national productive structure and update it from the technological point of view to provide the material basis necessary to articulate it with the new model for the construction of socialism. Strengthen those productive sectors where the country has comparative advantages, whereby surplus production is an alternative economic basis to the single-export product model. Create a system of industrial parks for the thematic strengthening of productive chains and the articulation of the national industrial system which includes logistic facilities, training, technology and a system of distribution of inputs and products at fair prices.
2.1.3 Develop inclusive and participatory management models for inclusive productive units with the workers, in line with national policies, as well as a work culture opposed to the oil rentier-like approach to dismantle the existing oligopolistic and monopolistic structure. Build a work culture opposed to a rentier-like approach by supporting training based on the praxis of work and the awareness of workers as active subjects in the process of transformation of and democratic participation in work aimed at serving the best national interests. Promote a new management model in productive units –direct and indirect social ownership units- that is efficient, sustainable and that generates social and economic benefits to serve the best national interests. Develop a system of incentives to encourage the creation of small and medium private enterprises and joint ventures in a context of maximum social co-responsibility of the productive apparatus, thus recognizing the work of men and women entrepreneurs. Contribute to the socio-economic wellbeing of the areas where the productive units are located, following the ‘point and circle’ strategy and making room for people’s participation in the social and economic processes as well as in social comptrollership. Bigger scale units will promote the ramification of inputs at the community level to contribute to satisfy the needs of our communities.
2.1.4 Strengthen the system of direct and alternative distribution of inputs and products and combating speculation, which is inherent to capitalism. Generate and strengthen the State-owned, community and mixed chains of distribution of final and intermediate consumption products as an alternative offered to the population in terms of direct savings. Establish systems of transportation and distribution that ensures a direct flow of commodities from the production units to consumers, distribution centers or intermediate production units.
2.2 Build a just and egalitarian society.
For the period 2013-2019 we will take up the challenge of consolidating the essence of the Bolivarian Revolution, which is social justice. The continuity of the Revolution should guarantee the irreversibility of the progress achieved in the area of human rights; the conditions that will make it impossible to go back to poverty; the conditions that have made it possible to consolidate the struggle against social inequalities; the progress achieved in the liberation of the people; the leading participation of the people in social missions. To advance towards the construction of a just and egalitarian society is to move on down the path to socialism; it means to have a future full of rewarding living conditions created by the people themselves.
In this new stage, to continue building a just and egalitarian society requires the development of a system of social prevention, protection and security that should have a new political quality, since it is intended to become the most powerful instrument to live by living, as a condition of the Venezuelan people’s liberation, independence and sovereignty in their transit towards socialism. For that, it is necessary to achieve extraordinary progress in fundamental processes that presuppose a radical social transformation, which are strategic objectives for the revolution.
2.2.1 Continue to promote the transformation of the essential relations of the people with Nature, the State, society, the working process and ideas. Develop socialist relationships among workers and with the working process. Guarantee the physical, cognitive and moral development of workers as well as safe, healthy and satisfactory working conditions and social security. Eradicate the working relations disguised as wage-earning employment. Guarantee collective in-job training, thus ensuring people’s participation in the productive, fraternal and liberating work. Guarantee the provision of universal basic benefits related to old age, subsistence, disability, invalidity, unemployment, severance and unemployment, resulting from the relationship established with the labor market. Harmonize family life with labor life. Consolidate values that safeguard identity and strengthen the sovereignty and defense of the country based on the physical, spiritual and intellectual enjoyment and the recognition of our cultural and natural patrimony. Achieve a sustained increase in the national production and distribution of cultural products with the production of 15 000 000 copies of all types of magazines -2 500 000 every year- and a 200 per cent increase in the production of books. Improve the cultural infrastructure at the service of the people, with the construction of 336 Book-Reading Rooms –one in every municipality- equipped with appropriate furniture and reading material. Promote the development of cultural manifestations in the country. Support the community cultural organizations. Expand the network of intellectuals and artists and increase the number of cooperation agreements for the production of cultural good and services. Consolidate the leading participation of the people in all cultural and sport manifestations, focused on the creation of an awareness oriented towards the generation of transformations for the construction of socialism. Universalize social security for artists, creators and cultural exponents. Display the community and historical identity (Mission Cultura Corazón Adentro). Promote the signing of integration intercultural agreements. Improve the conditions that guarantee the enjoyment of everybody’s rights, respecting the social, juridical, physical, age and cultural diversity present among individuals or groups of individuals. Improve the habitat and infrastructure for indigenous populations. Accelerate the demarcation of their territories by issuing title deeds of land in favor of indigenous communities and providing decent houses for every indigenous family facing vulnerable conditions, with respect for their cultural options. Encourage the provision of education, training and funds for the socio-productive units with the consolidation of 2 345 community councils and socialist indigenous communities through the financing of projects, with respect for their traditional practices and organizational forms. Expand the presence of the Missions and Grand Socialist Missions in indigenous communities, recognizing and respecting their culture and traditions. Consolidate gender equality based on socialist values. Strengthen the leading political participation of women in the People’s Power organs. Promote an economic knowledge oriented towards solidarity and production and based on socialist principles among the working-age population so that they take part in the national productive system. Encourage the practice of socialist ethics at the recreational spaces for young people, oriented towards peace, the practice of sports and the social coexistence within the community, by providing 900 000 youths with recreational and sports programs and incorporating 5 200 000 youths to programs aimed at the wholesome use of their leisure. Promote spaces for comprehensive education with the participation of volunteers who will take care of approximately 4.000.000 youths facing a situation of vulnerability. This project will count of the assistance offered by 400 000 youths who are trained to prevent the causes that generate such vulnerabilities. Strengthen the youth’s leading organization and participation with the construction of 3 000 Youth People’s Power Councils. Advance in the social transformation of persons who are in prison through the incorporation of their family members, community councils, social organizations as well as any other form of organization to the activities associated to inmates’ life in prison. Combat impunity and delays in legal processes and in the provision of several benefits, in close coordination with the Prosecutor’s Office, the Defense and the judicial authorities. Improve and build infrastructure facilities for the inmate community. Establish the socialist production inmate communities. Introduce alternatives to the completion of the period of sentence. Create appropriate conditions to support inmates after they are released from prison. Their criminal records shall not be disclosed and they will be incorporated to social, educational and labor programs. Strengthen the communicational and educational work in the interest of consolidating the values and principles of the Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice, as established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as well as the awareness about environmental protection as a condition to preserve life in the planet. Develop a general policy to provide scientific information about the need to protect the biological diversity of our country, particularly the biodiversity of our parks as well as our water reservoirs and their significance for the entire planet. Create the necessary conditions to promote an environmental culture oriented towards recreation and sports practicing, based on our national values and as a way to achieve peace, liberate people’s consciousness and live in harmonious coexistence. Generalize the practice of sports. Create the National Fund of Sports, Physical Activity and Physical Education to encourage the practice of sports. Expand the infrastructure of the Mission Barrio Adentro Deportivo to every single parish and all sports facilities. Offer a comprehensive support to highly-performing athletes and sport heroes; develop medicine and science in support of highly performing athletes; establish the Highly-Performing Athletes Center and the National Sports Talents School. Contribute to the systematic, mass and diversified practice of physical activity in communities and public spaces through the incorporation of physical activity into the Bolivarian Education System.
2.2.2 Create the necessary conditions to ensure the highest possible social security and happiness for Venezuelan families, based on the values and principles of respect, equality, solidarity and co-responsibility, as part of the social justice which is the essential element in the construction of socialism. Consolidate the struggle against the determinants of the conditions of inequality that need to be wiped out in order to eradicate extreme poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty according to incomes (zero extreme poverty). Continue to reduce overall poverty. Reduce the number of persons facing a situation of vulnerability. Ensure that Venezuela keeps on being the biggest classroom in the world through the consolidation and expansion of the entry into educational institutions, continuity of studies and graduation to guarantee people’s right to basic education in the interest of training the citizens that the Republic needs. Expand the schooling coverage to include the entire population, particularly excluded persons, as follows:
a. Nursery schools: increase enrolment from 13 per cent to 40 per cent;
b. Preschool Education: provide universal access, 100 per cent coverage;
c. Primary Education; consolidate universal access to this level through a 100 per cent increase of the target population;
d. Medium-Level and General Education: to achieve a 100 per cent increase in the enrolment so that the entire population could attain a general medium-level or technical medium-level education as an average;
e. Increase the technical education enrolment by 40 per cent. Develop a bilingual intercultural education. Expand the schools and sports infrastructure and staff and continue to introduce ICT’s in the educational process. Adapt the educational system to the productive model. Strengthen and encourage research in the educational process. Consolidate the transformation of universities focused on comprehensive education, intellectual production and social interaction to ensure the development of the creative potential and problem-solving capabilities in the face of the most pressing problem facing the country and the strategic objectives established in the National Project ‘Simón Bolívar’. Consolidate the constitutional right to university education for all, with emphasis on the enrolment, continuity of studies and graduation, by means of a 90 per cent increase in the incorporation of senior-high graduates to university education. Strengthen the policy of territorialization and relevance of management for the development of university education through an increase of the municipal enrolment by 60 per cent thanks to the Sucre and Alma Mater Missions. Develop training and research programs and projects to give a response to the productive needs and potentialities necessary for the development of the country. Expand the scientific, technical and humanistic capabilities to ensure security and sovereignty in the production of material inputs, as well as the artistic theoretical and methodological production required to live well by means of a 70 per cent increase in the financing of research and innovation oriented to projects that will enhance people’s happiness. Guarantee health care for the people through the consolidation of the national public health system, based on the strengthening of the Barrio Adentro Mission, the People’s Power work and the articulation among all levels and areas of the system of protection, promotion, prevention and comprehensive assistance to individual and collective health. Thus, the expectations are: (a) To increase by 100 per cent the comprehensive medical assistance coverage in primary health care through Barrio Adentro I and II, and in specialized health care through Barrio Adentro III and IV; (b) to reduce the maternal mortality rate by 37.3 per every 100 000 live births. To reduce the under-five mortality rate to 11.7 per every 1000 live births. Consolidate the new institutional character of the National Public Health System built upon Barrio Adentro which serves as an integrating hub of the single services network under a single governing structure, with guaranteed financing, sovereign scientific and technological development and quality human talent in favor of international solidarity. Guarantee healthy food and appropriate nutrition throughout the entire life-cycle, according to the constitutional precepts related to health, sovereignty and food security, with a 70 per cent increase in the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding. Promotion of social territories that will strengthen the coexistence in solidarity and citizens’ safety in the everyday life of the family and the community, as well as the sense of liberation in the event of uncontrollable risks. Provide the population with environments that favor physical activity, recreation, culture and sports at all educational, labor and residential centers in order to achieve a 12 per cent reduction in the number of persons from 7 to 14 years of age who are overweight (weight-size) and reduce the number of persons with sedentary life styles by 50 per cent. Encourage a leading role by the People’s Power in the inter-sectorial articulation spaces and at the institutional level to promote life and health quality by means of: (a) an increase in the number of graduates from different professions integrated to the National Public Health System –the goal is to achieve the figure of 80 000 graduates; (b) a 100 per cent increase in the participation of the People’s Power organs in the planning, implementation, supervision and evaluation of the health activities carried out in the Community Comprehensive Health Areas; (c) increase in the number of people’s health organizations and Health Committees –Community Councils- to 25 000. Consolidate the sovereign capabilities and the scientific and technological independence required to produce and guarantee the availability of Human talents and the scientific and technical resources and inputs necessary to guarantee people’s health by means of a 40 per cent increase in the number of essential medicines produced locally; and a 60 per cent increase in the local production of inputs required by the National Public Health System. Consolidate and improve the conditions that will guarantee food security and sovereignty. Increase the national production of new products or products whose national production is relatively weak, to cover 30 per cent of the national demand of oils and fats and 50 per cent of the national demand of milk by-products. Improve the production and distribution capacities through the expansion and maintenance of the transport fleet to cover 40 per cent of the daily distribution of the Mercal network. Expand the centers for the distribution and sale of products, in addition to a 50 per cent increase in the number of arepa stores, bakeries and butcher’s shops in Venezuela. Consolidate the nutrition houses as centers for nutrition training and assistance through the adaptation and transformation of 4 500 nutrition houses into centers for nutrition training and assistance. Consolidate and expand the People’s Pharmacies Network in the entire country. Build infrastructural works oriented to the construction, improvement and adaptation of industrial facilities to increase the productive capacity of processing plants, packaging plants (operational capacity and processing); storage facilities (dry and cold capacities) and production lines, among others. Educate and train the population so that they are able to adjust their nutritional habits and consumption patterns. It is expected that the dining halls of the National Nutrition Institute and the Strategic Foods Program Foundation (FUNDAPROAL) could serve as training camps for the Mission ‘Saber y Trabajo’. Prevent and control macronutrients deficiencies and promote food security in every household. Increase the actions aimed at the socio-productive activation and participation of families, based on social ownership as well as the creation of community social and productive networks, family units, solidarity exchange groups and all other relevant organizational forms for work and training. Develop the Community Economic System with the different forms of social and productive organization: collectively owned enterprises, family units, solidarity exchange groups and all other working organizational forms. Strengthen the social basis for the community economy system. Indirect social ownership enterprises shall be governed by the People’s Power organs. Self-sustainable financing shall be likewise promoted. Create the People’s Power organs and the Workers’ Councils in indirect social ownership enterprises. Develop coordination among the Community Councils and Workers’ Councils of indirect social ownership enterprises.
2.2.3 Consolidate the Grand Socialist Missions as a superior revolutionary instrument that would allow us to further strengthen the process of construction of social justice, just as we did with the Grand Mission ‘Hijos de Venezuela’ and the Grand Mission ‘En Amor Mayor’. Complete the process of downsizing of the Missions according to the objectives for which they were created, in order to face new challenges. Create new grand missions in areas, themes or problems considered as a priority according to the strategic objectives. Develop, from the grand missions, the territorial follow-up systems to transform the lives of families and communities that live in poverty. Establish special financing systems to ensure the sustainability of the socialist Missions and Grand Missions.
2.3 Consolidate and expand people’s power and socialist democracy. Achieve full sovereignty as a guarantee of the irreversibility of the Bolivarian process is the main goal pursued by the organized and conscious people in power. The creation and development of new forms of people’s participation is an example of the way in which the Bolivarian Revolution is moving forward by consolidating the hegemony and control of the political, social, economic and cultural orientation of the country. The power that had formerly been kidnapped by the oligarchy is being put back in the hands of the people that, after so many battles and victories, are now much better organized.
2.3.1 Ensure the leading participation of the organized people in the formation and transformation of the productive economic model, social prevention and protection, from the new forms of people’s participation, such as the community councils; the organizations of women, youth, adolescents, indigenous people, afro-descendants, students, workers, peasants, motorists, professionals, small and medium producers, business people, people with different sexual preferences, transporters, artists, ecologists and citizens’ movements, among many others. Encourage the participation of the people in the community organizations systems: Community Councils, Social Battles Rooms, Socialist Communities, Community Cities, Community Federations and Confederations to strengthen the local capabilities for action over territorial, political, economic, social, cultural, ecological aspects and the security and defense of the national sovereignty. Promote, from 2013 until 2016: the creation of 21 004 Community Councils that will gather 8 821 296 people (full coverage of the Venezuelan people). From 2017 to 2019: 2 699 Community Councils will be created every year (taking into account the population’s annual growth rate of 1.7 per cent. That is to say, by the year 2019 the total population will amount to 30 550 479 inhabitants). Promote the creation of 250 Social Battle Rooms every year, taking as a reference the average number of rooms created during the 4 years of implementation of this policy. In this regard, we will follow the principle of promoting these as a complementary political entity to gather Community Councils and design comprehensive community management plans aiming at the transformation of material and spiritual conditions. The consolidation of and support by the People’s Power organs during the period 2013-2019 shall contribute to the creation of 3000 Socialist Communities, considering an approximate increase of 450 communities every year, according to the demographic characteristics of territorial development hubs. These communities shall gather 39 000 Community Councils for a total of 4 680 000 families -21 060 000 citizens. That is to say, by the year 2019, around 68 per cent of Venezuelans -30 550 479 citizens- shall live under community aggregation subsystems.
2.3.2 Guarantee the transfer of competences in public management and administration from institutional, regional and local entities to organized communities, grassroots organizations and other people’s power organs. That shall be the strategy to be followed to completely return power to the sovereign people. Consolidate a coordination system among the different people’s power institutions with the aim of moving from local to regional and national action in the construction of a subsystem of communities, development-driving districts and territorial development hubs, based on the territorial potentialities and the cultural patrimony of the inhabitants of every area and in accordance with the National Strategic Development Plans. Establish the notion of co-responsibility in the regional, territorial and community planning process to promote the co-responsible participation of people’s organizations in the analysis and implementation of the guidelines and strategic actions aimed at the development of plans, works and services in all communities and regions. Consolidate the work of the 24 Community Comprehensive Technical Support Units (one for each state) through multidisciplinary teams that could ensure an efficient and effective community management with the aim of improving the provision of comprehensive technical support to People’s Power organs in community management. Create an inspectorate made up by 4 500 professionals and technicians according to a permanent socio-political, technical and productive program developed by the School for the Strengthening of People’s Power. Promote the organization an ensure the appropriate work of the Social Comptrollership Units of the 29 101 Community Councils that shall be created during the period 2012-2019 to promote comptrollership and social control in all spheres of community work as a guarantee to meet the strategic goals and satisfy the needs of the organized community citizens.
2.3.3 Strengthen territorial integration and national sovereignty through a well-balanced development of regions by promoting attractive economic activities as an incentive in support of human settlements in a community subsystem, looking for a population distribution in accordance with the use of the productive capabilities of the territory.
2.3.4 Guarantee full social inclusion: People’s Power shall be the guarantor of the recognition of the dignity of human beings as subjects in the full exercise of their rights, whereby the family is considered a key protective factor and the fundamental basis of the new social structure, the premises of which are to be harmony, solidarity, complementarity and co-responsibility as a way to living well. Promote People’s Power co-responsibility in the struggle for the eradication of all forms of poverty. Create 43 029 Social Protection and Prevention Committees in Community Councils –approximately 6 174 committees every year, in a sustained way. These committees shall participate in the implementation of plans and public policies in order to support and follow up on the process of inclusion of vulnerable populations in their respective communities and territories. Consolidate special policies, from the community, to assist the highly vulnerable population: Boys and girls; elderly persons; disabled persons; homeless persons; persons with some kind of addition; persons with different sexual preferences, among others. Guarantee the organization of families that have been benefited by the Grand Missions ‘Hijos de Venezuela’ and ‘En Amor Mayor Venezuela’ through entities such as the Committees for the Elderly, the ‘Patria Preñada’ Committees and the ‘Patria Niña’ Committees. Promote, from the communities, a system of activities aimed at generating new recreational schemes, opposed to the culture of excesses, destruction and disrespect that characterize the human relations generated by capitalism. Creation of 55 000 Sports and Recreation Committees through a sustained increase of approximately 6 500 committees every year, which will be co-responsible for the planning and implementation of the Prevention and Recreation Plan in their respective communities. Consolidate a system of activities aimed at social prevention through the National Recreation Plan designed for the purpose of living well which includes, among other processes, the incorporation of the community in sports practicing on a permanent basis by means of the community sports subsystem, thus ensuring the participation of 10 million persons and the recovery of public spaces in the communities for the development of cultural, recreational and social prevention activities. Develop the Community Vacation Plan every year based on the co-responsibility between the people’s power organs and the revolutionary institutions. A total of 500 000 boys and girls facing a situation of vulnerability shall be progressively incorporated. Implement educational programs for a permanent debate on social prevention, to be attended by 420 000 people’s power spokespersons –around 60 000 participants every year.
2.3.5 Consolidate the different processes of socialization of knowledge oriented towards the people’s promotion of appropriate capabilities, skills and instruments to exercise public powers and foment the social and cultural development of communities by expanding the figure of 25 000 Community Councils that have participated, since 2008, in the different training programs developed by the School for the Strengthening of People’s Power. Provide training, during the next 7 years, to a total of 47 000 Community Councils about the different processes of socialization of knowledge. Incorporation of 10 000 facilitators from different People’s Power organizations as the key actors of the training processes. Establishment of Training Groups located at and managed by the communities as a space for learning and socializing knowledge in the 3 000 communities and 1000 Social Battles Rooms to be built during this period. Consolidate people’s education as a driving force of the conscious mobilization of the people, oriented towards the ultimate reinstatement of people’s power. Develop and improve training programs to enhance People’s Power management in the competences that are transferred to it in the political, economic and social areas as well as in those areas that are considered to be strategic for national development. Incorporate 5 000 facilitators to the technical and productive training actions of the different productive organizations through the vocational guidance of the spokespersons of the People’s Power organizations. Incorporate the 500 000 members of the Productive Army involved in the Grand Missions to the socio-political, technical and productive training.
2.3.6 Build a new productive structure in the country with new production social relations, thus ensuring the transformation of the locally produced primary inputs. The intention is, therefore, to encourage and consolidate a productive, redistributive, post-rentier-like, post capitalist economy, based on the broad support given by the public, social and collective ownership over the means of production. This makes it possible to engage in social planning in perfect harmony with centralized planning and the development of different socio-productive organizational forms, based on the different forms of ownership by free associated producers, namely, social ownership –indirect-, family ownership and solidarity exchange groups. Generate a productive and diversified productive structure to guarantee the development of communities and the entire nation by means of the recovery, reinforcement, activation and creation of socially owned enterprises. Promote, during the period 2013-2019, the creation of 30 000 direct social ownership enterprises to process raw materials and add value to locally produced inputs at the industrial and semi-industrial scales to satisfy our people’s needs. Create 1 000 new community production chaining areas where it is possible to develop the different phases of the productive cycle during the period 2013-2019. Develop a new financial architecture based on a financing budgetary system together with the creation of a network of economic and financial organization that manage, administer, transfer, finance, facilitate, capture and control the financial and non-financial, returnable and non-returnable resources administered by the communities and different People’s Power grassroots organizations. Creation of 3 000 Community Banks that will consolidate the new People’s Power financial architecture. Promote the creation of 3 000 Community Economic Councils and 43 000 Community Economic Committees during the period 2013-2019. Synchronize, through centralized planning, the activation and development of different forms of socio-productive organizations, thus promoting different forms of direct and indirect social ownership, family ownership, solidarity exchange groups as well as the free association of producers. Register and constitute all Community Direct Social Ownership Enterprises, Community Indirect Social Ownership Enterprises, Family Production Units and Solidarity Exchange Groups in the country. Encourage a policy of social re-investment with the resources generated by organized communities with the aim of generalizing co-responsible contributions to meet their needs and aspirations. Guarantee the socio-productive inclusion, emancipating work, the transformation of the capitalism reserve army into a creative social force through the organization of productive forces, thus generating a new work culture. Incorporate 500.000 Brigade members to the Productive Army involved in the Grand Missions.
2.4 Promote a new ethical, moral and spiritual social orientation based on the liberating values of socialism.
2.4.1 Preserve the moral heritage of the Venezuelan people and reinforce it through the implementation of strategies aimed at the creation of values. Preserve the traditional values of the Venezuelan people, such as honesty, responsibility, vocation to work, love for our neighbors, solidarity, willingness to upgrade our knowledge and struggle for emancipation by means of their permanent promotion through every available means, as a way of defense against the anti-values of the capitalist model which promotes exploitation, consumerism, individualism and corruption and are the source of the criminal violence that weighs down on the Venezuelan society. Reinforce the moral heritage of the Venezuelan people through the promotion of socialist values, socialist ethics and morale, socialist education and self-education, conscious discipline based on criticism and self-criticism, the practice of solidarity and love, social duty awareness and the struggle against corruption and bureaucracy. Adapt the curricula at every educational level to include the strategies aimed at the creation of values in accordance with the new society that we are building.
2.4.2 Strengthen social comptrollership. Continue to promote social comptrollership as a strategy for the exercise of people’s will and ability to supervise the management of public funds by public service entities and their effectiveness in the achievement of public management goals, which will be the necessary tools that could further improve their performance.
2.4.3 Strengthen the system to administer justice, combat impunity, restructure the penitentiary system and promote the justice of the peace at the community level. Strengthen the system to administer justice through the provision of the means required for an optimal performance, including the appropriate level of criminal investigation hat will make it possible to combat impunity. To carry out an overall reform of the penitentiary system, aiming at the comprehensive rehabilitation of inmates in order to favor their incorporation to the productive system of the new society. Promote the justice of the peace at the community level as an efficient instrument to support peaceful coexistence and favor the practice of solidarity and love among Venezuelans.
2.5 Achieve the ultimate establishment of the new Social and Democratic State and the Rule of Law and Justice.
2.5.1 Display the power contained in the Bolivarian Constitution for the exercise of pre-eminent and participatory democracy. Design, together with the People’s Power grassroots organizations, a specific plan for the legal and practical development of all constitutional articles that recognize people’s right to exercise direct democracy.
2.5.2 Establish a permanent communication system to listen to the opinions of the organized people and the depoliticized people as part of the efforts towards the collective construction of the Socialist State, based on the principle of “commanding by obeying”. Review, strengthen and expand the system of Missions and Grand Missions as a form of participation by the people in the new democratic institutions. Establish, as a general rule, the celebration of sessions and procedures of people’s questioning about the public servants performance.
2.5.3 Develop the Federal Government System based on the principles of territorial, economic and political integrity of the Venezuelan State, through the leading participation of workers, peasants, citizens, indigenous people, afro-descendants, women and youths in community government work and the administration of the means used in the production of collectively owned goods and services. Plan and carry out the transfer of competences to the communities, community councils, service technical boards, citizens’ movements, indigenous people, workers’ councils, motorists and students in relation to housing, sports, culture, social programs, the environment, maintenance of industrial areas, maintenance and preservation of urban areas, community protection and social prevention, construction, and provision of public services, among others. Plan and materialize social participation in economic processes by encouraging different economic manifestations and forms of endogenous development through cooperatives, savings banks, social ownership enterprises –collective and mixed ownership-, and mutual funds, among others. Implement, through the Federal Government Council and with the participation of States and Municipalities, a planning system for the productive territorial development of the Nation by developing the Development-Driving Districts; and design shared-management systems in the interest of ensuring the maintenance of highways, the environmental health and the social infrastructure required in the entire country.
2.5.4 Continue to carry out a comprehensive transformation and reorganization of Public Administration in order to make it all the more useful for the people and dignify public servants. Implement policies to provide public servants and popular and social leaders who accomplish their duties in the context of socialist ethical values with incentives and recognition. Forge a revolutionary culture to the service of the public in all spheres, thus strengthening the principle that Public Administration officials are, above all, public servants who are there to serve the people in an expeditious and honest way. Design and implement a policy destined to promote and revalue the culture of socialist knowledge and work as indispensable mechanisms for the transformation of the State through the creation of Administrative and Political Cadres Training Schools at the State institutions, the social ownership enterprises and the People’s Power organs. Implement a process for the gradual reorganization of the State administration by recognizing and dignifying the conditions of public servants, according to their roles and competences, oriented towards the use of the professional and working capabilities and the strengthening of the productive and economic model. Improve and consolidate the mechanisms to impose political, administrative and criminal sanctions, as appropriate, on public servants who happen to be politically and administrative inefficient or commit the crime of corruption. Eradicate, once and for all, the traditional ‘agents’, so that all arrangements required for obtaining documents, making legalizations, payments, getting a scholarship, pensions or carrying out any type of legal arrangement within Public Administration can flow as expeditiously and meticulously as possible through the mass expansion of cutting-edge technologies and the unification of criteria. Eliminate all unnecessary proceedings that citizens are required to complete in order to make any legal arrangement with the State or obtain licenses, registers, diplomas, certificates, among others.
2.5.5 Direct, from the State’s top leadership, a profound and definite revolution in the justice administration system to put an end to impunity, achieve equal access and eradicate the classist and racist character in its implementation. Support the establishment of Municipal Public Prosecutor’s Offices and Courts in the whole country. Support a significant increase in the number of courts in the country, particularly criminal courts. Support a significant increase in the number of attorney’s offices at the national level. Support the creation of new physical spaces to accommodate the new courts and improve the existing infrastructure. Promote the cohesion and organization of all the existing juridical instruments of the Justice System which generate incoherence in certain definitions as well as administrative disorder in many of its entities, such as the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedural Code, and the Civil Code, among others. Support the policies to educate and train judges and public prosecutors aimed at developing a culture of responsibility in the administration of justice based on the right of the human beings that make up the Venezuelan society to live well.
2.5.6 Implement in overdrive the Grand Mission “A toda vida, Venezuela!”, conceived as a comprehensive public security policy, with particular emphasis on the 79 municipalities showing the highest crime rates, aiming at transforming the structural, situational and institutional aspects that generate violence and crime in order to reduce them by enhancing coexistence in solidarity and people’s enjoyment of the right to free and safe exercise of their family, community, social, educational, working, trade union, economic, cultural and recreational activities. Expand and consolidate a comprehensive prevention and community coexistence through the design, implementation and supervision of the comprehensive prevention plan specially targeting unemployed youths; implement a special vigilance and patrolling program in selected municipalities; activate the Community Police Service in the entire nation; implement a working plan to impose arms and ammunitions control and promote disarmament; and expand the program to improve the investigation, apprehension and prosecution of persons charged with homicide, kidnapping, robbery and theft of vehicles. Continue to strengthen the public and citizens security organs through the provision of individual and institutional equipment to police corps and the modernization of communication equipment to be able to give a quick and efficient response. Increase the presence of the National Bolivarian Police throughout the entire country and conclude the process to relaunch the Scientific, Criminal and Forensic Investigation Corps (CICPC). Promote the transformation of the Criminal Justice System and support the creation of alternative conflict settlement mechanisms through the creation of the Criminal Justice Houses in every one of the selected municipalities. Continue to transform the Penitentiary System. Activate the National System of Assistance to Victims. Create and socialize knowledge in favor of citizens’ coexistence and security and establish the Comprehensive Community Centers for Conflicts Settlement. Create a strategic area or field of knowledge on public and citizen security as part of the National Fund for Science, Technology and Innovation and complete the expansion of UNES in seven states of the country: Portuguesa, Bolívar, Falcón, Barinas, Nueva Esparta and Apure with the aim of increasing the training capacity of the new public and citizen security model and the production of knowledge in the field of security.
2.5.7 Guarantee the right to the free access and use of truthful information and communication. Strengthen the communication sovereignty by disseminating information about our cultural, geographical, tourist and environmental patrimony as well as our political and productive development with the aim of consolidating the Latin American and Caribbean integration and unity. Thus, we intend to continue developing communication networks and the means to express the words, images and voices of our peoples. Strengthen the use of the media as an instrument of education for the transition towards socialism by enhancing citizens’ values and the responsible and critical use of the media. In this endeavor it is indispensable to promote communication research as a human process and as an instrument of social transformation and construction. Consolidate the social regulation of the media as an instrument to strengthen people’s power, thus promoting and encouraging the National System of People’s Communication (community radio and television stations; community, environmentalists, workers, youths, party, trade union, peasants newspapers, among others) as a space for the articulation of meanings and relationships generated from the practice of social and human communication, with the aim of transforming reality from the organized people’s power. Update and develop the media technological platforms, taking advantage of the activation of the Open Digital Television which will enhance the quality of broadcasts and offer a broader spectrum of differential signals.
III. Turn Venezuela into a social, economic and political power as part of the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the creation of a peace zone in Our America.
3.1 Consolidate Venezuela’s role as a World Energy Power.
3.1.1 Develop the country’s production capacity in accordance with the huge hydrocarbons reserves following the principle of rational exploitation and the policy of preservation of a natural, depletable and non-renewable resource. Achieve a crude oil production of up to 4 million barrels a day by the year 2014 and 6 million barrels a day by the year 2019. Achieve a natural gas production of up to 9.247 million cubic feet a day by the year 2014, and 11.947 million cubic feet a day by the year 2019.
3.1.2 Develop the Orinoco Oil Belt. Develop the proven reserves of the Orinoco Oil Belt to achieve a total production of 4 million barrels a day by the year 2019. Develop the production of the six new joint ventures for the production and processing of crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt to achieve a production of 2.090.000 barrels a day by the year 2019. Build new improvers to transform the extra-heavy oil of the Orinoco Oil Belt from 8º API to 32º-42º API, based on a total processing capacity of 1 million barrels a day. Build two new refineries, one in Cabruta and the other one in the Industrial Complex ‘José Antonio Anzoátegui’ with a total processing capacity of 720.000 barrels a day. Drill 10 500 horizontal oil wells, grouped in 520 production sites. Build a storage capacity of 20 million barrels and 2000 kilometers of pipelines –including oil and diluents pipeline systems. Build a deep water terminal in the state of Sucre for the reception and dispatch of crude and oil products with an export capacity of 2 million barrels a day, as well as three river terminals for solids and fluids at the Orinoco River. Build five thermo power stations with a total generation capacity of 2 620 mega watts, which shall be operated with the petroleum coke resulting from the process of improvement of the crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt. Build two industrial condominiums in the areas of Carabobo and Junín to supply services to the improvers. Create six Socialist Petro-industrial Bases at the Orinoco Oil Belt, in the areas of Palital, Chaguaramas and San Diego de Cabrutica to develop metal and mechanical activities, provide services to oil wells and vessels, manufacture oil drills, drill bits, valves, pipes and other goods and services.
3.1.3 Maintain the production in the traditional oil and gas areas. Maintain the drilling, rehabilitation and wells repair activities. Continue incorporating new secondary recovery projects and maintain and improve the existing ones. Maintain and improve the reliability and maintainability of the existing infrastructure.
3.1.4 Develop the reserves of the Gas Belt located in our territorial sea. Develop the existing potentialities of the Venezuelan Gas Belt through the projects Rafael Urdaneta, Mariscal Sucre and Plataforma Deltana, to achieve a gas production of 720 million cubic feet by the year 2014 and 2.030 billion cubic feet by the year 2019. Speed up the exploration efforts in the Venezuelan Gas Belt in the areas of Blanquilla, the Venezuelan Gulf, Ensenada de Barcelona, the northern region of Mariscal Sucre and Fachada Atlántica, in order to search for new reserves of non-associated gas with the aim of incorporating new reserves which, according to the perspectives based on the exploratory works, could produce 135 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
3.1.5 Adapt and expand the national refining circuit. Adjust and expand the national refining system from 1.3 million barrels a day by the year 2013 to 1.8 million barrels a day by the year 2019, thus moving towards the biggest processing output of heavy and extra heavy crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt, and adapt it to the quality demands of the national and international markets. This includes the projects of expansion and profound transformation of the refineries El Palito, Puerto La Cruz and Complejo Refinador Paraguaná as well as the construction of 3 new refineries: Batalla de Santa Inés (100 million barrels a day); Petrobicentenario (350 million barrels a day), and Cabruta (220 million barrels a day).
3.1.6 Expand the infrastructure for the transportation, storage and dispatch of oil and gas. Adapt and expand the existing oil pipeline transportation systems, such as Sumandes and Sisor, and the construction of new systems, such as Puerto La Cruz – Maturín; Bajo Grande – Planta Ramón Laguna; El Vigía – La Fría and El Palito – Barquisimeto. Adapt and expand the network of fuel distribution plants, such as El Guamache and Puerto Pesquero Güiria, and the construction of new plants, such as Planta del Oeste de Caracas; Catia La Mar; Batalla de Santa Inés; Cabruta and Jose. Expand the gas transportation network in order to achieve the figure of 1 965 kilometers of pipelines, including the old and the new, such as the gas pipelines José Francisco Bermúdez (SINORGAS); Norte Llanero and Eje Orinco – Apure. Increase the production and extraction of natural gas liquids by 120 million barrels a day, through the gas processing projects Soto I and Soto II; Pirital I and San Joaquín IV. Strengthen and expand the coverage of the methane distribution network with the construction of 11 760 kilometers of pipelines with the aim of replacing the consumption of LPG and offer the population a better life quality.
3.1.7 Strengthen and expand the national petrochemical industry. Develop petrochemical projects for the processing of natural gas and naphtha and apply refining currents to transform them into higher added value products. Consolidate and develop the six planned petrochemical groups: Ana María Campos, Morón, José Antonio Anzoátegui, Paraguaná, Navay, Puerto de Nutrias and Guiria. Increase by 43 per cent the production of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers to meet the national demand; this will turn Venezuela into an exporter of fertilizers for the entire region. Increase by 300 per cent the production capacity for olefins and traditional plastic resins and develop other plastic resins chains necessary for the country, which are currently imported. Expand by 87 per cent the installed capacity of the chemicals producing sector, making emphasis on the production of aromatics and the development of the methanol and urea downstream chains. Continue, in the context of the Grand Mission Vivienda Venezuela, to develop the modular factories of houses and accessories (Petrohouses) by installing 10 new plants in different areas of the country in order to achieve a production of 50 000 housing units per year; 800 000 windows per year and 800 000 doors per year. It is important to emphasize that these houses and accessories will be available as from the second quarter of the year 2013.
3.1.8 Develop the industrial complex associated with the oil, gas and petrochemical industries in order to strengthen our economic sovereignty. Increase the national capacity for the assembly and manufacturing of drills and oil wells service equipment with the establishment of the China-Venezuela Drill Manufacturing Industry and others to be established in order to achieve an annual production of 15 drills. Strengthen the construction of drilling platforms for the exploitation of off-shore reserves in Venezuela, such as the one built for the Corocoro reserve of Petrosucre, with the aim of guaranteeing the timely availability of the equipment required for the development of Mariscal Sucre, Cardón IV and Plataforma Deltana, with the highest possible amount of national components in these projects. Encourage the activities of State Maintenance Enterprises to minimize the time and cost and improve services during the plant shutdown in the national refining and improvement system. Create State Enterprises and Joint Ventures as well as Industrial Conglomerates for the establishment of Plants for the Calcination of Coke, Recovery of Flexicoke Metals and Green Coke, a Ferrovanadium Plant, an Oil Tar Plant and an Orimatita Plant, based on the integration of the Oil, Basic Industries and Mining Chain of the Iron-Steel and Bauxite-Aluminum sectors.
3.1.9 Strengthen and consolidate technological sovereignty. Promote the national development of technologies for the improvement of heavy and extra heavy oils through in situ improvements processes, deep conversion processes, advanced hydrogenated processes and catalytic viscosity-breaking and aqua-conversion processes. Apply secondary and tertiary exploitation technologies to heavy and extra heavy crude oils in order to achieve a 20 per cent recovery. These technologies are, among others, the continued steam injection, the in situ combustion and the surfactants injection. Create the Socialist Oil Production Technical School for the training of the medium level technicians required in more than 180 trades, through the incorporation of the Technical Ribas Mission, which can enrol 5 000 persons every year. Establish the different chapters of the Hydrocarbons University in the entire country and select the teaching staff and authorities who will be in charge of the technical and ideological training of the new generation of cadres who will be assigned to the development areas of the Orinoco Oil Belt and Offshore. Create the Institute for the Research of the Coke and Minerals resulting from the processing of the Orinoco Oil Belt crude oil looking at their ultimate industrial use.
3.1.10 Consolidate the diversification of our markets. Consolidate the strategies for the diversification of markets for crude oil and oil products in order to meat, by the year 2019, the export goal of 2.200 billion barrels a day to Asian countries; 1.250 billion barrels a day to Latin America and the Caribbean; 550 million barrels a day to Europe and 1.150 billion barrels a day to North America. Consolidate the strategies aimed at the integration and positioning of Venezuela in Latin America and the Caribbean through projects such as the one for the construction of a refining capacity of 1.100 billion barrels a day between Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua and Cuba; as well as the establishment of a 2 300 kilometers-long crude oil transportation route to carry up to 500 million barrels a day to Colombia’s Pacific region. In Asia, the refining capacity will increase to 1.200 billion barrels a day after the construction of three refineries in China, one in Vietnam and another one in Syria.
3.1.11 Strengthen and consolidate the operational capabilities of our national enterprise Petróleos de Venezuela. Increase the actions necessary to guarantee the availability of human, logistic and financial resources required to implement the different plans and programs. Enhance the reliability and availability of the infrastructure for the collection, treatment, storage, shipment, measurement and refining of hydrocarbons. Guarantee the skills required in human talent to efficiently carry out the activities of the hydrocarbons value chain.
3.1.12 Guarantee the country’ energy security. Synchronize production with the demand and the coverage period of different hydrocarbon fuels within the national territory. Diversify the primary energy matrix and adapt energy consumption to the best efficiency standards with the incorporation of coke, coal and other alternative energies. Reinforce the contingency plans in order to cope with force majeure events in a timely manner.
3.1.13 Strengthen the State’s management and control of the national power system. Strengthen and expand the national power system. Diversify the matrix of inputs for power generation, thus favouring the use of natural gas, coke and other energy sources. Complete the country’s hydro-power development through the conclusion of the Hydro-power Complexes of: Tocoma; Uribante Caparo –its second development- and the development of El Chorrín. Promote the use of more efficient technologies for power generation through he closing of combined cycles in the thermo power stations listed below: Planta Josefa Camejo, Planta Termo Termobarranca, Planta Pedro Camejo, Planta Termozulia III, Planta El Sitio, Planta Alberto Lovera, Planta Ezequiel Zamora, Planta San Diego de Cabrutica, Planta Cumaná. Expand and improve the use of the power transmission and distribution network through the implementation of:
A Robust Plan that would allow for the expansion of the transmission capacity at the following substations: San Carlos II Substation, 400/115 kV; Chivacoa II, 400/115 kV;, Portuguesa, 400/115 kV; Carabobo II, 400/230 kV, and its associated transmisión system; SVC at the substation Horqueta, 230 kV; Línea N° 2 Uribante – El Vigía II and El Vigia II – Buena Vista-isolated- 400 kV; System at 400 kV in the western part of the country (El Venado – Buena Vista).
With regard to sub-transmission: Expansion of the Transmission-Distribution Liaison System at 115/13.8-34.5 kV to take care of the end-users loads.
As to distribution: compensate circuits in order to improve the load power factors and build new feeders to ensure supply to end-users with appropriate quality.
Expand and adapt the power system in the western region which extends through the states of Barinas, Mérida, Táchira, Alto Apure, Trujillo and Zulia and build the following works: 45 substations, 4 044 kilometers of transmission lines, 7 096 kilometers of distribution lines, 1 305 mega volts in distribution and 8 654 mega watts in generation plants.
Expand and adapt the Power System in the Central Region which extends through the states of Apure, Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes, Capital, Falcón, Guárico, Lara, Miranda, Portuguesa, Vargas and Yaracuy, which add to the construction of the following works: 67 Substations; 4 075 km of transmission lines; 3 179 km of distribution lines; 8 488 mega volts in distribution; 5 542 mega watts at the generation plants.
Expand and adapt the Eastern Power System which extends through the states of Anzoátegui, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro, Monagas, Nueva Esparta and Sucre, which adds to the construction of the following works: 48 Substations; 4 110 km of transmission lines; 4 743 km of distribution lines; 1 083 mega volts in distribution and 6 780 mega watts in generation plants.
Continue to improve the efficiency and quality of the power service through the development of a power infrastructure based on efficiency, quality, continuity, reliability and environmental criteria. Continue to improve the power service efficiency and quality. Encourage an efficient use of power, using alternative sources of energy and implementing the use of wind energy. Ensure the provision of power for the new housing development projects that are part of the Vivienda Venezuela Grand Mission as well as for the new oil, gas, mining and petrochemical development projects.
3.1.14 Strengthen and consolidate international energy cooperation. Consolidate previous and future strategic alliances among the countries signatories of the PETROCARIBE agreements, the Energy Cooperation Agreements and the Cooperation Comprehensive Agreement, with the aim of ensuring compliance with the agreement and contributing 470 million barrels of Venezuelan hydrocarbons a day to provide direct benefits to the peoples of these countries. Consolidate the political and economic alliances with those countries that have a favorable geo-strategic position, whose interests may coincide with those of our nation, thus favouring the construction of a multipolar world. Consolidate cooperation relations with the countries of the region based on the principles of complementarity and solidarity with the aim of providing them with access to energy.
3.1.15 Develop the economic power with the use of mineral resources. Increase the national mineral reserves. Locate the new mineral reserves at the Guiana Shield, the Caribbean Mountainous System, the Andes Mountain Range and Sierra de Perijá, through geological prospection and the use of new technologies with a low environmental impact. Duplicate the reserves of bauxite, iron, coltan (niobium and tantalite), nickel, phosphate rock, feldspar and coal with the certification of the reserves located in the Guiana Shield, the Caribbean Mountainous System, the Andes Mountain Range and Sierra de Perijá. Duplicate the reserves of gold and diamond with the certification of the reserves located in the Guiana Shield. During the process of construction of socialism these shall be used as tradable goods for the strengthening of international reserves. Develop the national mining potential to diversify the sources of jobs, revenues and forms of social ownership. Use the endogenous industrial demand as a driving force for the development of mining, by achieving a balance between the domestic demand and the international demand. Strengthen the National Mining Enterprise –an indirect social ownership- to integrate all mining activities, exploit mineral reserves in a rational way, develop scientific and technological knowledge, increase productivity and improve production efficiency in that sector. Increase the production of gold and diamonds through a technological updating of the existing State-owned gold enterprises and the creation of joint ventures in which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will keep control over its decisions and owns more than 55 per cent of the shares and also by organizing the small mining business into production units. Create joint ventures for the exploitation and processing of bauxite, iron, coltan (niobium and tantalite) nickel, phosphate rock, feldspar and coal, in which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will have full control over its decision and hold more than 55 per cent of shares. Create direct social ownership enterprises taking into account people’s knowledge in artisanal mining of non-metallic minerals which are crucial for the construction of civil works such as soft clay, sand, gravel, screenings, granite, granodiorite, shale, marble, gneiss, lime, gypsum and salt. Develop environmentally-friendly mining technologies, the volumes of waste material and the superficial processing of the useful material, taking advantage of the potential that exists in all universities and institutes of the country and the technology transfer agreements signed with allied countries. Organize small mining -focused on the exploitation of gold and diamonds- into production units, for which the State shall offer technological and financial support to protect the workers’ health, the natural resources and the environment. Create the Mining Social Development Fund with the financial contributions resulting from the mining industry to guarantee social security for the workers and their dependents.
3.2 Develop the nation’s economic power based on the optimal use of the potential that exist in our natural resources in order to provide maximum happiness to our people and create the necessary material basis for the construction of our Bolivarian socialism.
3.2.1 Advance towards production sovereignty and independence during the process of construction of strategic networks both for the production of essential goods and the generation of value, based on our comparative advantages. Expand and strengthen the capacities for extraction and primary processing, such as the downstream development of the iron, steel and aluminum chains. Develop primary production and build the strategic hubs around the chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as the associated chains of by-products as the basis of industrialization in the production of intermediate and final consumption goods. Expand and develop the primary production and exploitation of forestry by increasing the volume and area of plantations as well as the transformation infrastructure throughout the entire production chain for the manufacturing of furniture, houses, paper and inputs for other industrial processes. Industrialize the construction sector to meet the needs for housing, facilities, urban equipment and infrastructure. Exercise the country’s sovereign rights over the extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals, the technologies to maximize yields and protect the environment, particularly the chains of cement and construction aggregates and special productive inputs (feldspar, kaolin) and minerals such as coltan. Build a broad industrial system associated to the architecture of productive synergies networks, oriented towards the manufacturing of essential goods for final consumption and/or generation of value. Expand the installed capacity and engage in the process of technological modernization and appropriation in the production of packages and containers both for the food sovereignty program and for the industry in general.
3.2.2 Exploit the advantages of the geographical position of our country in the continent and the diversity of national regions in order to promote their productive specialization associated to the comparative advantages of strategic sectors. Design a productive space specialization scheme taking into account the geographical advantages and based on the rational and efficient use of available resources, following the principle of independence, sovereignty and interregional balance. Such schemes shall be the functional soul of the country’s space planning scale and the cities’ system. Generate a production supporting structure, regional networks and the infrastructure to support production, logistics and distribution. Build the pivots for the Bolivarian productive integration of Our America, defining the links of strategic and common productive chains to meet the social needs of our people, particularly in the areas of health, food, education, clothing, energy and housing.
3.2.3 Adapt and develop techniques and technologies as a key of the efficiency and humanization of the productive process by hooking up the different links of the productive chains and displaying their space potential. Establish strategic alliances in a multipolar world to ensure technological transfers and the improvement of productive processes. Encourage a sovereign technological development based on the needs of our industry in order to make an efficient use of the appropriate resources and cost structures. Guarantee the comprehensive and continued training of workers to adopt techniques and technologies aimed at a more efficient production and a more humane work.
3.2.4 Generate capital circulation mechanisms that would contribute to a new economic metabolism for the encouragement, functioning and development of the national industry both in terms of financing sources and productive dynamics and as a system of resources flow that could confront the logic of capital. Design and implement an efficient financial architecture from the sovereignty that has been achieved, oriented to leverage the national industrialization process in terms of planning, viability evaluation, implementation and support of the new productive apparatus. Develop economies of scale and complementarity within the social productive system with the aim of building a new economic metabolism contrary to the logic of capital. Implement a system of contribution of the surplus production of direct and indirect social ownership enterprises as part of the planning system. Maintain and increase the system of public acquisitions –as a capital circular flow-, conglomerates, small and medium enterprises as community enterprises, as a driving force to promote the direct allocation of the goods and services produced outside the logic of capital.
3.2.5 Continue developing and promoting the productive links identified in concrete projects at different stages –consolidation, construction starting of operations, conceptualization and design- during the next presidential period- in areas such as the automobile sector, electrical appliances, construction materials, transformation of plastics and packages, chemical industry, personal and household hygiene items, pharmaceutical products, agro-industrial products, information sciences and electronics, machinery and equipment, forestry, pulp and paper, support to production, textiles, footwear, iron, steel and aluminum; and operate a centralized planning mechanism, budgetary systems and efficient management and productive models in accordance with the transition towards socialism. Consolidate –in the area of iron and steel production- the following projects that are already operational: (a) factory of iron rods and steel coils (SIDOR) in the state of Bolívar; (b) factory of iron rods (SIDETUR) in the states of Bolivar, Lara, Carabobo and the capital district; (c) iron ore factory Ferrominera del Orinoco, in the state of Bolívar; (d) manufacturing and repairing of oil valves Inveval, in the state of Miranda; (e) factory of forgings for the oil industry and aluminum items Forjas Santa Clara in the state of Carabobo. Accelerate –in the area of iron and steel production- the construction of the following projects: (a) factory of seamless pipes, Matanzas industrial zone, within the premises of SIDOR, in the state of Bolívar; (b) National Steel Industry “José Ignácio de Abreu e Lima”, in the city of Piar, state of Bolívar; (c) Rails and Bars Mill Project, Chaguaramas, in the state of Guárico; (d) Plants for the Recycling of Raw Materials (REMAPCA) in Soledad, the state of Anzoátegui, La Fría (state of Táchira), Santa Bárbara (state of Monagas) and Cabimas (state of Zulia); (e) dredging of the channel of the Orinoco river, Ferrominera. Develop –in the area of iron and steel production- the following projects: (a) recovery of the scouring line in SIDOR, (b) continued pouring machine for round and square shapes; (c) electric welding mesh line at SIDOR; (d) strategic alliance for the production of electrodes for carbon steel welding and special alloys; (e) expansion of the wharf of Palua, Ferrominera; (f) Increase of the railway transportation capacity, Ferrominera; (g) Machinery, equipment and spare parts for Ferrominera; (h) new railway circuit at Ferrominera. Consolidate –in the area of aluminum production- the following projects which are already in operation: (a) Aluminum Transformer Factory Alven, in the state of Aragua; (b) Aluminum Transformer Factory Albarca, in the state of Lara; (c) Rings Factory Rialca, in the state of Carabobo;(d) Factory of foil paper and packages Alucasa, in the state of Carabobo; (e) Factory of foil paper and foil Alunasa, Costa Rica; (f) Factory of aluminum piano wires Cabelum, in the state of Bolivar; (g) Factory of primary aluminum ALCASA, in the state of Bolívar; (h) Factory of primary aluminum VENALUM, in the state of Bolívar; (i) Factory of bauxite Bauxilum, in the state of Bolívar. Accelerate –in the area of aluminum production- the construction of the following projects: (a) Enterprise of Aluminum Lamination Services in Caicara, Orinoco in the municipality General Manuel Cedeño, in the state of Bolívar. Develop –in the area of aluminum production- the following projects: (a) increase the capacity for the production of bare aluminum electrical conductors; (b) expansion of CVG Cabelum for the production of wire bars and electrical conductors; (c) Technological adaptation of Alcasa for the increase of the production of primary aluminum; (d) Technological adaptation of the power system at the cells of Venalum ; (e) Technological adaptation and expansion of Rialca; (f) Factory of copper and aluminum insulated electrical conductors, Cabelum; (g) Factory of optical power ground wire electrical conductors, Cabelum; (h) Factory of wooden reels, Cabelum; (i) Adaptation of the plant for the production of metallurgic alumina and the bauxite mine, Bauxilum; (j) Acquisition of heavy machinery for the extraction and transportation of bauxite and other materials. Consolidate –in the automotive sector- the following projects already in operation: Factory of automotive seats (Autoseat); (b) Factory of stamping, die cutting and electric welding for automotive spare parts (Ocimetalmecánica); (c) automotive glass (Vivex); (d) Vehicles assembly factory (Venirauto); (e) Vehicles assembly factory (ZGT, Chery); (f) Tractors assembly factory (Venirantractor); (g) Tractors assembly factory (Pauny); (h) Bicycles assembly factory (Fanabi). Accelerate –in the automotive sector- the construction of the following projects: (a) Tractors factory “Venemisk”; (b) Industrial Complex Santa Inés, in the state of Barinas; (c) Tractors factory “Mazven”; (d) Industrial Complex Santa Inés, in the state of Barinas; (e) Motorcycle assembly factory (KMV Kawasaki); (f) Trucks assembly factory (Civetchi, Dongfeng); (g) Trucks assembly factory (Autopartes Lara, JAC); (h) Trucks assembly factory (Ensambladora de Oriente, Hino); (i) Tractors assembly factory (Venequip Agro, Case New Holland); (j) Tractors assembly factory Massey Fergunson; (k) Tractors assembly factory (John Deere); (l) Tractors assembly factory (Autopartes Lara, Foton); (m) Tractors assembly factory (Venemisk tractor, MTZ). Develop –in the automotive sector- the following projects based on the concepts already identified: (a) Bus factory, with the company Yutong; (b) Trucks assembly factory (Venequip Agro, International); (c) Motorcycle assembly factory (Yamaha). Consolidate –in the area of technical appliances- the following project which are already operational: (a) Factory of low and medium power electrical engines Venmotor, in the state of Cojedes. Accelerate –in the area of technical appliances- the construction of the following projects: (a) factory of electrical appliances Haier, Yare, in the state of Miranda. Develop –in the area of technical appliances- the following projects: (a) factory of kitchen gas ranges, in cooperation with Argentina; (b) Strategic association with Taurus; (c) Strategic association with Fadelca; (d) Strategic association with Motorvenca; (e) Strategic association with MABE. Consolidate –in the area of construction materials- the following projects which are already operational: (a) Water taps factory INAF in the state of Aragua; (b) Enterprise for the distribution of construction materials Ferresidor; (c) Lime manufacturing industry Conacal, in the state of Bolivar; (d) Cementos de Venezuela; (e) Industrias Venezolanas del Cemento; (f) National Cement Factory; (g) Cemento Andino; (h) Stone processing plant Invepi, in the state of Falcón; (i) Sanitarios Maracay. Accelerate –in the area of technical appliances- the construction of the following projects: (a) Factory of Light Galvanized Steel Forms (LSF) to be used in construction; (b) Cabimas (Zulia), Tinaquillo (Cojedes) and Temblador (Monagas); (c) Cement factory “Cerro Azul”, El Pinto, in the state of Monagas; (d) Enterprise for the basic inputs required by housing construction, together with several plants for the production of aggregates in the municipality of Páez, in the state of Portuguesa, and the municipality of Acevedo, in the state of Miranda; (e) Factory for the production of sheet glass “Venvidrio Las Llanadas”, Las Llanadas de Monay, in the state of Trujillo; (f) Ceramics industrial complex Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda (a strategic association with Russia). Consolidate –in the area of transformation of plastics and containers- the following projects which are already in operation: (a) Raffia sacks factory in CIAMCA; (b) Cargo nets factory in CIAMCA; (c) Water tanks factory; (d) Plastic injection factory Saniplast, in the state of Zulia; (e) Plastic injection factory Independencia, in the state of Miranda; (f) Plastic injection factory Batalla de Carabobo, in the state of Carabobo; (g) Plastic injection factory El Furrial, in the state of Monagas; (h) Plastic injection factory Lanceros de Guaicaipuro, in the state of Miranda; (i) Factory of glass containers Venvidrio, in the state of Carabobo and Trujillo; (j) Factory for the manufacturing of aluminum containers Alentuy; (k) Factory of cardboard packages (Cartonajes Granics); (l) Factory of containers (Envases Internacional). Accelerate –in the area of transformation of plastic and containers – the construction of the following projects: (a) Plastics Industrial Complex, Yare and Ocumare, state of Miranda; (b) Factory of Syringes (3R); (c) Plant of Plastics in Cacique Tiuna. Develop –in the area of transformation of plastic and containers – the construction of the following projects: (a) Expansion of the variety of the products of the Plastics Industrial Complex, Yare, state of Miranda; (b) Factory of raffia sacks in Caripe; (c) Expansion of the factory of cargo nets in CIAMCA; (d) Expansion of the factory of diapers in CIAMCA; (e) Conglomerate of diapers and sanitary napkins and towelettes; (f) Expansion of international containers. Consolidate –at the factories of personal hygiene products – the operation of the following projects: (a) Factory of diapers in CIAMCA. Accelerate -at the factories of personal hygiene products – the construction of the following projects: (a) Factory of Home Hygiene Products, Maracay, state of Aragua. Develop - at the factories of personal hygiene products – the following projects: (a) Factory of Personal Hygiene Products. Accelerate –in the area of pharmaceuticals – the construction of the following projects: Pharmaceutical Complex, Yare, state of Miranda. Accelerate –in the area of agro-industrial productions – the construction of the following projects: (a) Plant for Aloe Processing (Phase 1: juices and gel), Coro, state of Falcón; (b) Plans for Fruit, Vegetable and Tuber Processing: Mene Grande (Zulia) and Bobare (Lara); (c) Plants for the processing of beef products: Bovine cattle in Monte Carmelo (Trujillo) and Tucupita (Delta Amacuro); (d) Sheep and goat cattle in Jadacaquiva (Falcón) and Carora (Lara); (e) Bovine and pig cattle in Mene Mauroa (Falcón); (f) Plant for Fish Processing “Islamar”, in Margarita, state of Nueva Esparta. Develop –in the area of agro-industrial productions – the following projects: (a) Plant for the processing Aloe (Phase 2: aloinand bitter aloes for the pharmaceutical, cosmetology and chemical industries), state of Falcón; (b) Plant for the processing of pork. Develop –in the area of information sciences and cell phones– the following projects: (a) Plant for the assembling of cell phones Orinoquia, in Paraguaná’s Free Zone, state of Falcón; (b) SMT Factory, expansion of Vtelca factory for exports. Accelerate –in the area of machinery and equipment – the construction of the following projects: (a) Factory of Heavy Machinery; (b) Santa Inés Industrial Complex, state of Barinas; (c) Factories for Food Processing Equipments, in cooperation with Iran, in Guanare (Portuguesa), with Brazil in Villa de Cura (Aragua) and with Argentina in El Tigrito (Anzoátegui); (d) Factories of Industrial Refrigeration Equipment based on the use of ammonia: Temblador (Monagas) and San Felipe (Yaracuy); (e) Factory of Industrial Refrigeration Equipment based on the use of freon: Villa de Cura, state of Aragua. Develop –in the area of machinery and equipment – the following projects: (a) Factory of Machinery for Construction with XCMG; (b) Plants for the recycling of raw materials (REMAPCA company), in Carabobo, Bolivar, Falcón and the capital district. Accelerate –in the area of forest resources – the construction of the following projects: (a) Basic enterprise for the production of pulp and paper (PULPACA), Industrial Area of Macapaima, Independencia municipality, state of Anzoátegui. Develop - in the area of forest resources – the following projects: (a) Reinforcement of Invepal; (b) Strategic alliance to manufacture school items. Develop –in the area of textiles and footwear – the following projects: (a) Tanneries for the processing of raw hides; (b) Development of a textile and footwear conglomerate, for the entire productive chain.
3.2.6 Strengthen the tourist sector as a tool for social inclusion which enables and guarantees the Venezuelan people, mainly the most vulnerable populations, access to their Tourist Heritage (Tourist Destinations) and the enjoyment of the State’s tourist infrastructures at fair and reasonable prices. Promote depressed tourist destinations, through the improvement or creation of tourist infrastructures: The Los Llanos Region, the Andean Region and the insular territories, which have not had any tourist promotion (La Tortuga and La Orchila). Strengthen the international positioning of Venezuela as a tourist destination, through an international massive tourist promotion. In this regard, the goal is to have 2 million international tourists visiting our country, which will triple the current average figure.
3.2.7 Develop the tourist sector as a productive activity generating revenues enough to be redistributed by the Bolivarian Government to satisfy the needs of the Venezuelan People. Promote the growth of Domestic Tourism through People’s Tourism policies and programs of. In this regard, our goal is to have 22 million people every year traveling for tourist purposes. At the moment, according to the information provided by the National Statistics Institute (INE), a total of 17 million Venezuelans tour around the entire country every year for tourist purposes. Strengthen the Hoteles Venetur Network and its positioning as the first hotel network in the country. Likewise, our intention is to position the Venetur’s head office as the main Venezuelan tour operator. This will make it possible to increase the direct contribution of this economic activity to benefit the country. Internationalize the Hoteles Venetur network, through alliances and investments of our own. This policy will allow the country to receive foreign currencies that can be reoriented to satisfy the needs of the Venezuelan People.
3.3 Organize and expand the military power to ensure the defense of the Homeland
Our Homeland promotes peaceful cooperation among nations; it encourages Latin American and Caribbean integration, the principles of self-determination and non-interference in the internal affairs of States. That is why the military power of the country is purely defensive and dissuasive, and it does not threaten anyone or intends to invade anyone. Quite on the contrary, we promote Latin American and Caribbean peace and integration as a contribution to the defense of our peoples. This compels us to guarantee on a daily basis the strengthening of our own doctrines and military technologies so that we could be a reference of peace in the region, adapting our military industry to our own needs --derived from the geo-strategic reality of our Homeland-- and based on our cooperation with friendly countries.
3.3.1 Strengthen the Venezuelan military industry. Consolidate the cooperation with sister nations in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Defense of the Homeland. Promote the technological transfer in every new equipping phase of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Increase the development of technologies inherent to our military industry, in order to guarantee autonomy and sovereignty in the air, naval and land space. Reinforce the integration bonds of our Homeland with sister nations to share capabilities and knowledge for the well-being of our peoples.
3.3.2 Develop a training system with doctrine changes to ensure the Comprehensive Defense of the Homeland. Improve and adapt the curricular designs according to the new conceptions and needs of the military sector. Consolidate and strengthen the Bolivarian doctrine in our Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Develop a more efficient system of training and combative preparedness according to our own reality. Disseminate and publicize in the entire country the new Comprehensive Defense concept. Consolidate a strategically defensive and essentially popular territorial defensive system capable of leading the country in times of war from times of peace.
3.3.3 Improve and perfect the educational system of the National Armed Forces and the People’s Power and transform it into a single block that gives a response to the interests of the Homeland. Prepare and train the members of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces based on the fundamental premise of the Bolivarian Ideals of Integration, Sovereignty and Independence and the concept of a long-lasting people’s war. Actively integrate the training plans in our Military Academies and our Universities so that they support the development and defense of our Homeland. Increase the training of military and civil professionals by means of agreements with sister nations, which will help us to have an ever more united people and Armed Force.
3.4 Further develop the new national geopolitics.
3.4.1 Consolidate national integration and socio-territorial equity through the Comprehensive Development Hubs: Norte Llanero, Apure – Orinoco (Eastern and Western), which are clusters of Socialist Development, and Development- Driving Districts. Promote and accelerate the Comprehensive Development of the Orinoco Oil Belt. Transform the habitat of the main urban centers and human settlements; with social justice and a prominent role played by the people, thus preserving the environment. Achieve the feasibility required by the development of the Orinoco Oil Belt, by implementing a land transportation corridor. Promote the Apure - Orinoco river route in order to establish the necessary relations and articulations among populated areas located on both sides of the river, taking advantage of the oil, agricultural, fishing, and tourist activities and encouraging the exchange among said populated areas. Build the necessary rail roads for the transportation of passengers and the distribution of goods in the Orinoco Oil Belt. Strengthen and improve the systems of drinking water distributed in the Orinoco Oil Belt. Organize the territory and guarantee ecological supporting base. Formulate and implement plans for land management at different territorial scales. Preserve the watersheds and water bodies. Safeguard and preserve the natural environments. Incorporate the acknowledgment of Peoples’ Culture in the processes of land management and planning. Promote programs for the comprehensive management of solid wastes. Strengthen and improve the systems of drinking water throughout the country. Maintain and improve the stability of drinking water distribution service at a rate of 250 liters per person, both in urban and rural areas, throughout the country. Continue the construction of 100 aqueducts in the country, which will guarantee the national production of 4 billion cubic meters of drinking water, to satisfy the demand of a population that is estimated to increase to 32.000.000 inhabitants by the year 2019. Finish the construction of the Tuy 4. This will offer a continuous service to the populations of the states of Miranda, Vargas and the capital district and will distribute 21 000 liters of water per second. Finish the construction of the “Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi” Aqueduct. This will offer a stable drinking water service of to the inhabitants of the states of Nueva Esparta and Sucre and will distribute 2 700 liters per second. Finish the construction of the Expansion of the Center Regional System which will offer a permanent drinking water service to the inhabitants of the state of Carabobo: Eastern hub of the state of Carabobo and the Carlos Arvelo municipality; through the state of Aragua (the whole metropolitan hub from the Iragorri municipality to the Ribas municipality). With the construction of this fourth line, the production will increase supply from 7 200 to 9 000 liters per second. A population of 400 thousand inhabitants will be benefited. Finish the construction of the Barcelona – Guanta – Lechería Aqueduct. This will offer a permanent drinking water service to the inhabitants of the state of Anzoátegui (Puerto la Cruz, Guanta, Barcelona, Lecherías), increasing the production of water from 3000 to 6000 liters per second and benefiting a population of 800 thousand people.
3.4.2 Promote and accelerate the Development of the Mining Arch. Create a legal framework that guarantees the State’s sovereign and hegemonic control over the development of the productive chain in the mining sector and its related activities. Guarantee the due quantification and certification of the amount of resources available in the sectors of iron, aluminum, coltan, gold and other minerals. Promote the development of technologies of our own that allow for a rational exploitation of minerals in Mining Arch, without depredating the environment. Define units of territorial administration in areas with a mining potential for the coordination of territorial, social and economic policies, preserving the historical and socio–cultural heritage.
3.4.3 Foment and consolidate the development of Petrochemical Clusters.
3.4.4 Promote and consolidate the development of the Socialist Petro-industrial Basis in a specific area of the territory, which allows for the development of the regional potential, in order to offer goods and services to the oil industry.
3.4.5 Maintain and guarantee the operation of the Government Federal Council, the authorities it is composed of, as well as the forms to coordinate policies and actions among the territorial political entities and the grass-roots organizations of the People’s Power.
3.4.6 Promote the creation of Development-Driving Districts to promote a group of economic, social, scientific and technological projects in the geographical area they cover, aimed at achieving the comprehensive development of the regions and the strengthening of the people’s power, in order to facilitate the transition toward socialism. Constitute the Barlovento Development-Driving District in the state of Miranda, an area considered a priority in the watershed of River Tuy, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute the Caicara – Cabruta Development-driving District, in the states of Bolívar and Guárico. Invigorating projects: The Third Bridge over the river Orinoco and UPS Algodones del Orinoco, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute the Development-Driving District Biruaca–Achaguas, in the states of Guárico and Apure. An invigorating project: Sugar cane for ethanol center, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute the Paria Development-Driving District, in the state of Sucre. Invigorating projects: Gas and oil project, Delta – Caribe Oriental, Plataforma Deltana, Cocoa del ALBA socialist joint venture, specialized in agricultural production and tourism. Constitute the Sur del Lago Development-Driving District, in the states of Zulia and Merida. A UPS Distribution invigorating project, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute the Santa Elena de Uairén – Ikabarú Development-Driving District, in the states of Bolívar and Amazonas. An invigorating project: air and river transportation, with specialized in agro-ecology and tourism. Constitute the Ortiz – Calabozo Development-Driving District, in the states of Guárico and Aragua. Invigorating projects: Food and Agricultural UPS, Río Tiznado Agro-industrial Complex and Río Guárico Project, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute Las Tacariguas - Las Tejerías Development-Driving District in the states of Aragua and Carabobo. Invigorating projects: Iran - Venezuela and China - Venezuela vehicle assembly plants, a structural solution for the growth of Lago de Tacarigua, specialized in industrial, environmental and agricultural development. Constitute the El Diluvio del Palmar Development-Driving District, in the state of Zulia. An invigorating project: El Diluvio irrigation system. This area is specialized in agriculture. Constitute the Florentino Development-Driving District (Boconó – Barinas), in the states of Barinas and Trujillo. Invigorating projects: Boconó – Barinas freeway, Center for Breeding Development in Florentino, specialized in agro-industrial production. Constitute the Orichuna – Matiyure Development-Driving District, in the state of Apure. An invigorating project: Cattle UPS, specialized in agriculture. Constitute the Ciudad Tiuna Urban Development-Driving District, located in the capital district and the Bolivarian state of Miranda, to develop the new model of Socialist City. Constitute the Ciudad Caribea Urban Development Driving-District, located in the capital district and the state of Vargas, to develop the new model of Socialist City. Constitute the Ciudad Belén Urban Development Driving-District, located in the Bolivarian state of Miranda, to develop the new model of Socialist City.
3.4.7 Improve and guarantee the existing infrastructure in the agricultural production areas. Promote the creation of areas of agricultural concentration with big potentialities, in order to guarantee the national food security and the generation of agricultural products such as corn, rice, soy, cotton, and sorghum and livestock production. Develop gradually the central plains of the Orinoco River.
3.4.8 Integrate the national territory, by means of multimodal infrastructure corridors: land, railroad, air, and river transportation, electric power, gas, oil, water and telecommunications. Maintain and build highways, freeways and inter-state highways connecting big and medium size cities throughout the national territory. Build the necessary road infrastructure to connect industrial areas with the resources exploitation areas. Improve the conditions of highways in rural and agricultural areas.
3.4.9 Promote the creation of a State-run transportation company that allows for the improvement of public service to users and the replacement of the old motor vehicle fleet that generates a high consumption of fuel.
3.4.10 Guarantee the railroad development throughout our national territory in order to transport passengers, agricultural products, industrial products and commercial goods. Finish the construction and rehabilitation of the railroad sections in the northern coastal area of our country: 1. Puerto Cabello – Valencia – Cagua (construction); 2. Yaritagua – Barquisimeto – Puerto Cabello (Rehabilitation) and 3. Cagua – La Encrucijada (construction). Advance the construction of the railroad sections located to the south of our country: 1. Tinaco – Anaco (Construction); 2. San Juan de los Morros – San Fernando (Construction); 3. Chaguaramas – Cabruta (Construction) and 4. San Juan de Morros –La Encrucijada (Construction), and to guarantee their connection with the railroad sections located in the northern coastal area. Promote the construction of other railroad sections that allow for the interconnection of the Andean, East, South and Central regions of the national territory.
3.4.11 Accelerate the development of a system that will make it possible to navigate through the Orinoco River and the Apure River without depredating the environment. Promote the development of a plan or the construction of ports along our coasts.
3.4.12 Plan from the Central Government and with the leading participation of the people the urban and rural development of existing and emerging cities in the whole country, through the development of the Grand Mission Vivienda Venezuela. Develop the second phase of the Grand Mission Vivienda Venezuela to eradicate, once and for all, the accumulated housing deficit. Implement the compact city as a model of sustainable urban development, with low height and high density constructions. Foment the economy of spaces and resources as a means to achieve a balanced urban growth, incorporating existing idle or underused lands in populated areas and their peri-urban areas. Strengthen the housing construction in rural areas to improve the living conditions of rural families. Build 2.650.000 new homes, distributed in the country according to the national housing registry, so that the hubs of comprehensive development, the development clusters and the development-driving districts could be consolidated. Improve and enlarge 1.000.000 homes, to consolidate the existing human settlements. Implement plans for the improvement and provision of basic public services. Continue the construction of systems of distribution of drinking water and sanitation of waste waters in the settlements that still lack this service. Improve the systems of local distribution of power, to appropriately respond to population growth in urban and rural areas. Accelerate the plan of household gas distribution. Incorporate the new developments and the areas without service to the telecommunications network, to ensure access to telephone communications, television and the Internet. Improve the local systems of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Foment the use of collective transportation so that it prevails over private transportation. Activate new lands with the basic services that allow the future construction of housing developments. Improve and build the necessary urban equipment to guarantee access to educational, health, sport, social, cultural, recreational and security services. Implement a plan to activate public spaces in populated areas. Improve and rehabilitate the existing buildings having urban equipment. Build the necessary urban equipment in the new projects. Incorporate in the urban plans and projects the productive activities that generate liberating work for the new inhabitants. Promote the construction of new homes in the vicinity of the new productive centers. Establish productive spaces with a low environmental impact on the housing developments under construction. Consolidate the specialization of the new urban developments of important dimensions to boost productive diversification.
3.4.13 Strengthen the presence of the State in border areas and the articulation in the façades of Caribbean, Andean and Amazon integration, in order to contribute to reinforce independence and national sovereignty.
IV. Contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics that gives rise to a multicentered and multipolar world that would allow for the achievement of the equilibrium of the Universe and ensure peace on the planet.
4.1 Continue playing a leading role in the construction of the Latin American and Caribbean unity.
4.1.1 Strengthen the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), as the vital space for the political relations of the Bolivarian Revolution. Encourage ALBA’s leading role in the Latin American and Caribbean process of changes, thus making new spaces such as UNASUR and CELAC all the more dynamic. Strengthen the ALBA mechanisms for concerted political action at the Inter-American and Universal systems, with the aim of transforming them in a comprehensive way. Build the ALBA Economic Zone, by means of the necessary economic structure, strengthening the role of the Regional Unitary Compensation System (SUCRE) and the ALBA Bank as part of the strategy of economic, financial, productive and commercial complementarity in the region.
4.1.2 Strengthen the PETROCARIBE mechanism as a solidarity scheme for energy and social cooperation in solidarity. Strengthen the alliance between Venezuela and the Caribbean countries, by means of the PETROCARIBE mechanism, thus consolidating an independent and sovereign Caribbean unity for the comprehensive development of its peoples.
4.1.3 Consolidate the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) as a regional strategic space for the construction of a multipolar world. Guarantee Venezuela’s active participation in every UNASUR Council meeting, to promote policies and actions that benefit the peoples of Our America.
4.1.4 Promote and strengthen the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), as a mechanism of unity of Latin America and the Caribbean. Strengthen the role of CELAC as a common space for political, economic, social and cultural integration of the region. Train and assign the cadres who will promote the strategic spaces for regional integration and cooperation (ALBA, PETROCARIBE, UNASUR, and CELAC).
4.1.5 Strengthen the bilateral strategic alliances with the countries of Our America, as the basis for promoting sub-regional and regional schemes of unity (ALBA, MERCOSUR, etc.) Strengthen the political identification with the governments and brother peoples of the ALBA and MERCOSUR member countries to continue promoting policies of justice and solidarity in Our America. Intensify the grand-national projects of economic unity with the ALBA countries, and of productive complementarity with the MERCOSUR countries. Consolidate the policy of political dialogue at the highest level and of productive links with the sister Republic of Colombia, thus fulfilling the mandate of unity of The Liberator, Simón Bolívar.
4.1.6 Advance in the creation of productive economic links with Latin America and the Caribbean which strengthens the national industry and guarantee a secure supply of products. Strengthen Banco del Sur as an institution for the regional financial integration. Generate a permanent policy of solidarity financing to promote productive economic links with Latin America and the Caribbean, to attain our regional economic, productive and food independence.
4.1.7 Consolidate the existing bilateral strategic alliances between Venezuela and the countries in the region, with special emphasis on the cooperation with Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, in the different areas of ongoing complementarity and cooperation. Consolidate Venezuela as a supplier of solidarity cooperation, without hegemonic pretenses and based on the principle of self-determination of the peoples. Approach cooperation with the allied countries of the region as a driving force of the socialist socio-productive model. Guarantee scientific and technological transfer in cooperation, in order to achieve productive economic independence.
4.1.8 Promote the new Latin American and Caribbean communication order, with emphasis on the new regional mass media and systems, and the promotion of new communication tools. Strengthen Telesur to guarantee a broader regional and world presence. Expand the signal of Radio del Sur as a communication tool for the recognition of political processes of the region. Promote alternative and community information networks in the region, as well as social networks. Disseminate, on a permanent basis, truthful information produced by the ALBA countries and other allied countries of the South. Guarantee the permanent production of contents disseminated through the regional mass media about the social, political, and cultural advances of the Bolivarian Revolution.
4.1.9 Promote the amicable and cooperative resolution of pending demarcations, based on the understanding that the stabilization of borders is an element of unity and peace.
4.2 Consolidate our identity as a nation and as part of Our America.
4.2.1 Consolidate the heterogeneous and ethnic diversity vision of Venezuela and Our America, based on the respect for and integration of minorities and indigenous peoples to the life of the nation and its decision-making process. Consolidate and create national institutional structures in Our America at the organizations for cooperation and integration such as ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC, and MERCOSUR. Increase the presence of this issue in the curricula and audiovisual programs, as well as in national and international events on this topic.
4.2.2 Address, from the high legal, national and regional levels of Our America, the educational contents related to the national identity and diversity of the peoples. Present regional and sub-regional initiatives such as Social Letters, Cultural Letters, Declarations, Pacts and government documents stemming from the people’s participation and contained in the new institutional structures of Our America. Defend the presence of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples in the decision-making process in Our America.
4.3 Continue to promote the development of a multipolar world without imperial domination with full respect for the self-determination of peoples.
4.3.1 Constitute a network of political relations with the emerging power groups. Establish an alliance with the BRICS Group as a nucleus that gathers the fundamental emerging powers in the consolidation of a multipolar world. Promote reconcilement and coordination among the new mechanisms of Latin American and Caribbean unity (ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC) and the BRICS Group, in order to further strengthen the voice of the peoples of the South in the global agenda. Take the strategic alliances with the People’s Republic China, the Russian Federation and the Federative Republic of Brazil to a higher level to continue consolidating the national power. Establish strategic alliances with the Republic of India and the Republic of South Africa. Strengthen the political and economic cooperation with all the countries of Our America and with those countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania whose governments are willing to work on the basis of respect and mutual cooperation. Intensify the approach to mechanisms of economic and political integration of Asia and Africa, (ASEAN, ECOWAS, etc.) by participating as observers and promoting contacts between them and the mechanisms of Latin American and Caribbean unity. Promote Venezuela’s leadership in the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), with a view to holding the 17th Summit of Heads of State and of Government in Venezuela. Give a new impulse to South – South inter regional fora such as the South America – Africa Forum (ASA) and the South America - Arab Countries Forum (ASPA).
4.3.2 Create a new communication order for the South. Strengthen the multi-State Telesur television and radio networks and Radio del Sur, together with their respective electronic platforms, to expand their scope, their broadcasts in different languages and the variety and quality of their contents, in order to disseminate the truth of our peoples and break the information blockade and censorship to which the peoples of imperialist powers are subject to by the transnational communication corporations. Establish alliances with the communication and information networks of the emerging world groups to guarantee mutual knowledge and truthful information about our realities, without the distorting screening of the big communication companies of imperialist powers.
4.3.3 Promote peoples’ diplomacy and the leading participation of the organized people’s movements in the construction of a multipolar world in equilibrium. Promote the participation of global networks of social movements in big international Fora and Summits. Support the organization and celebration of international fora of social movements and grass-roots people’s organizations and get acquainted with their demands and proposals to include them in the global political agenda.
4.3.4 Continue encouraging the transformation of the Human Rights Systems, based on the respect, the democratization of the system, the sovereign equity of States and the principle of non-interference. Maintain an active policy and leadership, together with the progressive countries in the region, calling for an urgent and necessary transformation of the Inter-American System and Court of Human Rights, since they are highly politicized bastions of the U.S. imperialism.
4.4 Dismantle the neocolonial system of imperial domination.
4.4.1 Separate Venezuela from the international mechanisms of imperial domination. Denounce multilateral treaties that impose limits on the national sovereignty to serve the interests of the neocolonial powers (Inter-American System of Human Rights, etc.). Denounce bilateral agreements and treaties that impose limits on the national sovereignty to serve the interests of the neocolonial powers (promotion and protection of investments). Establish the necessary alliances to neutralize the actions of the neocolonial powers in international agencies. Eliminate the participation of international financial institutions in the national development projects.
4.4.2 Reduce economic and technological relations with imperial circles of domination to levels that do not compromise the national independence. Take the commercial exchange with neocolonial powers down to non-vital levels. Take relations with financial circles dominated by neocolonial powers down to non-vital levels. Reduce the participation of neocolonial powers in the financing of strategic projects for national development. Take the connection of Venezuela to the information and communication networks dominated by neocolonial powers down to non-vital levels Eliminate the dependence of national development strategic sectors on information and communication networks controlled by neocolonial powers. Take the technological participation of imperial powers in national development projects down to non-vital levels. Eliminate the technological participation of imperial powers in strategic sectors for the national sovereignty.
4.4.3 Strengthen and expand relations with the emerging groups of the new world. Increase the amount of the emerging foreign currencies in the reserves and in Venezuela’s international trade. Carry out most of the economic and commercial exchange with emerging groups of the new world. Increase the economic and technological participation of emerging groups of the world in national development projects. Establish alliances for political coordination and economic exchange among the unity mechanisms of the South in different continents, with special emphasis on the BRICS member countries.
V. Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.
5.1 Build and promote the eco-socialist and productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature that guarantees the rational, sustainable and optimal use of natural resources while preserving the processes and cycles of nature.
5.1.1 Promote socialism as the only option in the face of the predatory and unsustainable capitalist model.
5.1.2 Promote, at the national and international levels, a new socio-productive ethics that encourage the transformation of the unsustainable patterns of capitalist production and consumption.
5.1.3 Generate socio-productive alternatives and new schemes of economic and financial cooperation for the leverage of comprehensive development and the establishment of a fair world trade, under the principles of complementarity, cooperation and solidarity.
5.2 Protect and defend the permanent sovereignty of the State over the natural resources for the supreme benefit of its people, which shall always be its main guarantor.
5.2.1 Promote actions at the national and international levels for the protection and preservation of strategic areas, among them: water sources and reservoirs (surface waters and ground waters), integrated management of watersheds, biodiversity, sustainable management of seas, oceans, and forests. Maintain a leadership position at the multilateral and regional international negotiations related to the respective legal environmental frameworks in every sector. Continue to encourage the recognition of the access to water as a human right in all fora and at all levels.
5.2.2 Dismantle and combat the international schemes that promote the corporatization of nature, environmental services and ecosystems. Activate strategic alliances to combat the corporatization of nature in all international fora. Promote the development of a vision from ALBA-TCP and CELAC that makes it possible to strengthen the defense of regional interests, with a vision of our own from the South, on these sensitive and strategic issues that constitute new forms of domination and dependence.
5.2.3 Promote cooperation, at the regional level, for the integrated management of transboundary natural resources. Relaunch cooperation with bordering countries on issues related to environmental management and ecological areas of common interest according to the principles of international law. Defend the territorial rights and the sovereignty of the Venezuelan State in the negotiations related to the administration of marine and ocean spaces, as well as of marine biological diversity beyond the national jurisdiction.
5.2.4 Combat the trend whereby all world environmental problems are to be discussed by the Security Council, since they should be solved with the participation of all States, without foreign hegemonic impositions. Closely follow the development of the agenda of the Security Council, to avoid the inclusion of environmental and human topics as “international security issues.” Strengthen substantive debates on economic, social and environmental issues in relevant fora at the regional and multilateral levels, so that decisions are made in an inclusive and transparent manner, without paternalistic and neo-colonialist instructions by developed countries.
5.3 Defend and protect the historical and cultural patrimony of Venezuela and that of Our America.
5.3.1 Combat the production and valuation of cultural elements and dominant historical stories, which circulate through the media and diverse institutions. Engage public institutions in the production of sound criticisms to cultural forms and dominant historical recreations. Channel criticism through the public media (magazines, television, events, etc.). Promote the production of school texts to raise awareness and train the new generations in a critical spirit.
5.3.2 Create opinion for and mechanisms to record popular cultures and the historical memory of subordinate social and ethnic groups. At the national and regional levels, to identify the opinion for and popular forms of recreating the historical memory (for example, chroniclers). Organize in every Community Council and in every Community under Construction, working groups to record the historical memory and the dissemination of the contents of the popular or ethnic culture (in the case, for example, of aboriginal populations, Afro-Venezuelans, the works done by the Committees of Urban Lands, Water Tables and others). Train popular experts in the safeguard of the popular cultural patrimony and the historical memory. Engage museums and other institutions of historical and cultural interest, in the plan for the preservation and valuation of the popular historical and cultural patrimony.
5.3.3 Produce a new culture, according to humanist principles, with the popular and intellectual actors, so that the revalued past could be integrated with the present we want to build. Promote debates within popular organizations about cultural experiences and identities for the analysis of the current situation and the changes needed. Make special emphasis on gender relations. In this regard, we intend to promote the creation of working groups made up by women, in order to reflect on their family and working life and produce resistance and liberation strategies, since they suffer the ravages of dominant cultures, where women are relegated to a secondary role, often suffering explicit forms of violence. The same thing would apply to groups with diverse sexual preferences (homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons) who are forced to live under a repressive and humiliating condition, where the only way out is the frivolity offered by the capitalist world. Favor the construction of social spaces, which can coincide with the Community Councils that are more involved with the revolutionary project, where new socialization forms, more solidarity economic rules and the construction of less repressive identities are experienced.
5.3.4 Elaborate strategies for the maintenance and dissemination in the global world of the cultural features and the historical memory of the Venezuelan people. Plan, in an effective way, the delivery to all public and school libraries of the materials produced about (a) the history of subordinate groups; (b) the popular historical memory; (c) the different regional and ethnic cultures of Venezuela. Encourage the dissemination of the historical, cultural, popular, traditional and new contents through the mass, public and private media. Elaborate and implement a coordinated plan to disseminate the traditional culture and the ethnic and subordinate historical memory of Venezuela through international diplomatic institutions of Venezuela and encourage the relations with the universities of other countries.
5.4 Contribute to the creation of a big world movement to eradicate the causes and reverse the effects of climate change that occur as a consequence of the predating capitalist model.
5.4.1 Continue struggling for the preservation, respect for and strengthening of the climate system constituted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. Dismantle the schemes of international carbon markets that legitimate the purchase of contamination rights and the unpunished destruction of the planet. Promote and encourage the strengthening of the climate juridical regime in force with emphasis on the historical responsibilities of developed countries. Encourage and support actions that promote the search for international justice regarding incompliance by developed countries of their obligations within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol.
5.4.2 Design, at the national level, a National Mitigation Plan that includes the productive sectors that originate emissions of Greenhouse Gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Promote the transformation of those productive sectors, at the national level, aligned with the transforming ethics of the socialist economic model, with special emphasis on energy, the agricultural and livestock sector, solid waste management and forests.
5.4.3 Design an ambitious National Plan of Adaptation according to the eco-socialist and Bolivarian ethical commitment that will make it possible for our country to prepare itself for climate impacts and scenarios that will certainly take place due to the irresponsibility of industrialized countries, which are the big polluters of the world. Design a plan with the cooperation of all national entities in charge of the territorial planning and the management of disasters with prospective strategic planning for temperature increments in the next 20 years, according to the mitigation promises that could in fact consolidate within the context of the United Nations. Estimate the costs derived from losses and damages resulting from extreme climatic episodes, including the insurance and reinsurances for specific sensitive sectors (such as agriculture), which should add to the ecological debt of industrialized countries.