
Karen Yamanaka — Putin has recently taken hostile military actions against neighbouring countries in the Far East and has strengthened military ties with North Korea. China, on the other hand, has watched the recent Russian-North Korean rapprochement with mixed feelings.
CPI(ML) Liberation — The Modi-BJP establishment is replicating the colonial-era tactics of intimidating and threatening the media and democratic voices under draconian anti-terror laws.

In April 2022, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) demolished several homes in the slums of Jahangirpuri.

This document, adopted by the Party of the Labouring Masses, outlines the urgent demands of the masses, the transitional socialist platform of the Government of the Masses, and the socialist principles and lessons that guide the building of socialism in the Philippines.
Akira Kato discusses rising US-China tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Japan’s attempts to transform itself into a regional military power, the conflicts over Ukraine and Taiwan and building mass anti-war struggles today.
Ammar Ali Jan discusses global politics, growing tensions between the United States and China, the impacts of this on Pakistan and implications for anti-imperialism in the Global South today.
Farooq Sulehria — Ever since Imran Khan’s dismissal as Pakistan’s prime minister, through a vote of no-confidence in April 2022, a section of leftish media outlets in the West have been busy unearthing a CIA plot behind the ‘regime change’ in Pakistan.
As violence raged in Manipur with no political solution in sight, CPI(ML) Liberation constituted a fact-finding team who visited Manipur from August 10-14. This is their report.
CPI(ML) Liberation — With every passing day, the Modi government is reducing an elected parliament in a democratic republic to the status of an emperor's royal court.
Japanese Communist Party's Kimitoshi Morihara discusses US-China tensions, Japan’s shifting post-war security policy, the party's position on Ukraine and Taiwan, and possible peace initiatives for the region.
Sonny Melencio discusses the current state of global imperialism, the looming threat of a US-China war and what approach the left should take to regional peace, security and anti-imperialist solidarity.

President Joe Biden has just concluded his first official visit to Asia seeking to secure and advance the United States’ core strategic interests in this vital area of the world.