
PLM anti-vaccine covert operation

The Philippines: Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) condemns US military anti-vaccine and anti-Chinese covert operations

Partido Lakas ng Masa condemns in the strongest possible terms the deadly covert operations conducted by US imperialism against the Filipino people during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Modi 3.0

Modi 3.0: Early signs and mischievous misinterpretation of the 2024 Indian election outcome

CPI(ML) Liberation — By all indications Modi will try to stabilise the new government by paying lip service to the NDA while continuing his aggressive fascist agenda, even if at a slightly slower pace at first.
CPIML on elections

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: The historic 2024 mandate against the dictatorial Modi regime

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation —Democracy in India received a powerful and much-needed shot in the arm in the 2024 elections.
PLM protest climate

Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): Enough false climate solutions, it’s time for an ecosocialist alternative!

PLM believes that the path towards a rapid, equitable, and just transition to renewable energy cannot be found in the false solutions promoted by domestic and foreign capitalists from the fossil fuels industry.
Hulu Jelai rare earth mine

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Hulu Jelai rare earth mine project needs scrutiny

Socialist Party of Malaysia Bureau of Environment and Climate Crisis — The lives and livelihood of the Semai Orang Asli Community in Pos Lanai, Kuala Lipis, Pahang are in danger, once again.
CPIML Liberation

Communist Party of India Marxist-Leninist Liberation: Lok Sabha election results are a mandate against the Modi dictatorship

The Lok Sabha election results are a mandate against Modi's dictatorship, and is a victory for democracy and Constitution, said CPI(ML) Liberation's General Secretary Comrade Dipankar.
Kashmir protest

Jammu Kashmir: Victory of masses against colonial oppression and neoliberal policies

Haris Qadeer — The ongoing people's rights movement in Pakistani-administered Jammu Kashmir has finally emerged victorious after a year-long struggle.
All eyes on Rafah

Partido Lakas ng Masa (The Philippines): Defend Rafah! End the siege on Gaza now! Stop Israel’s fascist and genocidal invasion!

Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) condemns in the strongest terms the recent wave of bombings of Rafah by the settler-colonial and fascistic Zionist project of Israel.
Throw Modi Out

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: The dictator is down, throw him out!

CPI(ML) Liberation — The first two phases of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections have set the tone and direction of these elections. We the people of India must now take it forward to ensure a clear victory
Armed women from one of the revolutionary militias defending the revolution against US backed jihadists

When Afghanistan was red!

Imran Kamyana — The Saur Revolution of 1978 is a ray of hope in these dark times, and proves that even in the most backward regions and most difficult situations, this system of oppression and exploitation can be challenged and overthrown.
Indian rupees

Capitalism, corporates, cronies and common people in India’s ‘new democracy’ on sale: The case of the electoral bond scheme

Raju J Das — In India’s complex and increasingly autocratic political landscape, Hindu supremacism is in a mutually beneficial alliance with corporates against democracy.
CPIML manifesto

India: CPI(ML) Liberation releases Manifesto for Lok Sabha elections 2024

CPI(ML) Liberation has released its Lok Sabha Election manifesto with the clarion call to end the disastrous and dictatorial Modi reign of corporate loot, communal hate and constitutional subversion.

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