
Modi 3.0: Early signs and mischievous misinterpretation of the 2024 Indian election outcome
CPI(ML) Liberation — By all indications Modi will try to stabilise the new government by paying lip service to the NDA while continuing his aggressive fascist agenda, even if at a slightly slower pace at first.

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Hulu Jelai rare earth mine project needs scrutiny
Socialist Party of Malaysia Bureau of Environment and Climate Crisis — The lives and livelihood of the Semai Orang Asli Community in Pos Lanai, Kuala Lipis, Pahang are in danger, once again.

Jammu Kashmir: Victory of masses against colonial oppression and neoliberal policies
Haris Qadeer — The ongoing people's rights movement in Pakistani-administered Jammu Kashmir has finally emerged victorious after a year-long struggle.

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: The dictator is down, throw him out!
CPI(ML) Liberation — The first two phases of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections have set the tone and direction of these elections. We the people of India must now take it forward to ensure a clear victory

India: CPI(ML) Liberation releases Manifesto for Lok Sabha elections 2024
CPI(ML) Liberation has released its Lok Sabha Election manifesto with the clarion call to end the disastrous and dictatorial Modi reign of corporate loot, communal hate and constitutional subversion.